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post Aug 8 2009, 10:37:16
Post #1

Guests team

Собственно, все связанное с новостями в блеке, как то - выход новых альбомов, изменения в составе групп, и тому подобное, теперь постим в этой теме.
Создание отдельных тем для каждой новости не рекомендуется (только в исключительных случаях). Так что все новости - сюда!

Для новостей Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal существует отдельная тема: Новости направления MBM/Symphonic Black Metal

by Blood13

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post Oct 9 2013, 18:45:01
Post #5491

Четыре Литра
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Cosmic Church "Ylistys"


Second album of pure black metal out now on Kuunpalvelus on vinyl and CD.

Three sample songs up on Soundcloud:

Retail and wholesale only at

Northern Heritage
Terratur Possessions
Triumph of Death
Merchant of Death
Iron Bonehead
Those Opposed
Levykauppa Äx

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post Oct 9 2013, 21:18:25
Post #5492

Время Мары
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Один из треков предстоящего сплита Midnight Odyssey с участием The Crevices Below и Tempestuous Fall (следует отметить, что все эти проекты одного и того же человека). Называться данный релиз будет "Converge, Rivers of Hell" . Трек-лист:
1. TCB - Charon - Upon the Winds of Lamentation
2. TF - Pyriphlegethon - In Death's Gaping Jaws
3. MO - Lethe - Through the Lair of Hypnos
4. TCB - Acheron - Deflecting Heaven's Will
5. TF - Cocytus - Shades of Phantom Souls
6. MO - Styx - Converge, Rivers of Hell

(1) Foghuman,
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post Oct 10 2013, 12:20:31
Post #5493

Четыре Литра
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Ordrhein - Magnitude of Ancient Fragments 7" out via Final Agony in October

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post Oct 10 2013, 13:26:38
Post #5494

I hate you all
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Получил рассылку от no-colours-records
и вот что анонсированно .
upcoming Releases later this year:

Tymah -Past is alive- CD

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post Oct 10 2013, 14:36:54
Post #5495

Правь статус, ####!111
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Russian Federation

On Friday, October 21st, 2011 – one month after releasing their fourth studio album, Celestial Lineage, WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM recorded two live tracks at the BBC’s Maida Vale studios. Southern Lord now confirms a special vinyl release of these sessions confirmed to hit later this Fall. It seems only fitting that Olympia’s earthen black metal expanders, WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM, would add their name to the roster of acts who have recorded at the Maida Vale studios, the place where the sounds of contemporary and outstanding artists throughout the last century of popular music have been documented for the ages.WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM’s shadow, cast long and eerie from their campfire of the arcane, eclipses the hordes of black metal clones and drones, hewing raw nuggets of inspired music from rich seams of extreme metal and astral vibrations. ”Prayer of Transformation” and ”Thuja Magus Imperium” are the two tracks recorded on that day, taken from their lauded album Celestial Vintage and spanning two sides of vinyl and twenty minutes. Entitled BBC Session 2011 Anno Domini, this session is testament to the band’s ability to inspire awe with homespun strands of metaphysical ambiance and painstakingly flexed sinews of metal, and is a must for all fans of the band as well as followers of contemporary metal.

Southern Lord will release BBC Session 2011 Anno Domini in North America on November 26th, 2013.

BBC Session 2011 Anno Domini Track Listing:

1 Prayer of Transformation
2 Thuja Magus Imperium


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post Oct 10 2013, 15:12:56
Post #5496

бутылка кефира полбатона
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Russian Federation

Ну наворотили.
Лого неузнаваемое, не очень.
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post Oct 10 2013, 15:45:47
Post #5497

Only Black Metal
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ЦИТАТА(rimfrost @ Oct 10 2013, 15:26:38) *
Tymah -Past is alive- CD

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/17.gif) Неужели, думал распались они.
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post Oct 10 2013, 16:40:01
Post #5498

Четыре Литра
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post Oct 10 2013, 22:41:55
Post #5499

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ЦИТАТА(Dmitry1977 @ Oct 6 2013, 11:05:17) *
Судя по этой ссылке - CLICK - главного кидалу и мудня всех времен и народов по версии форума NWN! арестовали с залогом в 25 000 долларей. Желающих пожертвовать не найдется?

Это [мат->бан]єц. Никогда не подумал бы что он вор. Ну то что наркоман - ничего страшного, такое бывает, но просто жаль, что это переросло в воровство... Некоторые альбомы были хороши, хотя в комментах пишут, что он собственно не сочинял музыку. Аж разочарование для меня...

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post Oct 11 2013, 18:37:18
Post #5500

I hate you all
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Новости от Lvcifyre

The fourth track off the upcoming new album from Lvcifyre.
The yet-to-be named second full-length will be released on CD/vinyl formats through Dark Descent Records in January 2014.

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post Oct 11 2013, 20:31:45
Post #5501

I hate you all
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KULT - Raging Curse Upon Man

New song taken from the upcoming album "Unleashed From Dismal Light" to be released by German cult label Folter Records in October 2013.



Unleashed from Dismal Light 2013


1 - Specter's Recurrence
2 - Malicious Metamorphosis
3 - Exercitus Mortorum
4 - To Flagellate Life
5 - Raging Curse Upon Man
6 - Into Deadly Coils
7 - Sons of Nightfall
8 - Senza Pace

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post Oct 11 2013, 20:40:11
Post #5502

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THORNE (arg)
Не знаю, че за оно... но, по-моему, нестандартная и интересная блэчара.
Дэмка Thorne "Until their Ruins be our Trench" вышла недавно на Voices Defying Death & Brotherhood of Light (limited to 150 h/n copies)
Там же вскоре ожидается и полноформат Thorne "Ekpyrosis & Restitutio in Pristinum Status" (CD digipack, limited to 500 copies)

(1) aserius,
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post Oct 11 2013, 20:47:05
Post #5503
RO till

Вспомнились шведы ..Действительно нестандартная такая сырая Raw Gra.

