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> Pulmonary Fibrosis & Forever Annihilating The Obese & Rot - 3 Way Split [split] (2004), Goregrind | Grindcore | Hardcore/Grindcore
post Mar 5 2011, 09:51:05
Post #1

In Reality Suffer
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*Artist: Pulmonary Fibrosis & Forever Annihilating The Obese & Rot
*Album: 3 Way Split [split]
*Year: 2004
*Genre: Goregrind | Grindcore | Hardcore/Grindcore
*Country: France (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/France.png) | Canada (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/Canada.png) | Brazil (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/Brazil.png)
*Format: mp3@VBR278kbps
*Size: 100MB

Pulmonary Fibrosis:
1. Blind to the Truth (Napalm Death cover)
2. Herpes Labialis (Malignant Tumour cover)
3. Cannabis Brain (Mindflair cover)
4. Criminalization of Strange Behaviour (Agathocles cover)
5. Vomiting Oscillopsy
6. Symptomatic Jigsaws States
7. Stuff Anal Passage
8. Vaginal Supporation
9. Unslaved of Necrosis
10. Grotesque Anal Passage
11. Gurgling Guts in Your Throat
12. Massive Fermentation Necrosis
13. Vomit Breath (Regurgitate cover)
14. Facial Mastication Cadaveric Sub Tumours
15. Disordered Feaces Junction
16. Neuroblastoma Injected by Viral Oestogena
17. Facial Formaldehyde Anal Furuncles
18. Unreleased (Grosbeuk Song)
Forever Annihilating the Obese:
19. You are Cool Gamera (Sample)
20. No Compromise
21. Powerviolence Fever
22. Russina Roulette (Rot cover)
23. Consequence (Ulcerous Phlegm cover)
24. The Bastards have Landed
25. Cowbells
26. Vegan Fatty
27. Fuelled by Evil (Fuelled by Evil cover)
28. You so Fat (Napalm Death remake)
29. Lard (Napalm Death remake)
30. Night of the Tangled Bush
31. No More Metal Core
32. Poppy Seed Cake (Dead Infection cover)
33. Strawberry Jam
34. Go Fucking Nihilist (Agathocles cover)
35. Richard Simmons Superhero
36. Bought Beauty (Blood cover)
37. Underwater Blubber Bonanza
38. Robots Revenge
39. Outro
40. Happy Absurdity
41. Despise Their Judgement
42. Laws and Crimes + No More + Dear Sory + For Musical Destruction
43. Fanatical Monstrosity + Under the Gillotine + Restricted
44. Troublemaker + Absolution (Fear of God cover)
45. Insane + Elegance of Life
46. Different
47. Paradigm Lost
48. Labyrinths
49. Intolerant Morons
50. Modern Man Suicide
Total playing time: 47:22



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post Oct 30 2016, 05:24:05
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Split Backup Copy
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From: с. Мизоново, Ишимский Район, Тюменская область
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