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post Aug 8 2009, 10:37:16
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Guests team

Собственно, все связанное с новостями в блеке, как то - выход новых альбомов, изменения в составе групп, и тому подобное, теперь постим в этой теме.
Создание отдельных тем для каждой новости не рекомендуется (только в исключительных случаях). Так что все новости - сюда!

Для новостей Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal существует отдельная тема: Новости направления MBM/Symphonic Black Metal

by Blood13

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post Jun 26 2011, 16:56:45
Post #1801

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but please don't offer stuff that isn't as supreme as the ones we are releasing.

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post Jun 26 2011, 17:09:05
Post #1802

Пять Литров
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Lamech Records:
26.06.2011 OUT NOW!

HORNS - 'Im Schein trьben Kerzenlichts'
DigiCd limited to 999 copies. (Lamech 407-2203)

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post Jun 26 2011, 17:59:42
Post #1803

Шесть Литров
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отличная новость! Мартин просто не может подкачать. Дико жду. Это лето будет таким же шизовым, как и прошлое, ибо в прошлом июле я въехал в Wгermer zu Weinen, и меня никогда не отпустит как от суицидального караоке, так и ото всего остального тодесстосовского)
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post Jun 26 2011, 18:11:41
Post #1804

Восемь Литров
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Мартин просто не может подкачать.
Ага. Abwegnis 121 неплохим таким вышел. И обложки, ох, какие офигенные обложки, как всегда. А ещё, на сайтике Мартина, написано над новыми релизами, что
You won't get this as fucking download!
Кстати, посмотрите этот самый сайт, там интересная фотка дисков, на ней же изображён презерватив, который входит в комплект Sauglingshдngwerk Aushilfsheins. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile1.gif)

(1) HA7tur,
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post Jun 27 2011, 11:12:28
Post #1805

Мракомыслъ Рiпѣыискiй
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ЦИТАТА(VVurd @ May 20 2011, 09:16:28) *
Новый Peste Noire (IMG:style_emoticons/default/spitggis0.gif)
На архивах уже есть треклист и лирика. Всего 5 треков (IMG:style_emoticons/default/hmm.gif)
Состав тоже малость изменился: Indria вернулся в коллектив, а на ударных теперь какой-то левый чел.

на http://www.lamesnieherlequin.com/ можно услышать сэмпл
А вот и CD подоспел с лейбла, для тех кто алчет оригинальных носителей.
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post Jun 27 2011, 16:08:35
Post #1806

Шесть Литров
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ого, либо на его собственном лейбле выходит...очень надеюсь, что в россию они попадут, эти диски. Хотя вполне возможно, что через Wroth Emitter, он же выпускал 121, посмотрим.
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post Jun 27 2011, 17:43:59
Post #1807

Шесть Литров
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ЦИТАТА(Algis @ Jun 27 2011, 11:12:28) *
А вот и CD подоспел с лейбла, для тех кто алчет оригинальных носителей.

а чё цена-то слабенькая совсем?Продавали-бы уж сразу тыщи за полторы, это-ж новый Пест Нуар, йопта!

а если серьёзно, то на лэйбле диск стоит вполне стандартно, 12 еврорублей.

Кароче пару дней и на Хельвете появится за вполне вменяемые 500 рябчиков....такшо я наверно зря критикую "ПЕРВЫЙНАХ" ГулОрг (IMG:style_emoticons/default/crazy.gif)
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post Jun 28 2011, 15:55:27
Post #1808

He who can see the grief and misery
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OCTOBER FALLS will start recording the successor to their critically-acclaimed "A Collapse Of Faith" album in August.

"The Plague Of A Coming Age" will contain nine hymns and will represent a step forward from the band's previous material.
Once again, M. Tarvonen of MOONSORROW fame will handle drums on this new full-length.
The cover is being painted, as we speak, by Argentinian artist Santiago Caruso.

This new piece of Black Metal with folk influences should be released in winter 2011.

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post Jun 28 2011, 18:13:56
Post #1809

Пять Литров
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ЦИТАТА(Mikhail1944 @ Jun 28 2011, 18:55:27) *
This new piece of Black Metal with folk influences should be released in winter 2011.

Хорошо, что не фолковый. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/true_black.gif)
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post Jun 28 2011, 19:26:49
Post #1810

Шесть Литров
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OLD SILVER KEY is the new band born from the hyperactive mind of DRUDKH mainman Roman Sayenko and consisting of four DRUDKH members plus French artist Neige (ALCEST, AMESOEURS) on vocals. OSK's debut album is entitled "Tales of Wanderings" and has been scheduled for a September 16th.

