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> Sanctimony - When The Sun Was God [demo] (1996), Death Metal (D4)
post Jun 1 2011, 21:37:04
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*Artist: Sanctimony
*Album: When The Sun Was God [demo]
*Year: 1996
*Genre: Death Metal
*Country: Latvia (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/Latvia.png)
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 73MB

1. Intro 3:44
2. First Cross 5:48
3. Eternal Suffering 4:25
4. Kas Tie Tдdi, Kas Dziedдja 2:15
5. The Castke Mound 5:16
6. March Of The Knight 6:49
7. The Lost 5:04
Total playing time: 33:21

Extended info
Release date: July 8th, 1996

По-думовому мрачный, тяжелый death metal c ранне-Morbid Angel' овскими риффами и вкраплениями фолка. Лиричная Kas Tie Tдdi, Kas Dziedдja видимо является народной песней, при этом неплохо вписывается в общее настроение. Это демо довольно таки отличается от остальных релизов группы, которая на дебютном альбоме заиграла более темпераментный death европейской школы, а после и вовсе рванула в death'n'roll.

Запись немного глуховата, но в этом есть своя прелесть)
Скан облоги в архиве.

Sanctimony Official Website

Review из металархивов:
When the Sun Was God

Excellent demo - 90%

This is probably the best demo that I own. The dirty production works in the band's favor by making the music more brutal, in the same way that The Chasm's Deathcult for Eternity works.
The musicians on this tape are so goddamn good, especially Karlis, the drummer. If you listen to any of the albums he's been on (by Sanctimony and Neglected Fields), you know that he sounds like an eight-armed monster. On here, he sounds like he's trying to hurt you with his playing. Just fucking brutal! In fact, the whole band seems angry to the point that they want to just fucking kill everything and everyone. When you read the lyrics about Latvia being invaded and colonized by other cultures, then you know that these guys have about 1000 years of hereditary anger behind what they're singing about. Vocals are like the typical death metal type, but not bad. Of course, the next logical thing is the guitars, which never get too technical. Very similar to Morbid Angel in terms of rhytym, but the leads are more structured. They really make the songs great, though. "First Cross," "The Lost," and "Eternal Suffering" are the greatest examples of their songwriting. They slow way down for "March of the Knight," and it sounds kind of like "Slaughtered" by Hypocrisy, except much better.
There are two songs on here that are actually Latvian folk songs, the intro and "Kas Tie Tady." They definatly don't fit in with the rest of the songs, because they sound really doomy and depressed, but they have great atmospheres and melodies. On "Kas Tie Tady," a very beautiful woman's voice sings in Latvian as the guitars weave around. They're cool songs, but yes, very out of place amidst the rest of the songs. A blessing, but a potential turn-off for some people. I rather like them. I actually prefer this to their full-length CD, which has better production, but just doesn't seem as powerful.
- natr

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post Aug 11 2016, 15:24:05
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Russian Federation

в конце 90х была такая кассетка. Тогда слушалось на ура.
треки с bandcamp https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3lmsm8B52...iew?usp=sharing
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