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post Aug 8 2009, 10:37:16
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Собственно, все связанное с новостями в блеке, как то - выход новых альбомов, изменения в составе групп, и тому подобное, теперь постим в этой теме.
Создание отдельных тем для каждой новости не рекомендуется (только в исключительных случаях). Так что все новости - сюда!

Для новостей Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal существует отдельная тема: Новости направления MBM/Symphonic Black Metal

by Blood13

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post Jul 30 2013, 07:31:29
Post #5221

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ЦИТАТА(suseka @ Jul 30 2013, 10:06:35) *
Облога у Люстры красивая

Журавли за ВВП летят?


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post Jul 31 2013, 06:13:32
Post #5222

Paysage D'Hiver
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Ván Records
taken from: Blood Vaults -- The Blazing Gospel Of Heinrich Kramer (album 2013)
(Cryptae Sanguinum -- Evangelium Flagrans Henrici Institoris)
available Sep 2013 as
- CD digibook
- gatefold 2LP
- lavish 2LP
at Ván Records, http://www.van-records.de
"Blood Vaults" is meant as a single huge audio opus consisting of 3 parts and divided in a total of 9 songs with a running time of over 78 minutes.
Please excuse if those excerpts sound like being ripped out of the whole, - this exactly what happened.

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post Jul 31 2013, 07:14:17
Post #5223

бутылка кефира полбатона
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Название знакомое, раньше не слушал. Такой мрак мне нравится, уже жду.
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post Jul 31 2013, 07:30:53
Post #5224

Guests team

ЦИТАТА(Paatddal @ Jul 31 2013, 09:13:32) *
Ván Records
taken from: Blood Vaults -- The Blazing Gospel Of Heinrich Kramer (album 2013)

Вечная инквизиция! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/metaler.gif)
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post Jul 31 2013, 11:23:09
Post #5225

I hate you all
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Новости от немецкой блековой формации ENDSTILLE

Comrades! --- Its done!!! Mastering of the new album succeeded. Await "Kapitulation 2013" through Season Of Mist around November. More details here within the next days , Spread the propaganda!!! Sick Heil und FUCK HELL!!!

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post Jul 31 2013, 11:23:11
Post #5226

Хипстор. Блэкмитольный
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Oranssi Pazuzu объявили о выходе нового альбома под названием Valonielu. Выйдет совместно на Svart Records и 20 Buck Spin, 11 октября в Европе и 15 октября в Северной Америке.

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post Jul 31 2013, 16:45:51
Post #5227

Четыре Литра
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"'Odori Sepulcrorum' is an album which embraces the ancient death metal spirit in its most powerful aesthetic while creating an enrapturing unparalleled death metal vision that’s solely defines itself as GRAVE MIASMA’s oeuvre. The result being an opus that will be recognized as the death metal milestone for our cursed age."

GRAVE MIASMA – Odori Sepulcrorum

1. Death’s Meditative Trance
2. Ascension Eye
3 Ovation to a Thousand Lost Reveries
4. Εέσχατος
5. Odoratus Sepulcrorum
6. -
7. Seven Coils
8. Ossuary

Featuring artwork courtesy of Denis Forkas, “Odori Sepulcrorum” is set to be unleashed in conspiracy between Profound Lore Records and Sepulchral Voice Records officially on 13.9.13.



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post Jul 31 2013, 16:56:19
Post #5228

Total Death
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Забавно, что эту же новость я запостил в одно и то же время в разделе Death Metal. Новый трэк очень крут, даже круче того что было в 2009-м. Очень жду. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/gop_spb.gif)
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post Jul 31 2013, 16:56:29
Post #5229

Шесть Литров
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ЦИТАТА(Paatddal @ Jul 31 2013, 06:13:32) *
Ván Records

Уащще отлично!!! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/spitggis0.gif) И чё эт я их раньше не слышал (IMG:style_emoticons/default/11.gif) Это-ж надо такое пропустить

Paatdaal, (IMG:style_emoticons/default/9.gif)

(1) Paatddal,
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post Aug 1 2013, 06:05:42
Post #5230

Paysage D'Hiver
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От тов. Lustre
Me and my damn musical projects. We (Nachtzeit and Vredgad) are proud to share this trailer for our up and coming self-titled debut EP of RAFNATYR. Close your eyes and entrust yourself to the darkest depths of the spirit of our father, the almighty Raven God. /N & V
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post Aug 2 2013, 11:39:38
Post #5231