The recording sessions of DRUDKH's ninth full-length will start in July and the album should be ready by the end of the summer.


NIGHTBRINGER's new album "Hierophany of the Open Grave" will hit the stores on August 19th.


ARCKANUM forthcoming album is entitled "Helvнtismyrkr" and will be released on September 16th.

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post Jun 28 2011, 22:32:03
Post #1811

i was damned
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Роман со Снежком будут вместе играть на гитарах? Лол.
Новому October Falls очень рад, обожаю все его работы. Только бы сильных скачков не было, а то ведь, по сути, уникальный проект.
16 сентября новый Арканум... обведу в календаре.
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post Jun 28 2011, 22:59:23
Post #1812

Aber Bitte Mit Sahne
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Legendary italian industrial-post-black metallers ABORYM have inked a worlwide deal with Agonia Records.

The first statements of the singer/bass player Fabban: I know this label very well. We decided to sing up with Agonia Rec exactly because we need to be followed and supported in a more careful and precise way, something that is sometimes quite hard to have if you're part of a major label with hundreds of other bands. There's a crisis in the air, especially in the music industry, reason why we're betting everything on quality. What we will release in 2012 will be a very particular album and it will be required a great commitment from our label, a great commitment, not only from the economic point of view. We chose Agonia because is able to give us everything we ask for in order to achieve something very very important, something that people don't really expect. This is the biggest deal of the entire Aborym's career. We have a very high budget, we have confidence and a massive deployment of energies and resources from Agonia's side. Through these premises we should and we must do only great things.

The sixth Aborym's album will be released in 2012 and it will celebrate the 20th anniversary of activity of the italian combo.

We'll celebrate 20 years of Aborym through a series of surprises for our fans - adds founding member/singer Fabban - The album we're working on will be something extremely astonishing, something that nobody can even remotely imagine. Aborym has always been like that, but this time we'll walk beyond the lines. Our new album will be also a reward to all our fans: our own way to say thank you for 20 years of support and passion for our music.

It's great to be working again with Agonia Records - adds guitarist Hell.IO.Kabbalus - and we're already sticking down with Fabban some new material for the next album. If you think Psychogrotesque was crazy, this next one is going to fuck your synapses from behind.

In July 2011 the new t-shirt celebrating the 20th year of the band, will be available and one of the song from the next album will be used to record the first official video clip of Aborym.

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post Jun 29 2011, 10:37:28
Post #1813

He who can see the grief and misery
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Here we reveal the cover for Hateful Abandon’s new album Move. The booklet will feature complete photography on every page.

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post Jun 29 2011, 15:04:45
Post #1814

любитель шведской buzzzzy'ны
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ЦИТАТА(Mikhail1944 @ Jun 29 2011, 13:37:28) *
Here we reveal the cover for Hateful Abandon’s new album Move. The booklet will feature complete photography on every page.


Вот это прикол ©

Хотя, тоже уже не новый (да и какой-то беспонтовый, кстати).

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post Jun 29 2011, 15:56:22
Post #1815

Шесть Литров
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у триста кстати отличная облога, так что не надо

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post Jun 29 2011, 16:26:38
Post #1816

Group: Металариец
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Итальянцы ABORYM подписали контракт с Agonia Records. Шестой альбом группы выйдет в следующем году в ознаменование 20-летнего юбилея коллектива.

ABORYM станут приоритетным проектом для этого небольшого лэйбла, который предоставит музыкантам больший бюджет для юбилейного альбома. Новая работа обещает стать самым сумасшедшим продуктом, когда-либо появлявшимся под вывеской ABORYM.
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post Jun 29 2011, 16:50:14
Post #1817

Guests team

ЦИТАТА(Namestnik Satany @ Jun 29 2011, 21:26:38) *
Итальянцы ABORYM подписали контракт с Agonia Records. Шестой альбом группы выйдет в следующем году в ознаменование 20-летнего юбилея коллектива.

ABORYM станут приоритетным проектом для этого небольшого лэйбла, который предоставит музыкантам больший бюджет для юбилейного альбома. Новая работа обещает стать самым сумасшедшим продуктом, когда-либо появлявшимся под вывеской ABORYM.

