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> Ordo Templi Orientis, Atmospheric/Depressive Black Metal
post Jun 13 2010, 10:06:22
Post #1

In Reality Suffer
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From: Iran
On Forums: 15 years 11 months
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Atmospheric/Depressive Black Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Depression, Insanity, Death, Satanism, Misanthropy
Belarus (Grodno)
Formed In:
Current line-up:
Gesmas Lvcen Waarg (Asmodey Nahema) - Vocals, All Instruments (Goat Occvlt Christgasm, Pant, Grieved Sometime Valley, Othilan)
Gabriel Van Abatth - Bass, Keyboards (Grieved Sometime Valley, Socium)
Former/Past Member(s):
Guest musicians:
Pavel "Jaravit" L. - Male Voices, Additional Guitars (Jar, Othilan, Grieved Sometime Valley)
Miss Rayne Force - Female Voices (Grieved Sometime Valley)
Additional notes
There were also some unofficial recordings that were never officially released:
- "The Great Chaos in Downpour Empire - Thy King Fell from the Throne. Hail the King!" (demo 2004/2005)
- "Black Horns of Evil" (demo 2007)
- "Fog. Cold. Infinity" (demo 2007) - released only on "In Underground of Downpour Empire" compilation
- "Across the Damned Universe" (demo 2007) - released only on "In Underground of Downpour Empire" compilation
- "From the Cradle of the Winds" (demo 2007) - released only on "In Underground of Downpour Empire" compilation
- "Unnamed" (demo 2007) - released only on "In Underground of Downpour Empire" compilation
- "Paganatum (Pagan Autumn)" (demo 2007) - released only as "Paganatum (Pagan Autumn)/The Doll (Temptful Whisper of Succubi Lilith)" compilation
- " The Doll (Temptful Whisper of Succubi Lilith)" (joint work with Pant, 2008) - released only as "Paganatum (Pagan Autumn)/The Doll (Temptful Whisper of Succubi Lilith)" compilation
- "Holy Slaves of Satan" (single 2008)
- "Melunholy Black Metal" (EP 2008)
- "A Forgotten" (demo 2006/2008)
- "Bathos Metis" (single 2009)
- "Hysteria" (demo 2009)
- "Frail Wings of Majesty to Azazel" (single 2009)
- "Your 17 Miles" (Single Colaboration with Andrarakh and Deep-pression 2009)

Copyright abused releases:

Deep-pression & Ordo Templi Orientis & Gloom & Andrarakh - Bringers Of Relief To My Eyes [split] (2009)

Ordo Templi Orientis - The Great Chaos In Downpour Empire-Thy King Fell From Throne. Hail... [demo] - 2005
Ordo Templi Orientis - Paganatum (Pagan Autumn) [demo] - 2007
Ordo Templi Orientis & Othilan - Thre Rivers Of Gods - Black Horns Of Evil [split] - 2007
Ordo Templi Orientis - Where Eternally Autumn Winds Blow [full-length] - 2008
Ordo Templi Orientis & Iad Uroboros - Vex Irritation [split] - 2009
Ordo Templi Orientis - Paganatum (Pagan Autumn)/The Doll (Temptful Whisper Of Succubi Lilith) [best of/compilation] - 2009
Ordo Templi Orientis - Funny Smiles And Purple Pills [ep] - 2009
Ordo Templi Orientis - Dysphory (Part One) [full-length] - 2009
Ordo Templi Orientis - In Underground Of Downpour Empire 2005-2007 [best of/compilation] - 2009
Ordo Templi Orientis - Eros Et Culto Thanatos [ep] - 2009
Ordo Templi Orientis & Grieved Sometime Valley - Split [split] - 2009
Ordo Templi Orientis - The Distances Of Cold [full-length] - 2010
Ordo Templi Orientis & Blutenstrasse & Moloch (Ukr) & Winter Depression - ...Und Monoton Herbstlinien [split] - 2010
Ordo Templi Orientis & Othilan - Demo Split 2007 [split] - 2010
Ordo Templi Orientis & Andrarakh & Deep-pression - Your 17 Miles [collaboration] - 2012

Official site:

This post has been edited by Абигор: Jul 4 2016, 16:29:38

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post Aug 15 2013, 16:14:07
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Правь статус, ####!111
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From: MoscoW
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Russian Federation


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