I hate you all
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Новости от Итальянских блекеров KULT
Готовится к выходу новый альбом " Unleashed from Dismal Light " 2013



сет лист

1 - Specter's Recurrence
2 - Malicious Metamorphosis
3 - Exercitus Mortorum
4 - To Flagellate Life
5 - Raging Curse Upon Man
6 - Into Deadly Coils
7 - Sons of Nightfall
8 - Senza Pace


(1) Spikes,
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post Aug 2 2013, 13:35:32
Post #5232

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New album ULVEGR - The Call Of Glacial Emptiness to be released on cd/lp on Those Opposed Records in October 2013.

(1) Goatrex,
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post Aug 2 2013, 14:31:39
Post #5233

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ЦИТАТА(rimfrost @ Aug 2 2013, 16:39:38) *
Новости от Итальянских блекеров KULT
Готовится к выходу новый альбом " Unleashed from Dismal Light " 2013

чем-то неуловимо напомнили Arckanum
но для макаронников весьма недурно
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post Aug 2 2013, 18:14:35
Post #5234

Волк без яблока
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Emperor в следующем году будут хэдами на Вакене.

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post Aug 2 2013, 19:21:27
Post #5235

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Morok - Fiery Dances Of Dying (2013)


(2) buxsta, Vrolok,
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post Aug 2 2013, 19:23:26
Post #5236

Шесть Литров
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ЦИТАТА(MeatWolf @ Aug 2 2013, 18:14:35) *
Emperor в следующем году будут хэдами на Вакене.

Они ещё живы, это хорошая новость!
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post Aug 2 2013, 19:43:31
Post #5237

Волк без яблока
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ЦИТАТА(alzus @ 2nd August 2013 - 22:23:26) *
Они ещё живы, это хорошая новость!

Они снова живы, судя по всему.
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post Aug 4 2013, 11:42:53
Post #5238

Пять Литров
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ILDJARN - Seven Harmonies of Unknown Truths


release date 23.09.2013


Harmony I
Harmony II
Harmony III
Harmony IV
Harmony V
Harmony VI
Harmony VII
Death Dynamics

более детально от издателя

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post Aug 4 2013, 11:48:10    Сейчас играет: Emperor - Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times
Post #5239

Восемь Литров
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ЦИТАТА(MeatWolf @ Aug 2 2013, 19:43:31) *
Они снова живы, судя по всему.

Да, было бы отлично услышать что-нибудь от этой компании.
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post Aug 4 2013, 12:27:38
Post #5240

The Angel Of Death
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ЦИТАТА(Starseeker @ 4th August 2013 - 13:48:10) *
Да, было бы отлично услышать что-нибудь от этой компании.

Только чтобы было стОящее, а не как с многими реюньонами...
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post Aug 4 2013, 18:15:29
Post #5241

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Не знаю было или нет, но хотелось бы чтоб эта новость с Facebook группы сбылась, так как в переписке Deviant обещал выход альбома еще в январе 2013.

"Osculum Infame

The second full album of the band, the part 2 after its single/MCD "Consuming the Metatron" part 1, will be released through the "Kill For Him" flags hold by our brothers from BATTLESK'RS Prod.
Release date : 16 SEPTEMBER 2013.

More infos soon..."

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post Aug 4 2013, 21:05:16
Post #5242

Guests team

очуметь, этот самый немецкий Morok?
GRAVE MIASMA – Odori Sepulcrorum (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) Очень жду!
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post Aug 5 2013, 06:12:22
Post #5243

Paysage D'Hiver
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ЦИТАТА(Alexis The Best @ 4th August 2013 - 15:27:38) *
как с многими реюньонами...

Так и будет.
Единственное стоящее Возвращение я услышал у Иммортала

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post Aug 5 2013, 06:41:37
Post #5244

Paysage D'Hiver
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Ván99: Urfaust / King Dude
to be released late August / early September!!!