Отлично-отлично, английский Вы сдали (IMG:style_emoticons/default/18.gif)
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post Jun 29 2011, 17:12:10
Post #1818

He who can see the grief and misery
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Ни разу не повтор, да. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/21.gif)
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post Jun 29 2011, 17:52:41
Post #1819

Guests team


Profound Lore records:

We will be releasing the next full-length from the cursed U.S. black metal enigma LEVIATHAN in the late stages of the fall (if all goes accordingly to schedule). Recently the notorious Wrest has tracked the new album with Sanford Parker at Engine Studios in Chicago and will be laying down the final touches to this hateful, wretched piece of tormenting dismal black metal art soon enough. Beware...


As announced recently, ARCKANUM is the latest addition to the Underground Activists roster. The Swedish Black Metal act's forthcoming album is entitled "Helvítismyrkr" and will be released on September 16th in Europe (September 27th in North America).


Profound Lore records:

The unholy Canadian death metal entity ANTEDILUVIAN have begun recording their debut album in which we're hoping to unleash this fall. Expect a blasphemous cavernous death metal conjuration of such albums as "Oath Of Black Blood", "Joined In Darkness", and "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" and you'll get an idea of where the ANTEDILUVIAN full-length will be headed.

Если я слоупок, то извините.

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post Jun 29 2011, 18:11:24
Post #1820

Восемь Литров
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Все эти новости тоже были уже, ну.
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post Jun 29 2011, 18:49:50
Post #1821

Group: Завсегдатай
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QUOTE(Hevn @ Jun 29 2011, 18:52:41) *

As announced recently, ARCKANUM is the latest addition to the Underground Activists roster. The Swedish Black Metal act's forthcoming album is entitled "Helvítismyrkr" and will be released on September 16th in Europe (September 27th in North America).

Блин, куда он так зачастил?! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/21.gif) Поди опять в духе последних двух налабал...
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post Jun 29 2011, 19:04:29
Post #1822

Пять Литров
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ЦИТАТА(Lord Noctua @ Jun 29 2011, 21:49:50) *
Блин, куда он так зачастил?! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/21.gif)

Куй железо не отходя от кассы. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/genius.gif)
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post Jun 29 2011, 21:19:39
Post #1823

i was damned
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Парняги, ну вы хоть немного читайте тему, перед тем как постить. За повторяющуюся по нескольку раз новость вам "спасибо" никто не нажмёт. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/21.gif)
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post Jun 29 2011, 21:43:50
Post #1824

любитель шведской buzzzzy'ны
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ЦИТАТА(Вкустах @ 29th June 2011 - 18:56:22) *
у триста кстати отличная облога, так что не надо

Да, я имеННо поэтому её и запостил для сравнения.

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post Jun 30 2011, 19:17:07
Post #1825

He who can see the grief and misery
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Снова новости по поводу HATEFUL ABANDON "Move" 2011:
Мощная телега по поводу альбома от V/M
It’s been a while since I did one of these, but I can’t think of a better time than now, on the eve of the release of ‘MOVE’, for the five or so of you folks that are interested.

Ok, it’s been a long time coming but it’s finally getting released in the next week or so. We’ve done an album every decade for the last 20 years, what the Hell more do you want?

Humour aside, I’d like to talk a bit about the release and what it means to us.

verb, moved, mov•ing, noun
–verb (used without object)
1. to pass from one place or position to another.
2. to go from one place of residence to another.
3. to advance or progress.
4. to have a regular motion, as an implement or a machine; turn; revolve.
5. to sell or be sold.
6. to start off or leave.
7. to transfer a piece in a game, as chess or checkers.
8. (of the bowels) to discharge or eject the faeces; evacuate.
9. to be active in a particular sphere.
10. to take action; proceed.
11. to make a formal request, application, or proposal.

We were always going to get darker. It’s been the plan all along, that and experiment more. The album you’ll (all five of you) be exposed to in the next couple of weeks has been a long and convoluted process. You may have read about a change in our sound or a change in direction, that’s not strictly true, it’s just what has come next. The true follow up to ‘Famine...’, a band that has grown up together and got used to each other and become a unit working 50/50 as opposed to two people playing their instruments in their own little corner.

In the middle of 2010, when half the album had already been written, we had the urge to play live, obviously without splitting ourselves into four people this was never going to work. So we looked at alternate ways of conveying our message. One thing we learnt is that whatever we do and however we do it, it still sounds like HA. And THIS, my friends, is the second step on the ladder to a further evolution.

