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> Carnival Of Carnage & Biocyst - They Keep Coming Back In A Bloodthursty Lust For Human Flesh!/Pathologic Goregrind [split] (2002), Goregrind | Brutal Goregrind/Noisegrind
post Feb 15 2011, 12:24:42
Post #1

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*Artist: Carnival Of Carnage & Biocyst
*Album: They Keep Coming Back In A Bloodthursty Lust For Human Flesh!/Pathologic Goregrind [split]
*Year: 2002
*Genre: Goregrind | Brutal Goregrind/Noisegrind
*Country: Netherlands (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/Netherlands.png) | Netherlands (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/Netherlands.png)
*Format: flac
*Size: 463MB

Carnival Of Carnage:
01. Once More Engaged In Necrophilia 01:29
02. Doused With Gasoline & Set Afire 01:38
03. Axed Til Death (Twenty-Two Counts Of Manslaughter) 01:38
04. Necronerd 01:32
05. Dark Blood Welling Out Of Ragged Wounds And Jagged Slashes 01:48
06. Murdered Execution-Style 01:53
07. Acute Gastroenteritis 00:46
08. Pattern Of Overkill 01:33
09. Pus Is Pouring From Infectious Gaps 01:46
10. Homemade Torture Device 01:54
11. Aggravated Battery 01:36
12. The Unsatisfied Urge To Kill 05:45
13. Hands And Feet Hacked Off 01:21
14. Carved Chunks Of Flesh Ready To Be Eaten 01:26
15. Extinguished By Asphyxiation 01:31
16. Post-Operative Subject 00:39
17. Human-Taxidermie 01:25
18. Bone Fragments In The Stove 00:49
19. Horrific Homicidal Impulse 01:44
20. A Toilet Clogged With Guts 02:43
21. Methodically Shot, Sliced & Acid Bathed 02:20
22. Chili Con Carnage 01:50
23. ITD (Imperfect Teratomic Diathesis)/Protesophagious Valvula (Angelchik/Barret&Bauhini) 03:23
24. Dermaductectasious/Neo-Vuleolatric Oesia In Duplastreptococious Pyogene/Leydig-Celldiagnose 01:09
25. Rapid Cells/Amoebiasic Autolyses By Exogenia 02:12
26. Pre-Oddi-Sphincter Convulse/Ancylostomic Intralaryngious Nidia 01:07
27. Echnococcusihoea/Duchenne-Disease 02:07
28. Basedow-Disease/Endocardiovascula Tissue Necrolysis 00:12
29. Bullosious Chloasma/Anusatresial Diffusion By Pulpious Membrane/Korsakoff-Syndrome 00:31
30. Non Surgical Modification A/Echocolonductusasia/BTD (Balanced Teratomic Diathesis) 03:55
31. Non Surgical Modification B/On Scirrhused Based Cholangiolitis Measured In Segmented Portions 01:11
32. Repititive Cardiopulmonaryspasms/Glia-Tissuelated Gasgangrene By Neurolytes 00:24
33. Grawitz-Tumour/In Utero Prenatal Bodystructured Gryposis 00:10
34. Myxosarcoma In Stomachoid Sarcolysis/Mucopolysacharide 00:11
35. Saprogenic Process Of Xerodermatofyte On Skin, Nails & Hair/Brown-Sequard-Syndrome 00:12
36. Dragstedt-Surgery/Oesomeatus Effused Fibrosa Muco-Pus 00:25
37. Platzbauch/Subileus Appendiculair Dyspepsia 00:31
38. Autologic Gradtability & Transplantation Methods/Pagets Thelorragia Hemorrhasecrete 01:46
39. Instant Cerebrovascular Bloating/Rectocolitis Disorder By Glutinious Tissue-Expanded Overgrowth 00:36
40. Vater Papillium/Gastroparesed Biliodigestive Contractions 00:37
41. Secondary Necrobiosis/Dimorfic Pneumonomycosial Presence Caused By A High Based Parasitic Fermentfase 00:28
42. Basic Rejection Caused By Irreverseble Pancrealapoplexion/Phrenicusexaeresitis 00:20
43. Partial Colproctanomatic Removal/Banti-Syndrome 00:43
44. Periferred Facialisparalysed Blepharophimosis Squamosa/Capillair Parenchymatosial Bloodgas Angiodysplases 00:45
45. Incefalojunctura/Thora-Subcutane Emphysemia 00:40
46. Paracentesial Obduction In Abdoma/Perianal Lineair Raphia 01:23
47. Carbogastra Enterothraxial Compost/Ophthalamic Purulenta Capsula 00:15
48. Incretal Hemofiltrated Silicoleachings/Bifasic Pulmonary Circulated Infarct 00:48
49. The Clinic Manifestation Of A Pagedaenial Process Explored In A Trifased Period/Sarcoidosial Ulcafugax 00:15
50. Bi-Oculair Aggregations In Claucoma Inflammatoria/Renal Dysergy 01:42
51. Subital Lepromatosed Puriform/Permanent Inborn Cardio-Anabiosial Delays 00:37
52. Incomplete Organopexia/Choledochoduodenostomy 00:18
53. High Exogenic Pressure Reveales Hepatorrhexial Tuptures/Sacciformed Aneurysm & Endocard 00:12
54. Daniels-Biopsy/Bioculus Phlyctaenulosial Scrofulosa 00:13
55. Inconstant Pustulosis/Mola 00:14
56. Seromucosial & Serosial Glandulair Dysendocrinosis/Ileitis Gastrogenic Lyogel/Exudative Lympho Splenoma 00:18
57. Non Surgical Modification C/Synopsis Of Viscera 02:18
58. Osteopsathyrosis/Abnormal Cerebralcapacity By Macrencefelia 00:12
59. Oedemic Renalnephrosial Tensions/Myxoid & Rufumlike Secretion Through Tracheobronchitis 00:19
60. Ewing-Sarcoma/Polyarteriitisnodosa 00:18
61. Leptospirosial Icterohaemorrhagica/Vasculair Subdural Hematomia 00:14
62. In Liquefactio Stage/Placentair Hematomium/Roux-Surgery 00:35
63. Appendiculair Vermiformis/Endocardial Fibromelastosis 01:09
64. Kaposi-Eruption/Gitelman-Syndrome 00:37
65. Mors In Tabula 02:44
Total playing time: 1:17:22



This post has been edited by satanath: Feb 26 2012, 10:02:18

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post Feb 24 2011, 22:06:39
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post Mar 7 2015, 10:39:10
Post #3

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From: с. Мизоново, Ишимский Район, Тюменская область
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Russian Federation

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