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post Aug 6 2013, 14:56:35
Post #5245

Group: Дух
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Our World, It Rumbles Tonight - 5:12

уже можно прослушать полностю

немножко неоднозначно, вроде все тот же поздний Сатирикон, хотя Сатир обещал смену вектора, но со второго раза нехило зацепило

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post Aug 6 2013, 15:32:14
Post #5246

Восемь Литров
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Ну, не совсем тот... Отличия заметны.
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post Aug 6 2013, 18:22:17
Post #5247

Aber Bitte Mit Sahne
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ЦИТАТА(Alexis The Best @ Aug 4 2013, 15:27:38) *
Только чтобы было стОящее, а не как с многими реюньонами...

Что и следовало ожидать: (IMG:style_emoticons/default/bye.gif)

Norwegian black metallers EMPEROR will celebrate the 20th anniversary of their "In The Nightside Eclipse" album at next year's Wacken Open Air festival, set to take place July 31-August 2, 2014 in Wacken, Germany. EMPEROR members Ihsahn (real name: Vegard Sverre Tveitan) and Samoth (real name: Tomas Haugen) will be joined by Bård Guldvik "Faust" Eithun on drums, and they will perform the CD in its entirety. There will be no new studio album or a worldwide tour — only a few exclusive festival appearances next year to mark the celebration of this landmark release.

The news of EMPEROR's appearance at Wacken Open Air was announced on Friday, August 2 at this year's edition of the festival at a press conference which was attended by Ihsahn and Samoth.

EMPEROR released its swansong, "Prometheus - The Discipline Of Fire And Demise", in September 2001. It was an epic and progressive metal album that once and for all marked EMPEROR as one of the most adventurous and gifted black metal bands of all times. In 2005, EMPEROR surprised all with an unannounced appearance at Oslo's famed Inferno festival. Following the performance, the band announced additional concerts that would include a visit to America; marking the second trip to the States in the band's legendary career. Fans flocked to New York City and Los Angeles to witness the sold-out performances. In 2007, additional shows would see the band return to the U.S. for a repeat performance in New York City, a stop in Chicago, and what would be their final American performance in Los Angeles.

In a May 2012 interview with Gun Shy Assassin, Ihsahn stated about the possibility of more EMPEROR live performances in the future: "After 2007, that was really a final chapter for all of us. But there's always some underlying pressure to do something. Usually, I just say plain 'No.' I can understand the nostalgia and all that. If I wanted to be as nostalgic as everyone else, it wouldn't make any sense for me to actually make any new music [with my solo project] ."

He added: "People who are old-time EMPEROR fans still think I'm 17.

"I am in contact with the guys, and we talk almost weekly; they're good friends. What can I say? Never say never. For the moment, I am so occupied with my own project — that's my main priority."

Ihsahn said he left EMPEROR because he wanted different things.

"I ended up doing most of that last EMPEROR record on my own. If we still did EMPEROR, and if it were up to me, what I do now… that's what we would sound like."

But there will be no new music from EMPEROR, Ihsahn said.

"Part of the reason why our albums keep on selling is probably because we were always an uncompromising band, and that is a tradition I would like to uphold. If we did a new EMPEROR album, what kind of EMPEROR album would people like? I say listen to the stuff I do, and the stuff that Samoth does, and you can more or less figure out what a new EMPEROR record would sound like, and that sounds nothing like old EMPEROR. Trying to duplicate something from the past would just turn everything into a parody.

"Would anyone want a black metal album made just for the sake of making a lot of money?" Ihsahn asked. "I get all of these requests to get back with EMPEROR. In the spirit of black metal, I do whatever the hell I want. That's the whole point of black metal. If I even consider letting anyone else try to tell me what I should do with my music, that, by definition, would make it non-black metal… as I have learned it."

(1) alzus,
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post Aug 7 2013, 06:10:03
Post #5248

Paysage D'Hiver
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ЦИТАТА(Listad @ 6th August 2013 - 17:56:35) *
немножко неоднозначно, вроде все тот же поздний Сатирикон, хотя Сатир обещал смену вектора, но со второго раза нехило зацепило

Отличный трек, ждал намного худшего. Они стали для меня опять слушабельны.
Сложилось такое впечатление, что Сатир нашел таки свой старый синтезатор.
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post Aug 7 2013, 14:20:37
Post #5249

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Ancestors Blood - A Moment Of Clarity (2013) (Heidens Hart Records)



(1) acerbus,
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post Aug 7 2013, 16:24:01
Post #5250

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Ellende - Ellende (2013) (Talheim Records)

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