A few words about the tracks;

1. The Way it Ends – A song about what is happening around us now, the weather is screwed, natural disasters riddle the Earth, culture is dead and everything is full, bloated, dying. The worst thing is, it’s too late. You can be as ‘pro-active’ as you like, try and reduce your ‘carbon footprint’, recycle etc. All you are doing is slowing down by the tiniest degree the death of a planet that is already on life-support. Enjoy what you are doing now and watch it collapse. It’s better to come to terms with it. The track begins with the sound of a credit card we taped to a large industrial fan and continues into a grinding hypnotic dirge, highlighted by melodic synth and a sea of wailing guitars. I was genuinely livid when I recorded the vocals and I think you can hear that immediately.

2. Human Clockwork – This is about a man who wakes up one morning and realises how controlled he is by everything. His life seems planned out. He starts to feel like a robot, and after a while becomes convinced he is one. He becomes obsessed with the nagging feeling that he is not a real human being. He opens himself up, only to find that he is human after all. Any amateur psychologists in the house? This track is one that has been hanging around in one form or another since 2009. It was great to go back to it. Note the anti-crescendo at the end of the song.

3. Copper Foundation – A song about self doubt. This is one of the first tracks we did after ‘Famine...’ we wanted to break the mould we had created a bit. Another hypnotic dirge. Again, with this track I was so angry when performing I didn’t even follow the lyrics.

4. Poundland – This fucking Country. When they aren’t counting coppers they’re wasting it on crap. Blindly spending money they don’t have on shit they don’t need. Ok, we all do it to a certain extent (actually, no. I need records and books to live damn it...). Don’t get me started on the Royals. We actually wrote this track last, didn’t take us very long really. The ‘whooshing’ sound you hear before the verses is a drill pounding into the studio wall.

5. Buried – A song about being rotten. Having a rotten soul and mind and keeping that a secret. It’s about taking yourself apart bit by bit and examining the contents.

6. Spies in the Wire – This is a Cabaret Voltaire cover. A different mix than you may have heard already. Thanks to Todestrieb for working hard on licensing the song.

7. Hive Mind – Hive mentality, people who can’t see outside their little niche really get to me. Blinkered fools who judge without thinking. Quick to accuse the little bastards are. Connoisseurs will note the sample from Charles Bronson towards the end of the track.

8. The Lost – This has a similar message to the first track on the album. The most ‘pop’ song on the album and this will probably be the last time we sound as such. Never say never though.

So there it is – listen to as loud as you can, preferably on headphones whilst stalking the streets and looking directly into people’s eyes. A few pints won’t hurt either.

The artwork is all done by S. From Todestrieb records and once again I have to thank him for his visionary photography.

Hopefully we’ll able to do some shows that do us justice and I look forward to meeting all five of you for a cold beer.

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post Jul 1 2011, 21:58:21
Post #1826

Шесть Литров
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Лютомысл: "Огонь продолжает пылать. Сегодня состоялась первая репетиция в рамках подготовки к новому альбому."

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post Jul 2 2011, 03:41:08
Post #1827

любитель шведской buzzzzy'ны
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ЦИТАТА(Morbvs @ 2nd July 2011 - 00:58:21) *
Лютомысл: "Огонь продолжает пылать. Сегодня состоялась первая репетиция в рамках подготовки к новому альбому."

Что с ним? Он аки заправская банда с NB теперь будет ещё и отчёты о проделаННой работе писать?
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post Jul 2 2011, 05:17:59
Post #1828

Девять Литров
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Мордокнига это очень мизантропично...
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post Jul 2 2011, 06:51:28
Post #1829

Шесть Литров
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ЦИТАТА(HA7tur @ Jul 2 2011, 06:41:08) *
Что с ним? Он аки заправская банда с NB теперь будет ещё и отчёты о проделаННой работе писать?

В данном случае важен факт того, что альбом будет. Будет он дальше постить модные фотки со скупыми строками "о том, как продвигаются дела" или нет - лично мне по барабану. Сильно проникся последним опусом, так что альбом жду с нетерпением.

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post Jul 2 2011, 07:24:03
Post #1830

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Да последнее у него - лучшее. Выбрасывайте из головы все ваши говномнения "блек-неблек". Блека нет вообще в природе.
Рад этому одночеловеку. Рад новостям от него.
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