(1) Hswhhh,
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post Oct 12 2013, 13:45:09
Post #5504

Два Литра
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Cult of Erinyes - Jibaku
Album: Blessed Extinction ( release date: 21th Oct. 2013)

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post Oct 15 2013, 07:20:31
Post #5505

Шесть Литров
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Starting immediately, D.T.B. Records will be releasing the back catalogue (as well as upcoming records) of Ancient Records, from Sweden, on limited compact disc (jewelcase or digipack).

Ancient Records release many unique bands and projects: Acerbitas, Bekëth Nexëhmü, Balwezo Westijiz, Dödfödd, Esh, Grav, Grifteskymfning, Helgedom, Hädanfärd, Kaos Sacramentum, Mystik, Remigius, Svartrit, Summum, Urkaos, Vanskapt...

The first compact disc releases on D.T.B. Records will be Hädanfärd - Evil-minded and Grav - Omhulda Ondskans Kretslopp, with many more to surface in the months ahead.

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post Oct 16 2013, 03:25:13
Post #5506

Мракомыслъ Рiпѣыискiй
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ZINVMM : Zinumm Out now!!
The self-titled debut album of the surprising band Z I N V M M finally sees the light of the day through Darkwoods...
Limited to only 350 hand-numbered copies, Z I N V M M suggest us a voyage of discovery of the arcane and forgotten knowledge of our ancestors over a black metal influenced by the founding bands, from Bathory and Burzum to Darkthrone or Ulver, with a really evident European folk touches moving them closer to Helrunar or Empyrium, emphasizing with the use of Old Gaelic on lyrics and traditional instruments such as the Zanfona...
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post Oct 16 2013, 17:40:23
Post #5507

Четыре Литра
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We are proud to present you today the front cover for the new album "मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान" ("Ascetic Meditation of Death") by CULT OF FIRE
Artwork by David Glomba

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post Oct 16 2013, 18:16:59
Post #5508

Guests team

Жир. Очень жду альбом
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post Oct 16 2013, 20:28:35
Post #5509

Пять Литров
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ЦИТАТА(dsp @ Oct 16 2013, 19:40:23) *
We are proud to present you today the front cover for the new album "मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान" ("Ascetic Meditation of Death") by CULT OF FIRE
Artwork by David Glomba

Облога ваще супер !!! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/true_black.gif)

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post Oct 17 2013, 05:51:29
Post #5510

Шесть Литров
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Чето непонятно мне чего на них дро (IMG:style_emoticons/default/12.gif) ат. Вроде ничего интересного, пресненько (IMG:style_emoticons/default/21.gif)

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post Oct 17 2013, 18:36:37
Post #5511

Четыре Литра
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Funeral Mist "Trisagion" vinyl box set

Box including compiling all albums so far, “Devilry”, “Salvation” and “Maranatha”.
5 vinyls in 3 gatefold sleeves, 28 pages booklet, A1 poster & woven patch.

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post Oct 17 2013, 19:16:36
Post #5512

Oax Moax Voax
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ЦИТАТА(GTrooper @ Oct 17 2013, 07:51:29) *
Чето непонятно мне чего на них дро (IMG:style_emoticons/default/12.gif) ат. Вроде ничего интересного, пресненько (IMG:style_emoticons/default/21.gif)

А время такое настало, дpoчить на бабло. Онли Моней из реал, оли Трэнд ис Труэ!
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post Oct 17 2013, 20:43:58
Post #5513

Guests team

То ли дело раньше было здорово, когда все др@@или на говно. Эх, золотые времена

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post Oct 17 2013, 21:56:36
Post #5514

Пять Литров
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ЦИТАТА(dsp @ Oct 17 2013, 20:36:37) *
Funeral Mist "Trisagion" vinyl box set

Box including compiling all albums so far, "Devilry", "Salvation" and "Maranatha".
5 vinyls in 3 gatefold sleeves, 28 pages booklet, A1 poster & woven patch.

я видимо отстал от жизни, но возникает вопрос, бро:
ват дейт энд ху релеасед зис релис?

навэрна ноЕвДиа сидя по всему, их стиль. но я нисколько не против, ВиА заслуЖивает того.
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post Oct 17 2013, 22:04:20
Post #5515

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Russian Federation

ЦИТАТА(T.H.U.L.E. @ Oct 18 2013, 00:56:36) *
ват дейт энд ху релеасед зис релис?

навэрна ноЕвДиа сидя по всему, их стиль. но я нисколько не против, ВиА заслуЖивает того.

NoEvDia the end of November / early December

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post Oct 18 2013, 08:48:35
Post #5516

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Какой еще Трисагион, новый альбом давно пора уже!

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post Oct 20 2013, 09:09:46
Post #5517

Total Death
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Blackdeath - Phobos (2013). Full album stream:

(1) nekroport,
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post Oct 20 2013, 09:38:30
Post #5518

Мракомыслъ Рiпѣыискiй
Group: Металариец
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Dark Hidden Prod. proudly presents:


Finnish Pagan Black Metal
Compilation of the demos "Winter of Tragedies Reing" (2000) & "Ring to Rule" (1998), Plus a rehesal Bonus Track!!!
Limited to 1000.


Attached File  flyer20.jpg ( 144.92k ) Number of downloads: 1064

(1) Hswhhh,
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post Oct 22 2013, 18:03:00
Post #5519

Пять Литров
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On next January 17th (January 21st in North America), Season of Mist will release a vinyl split EP by DRUDKH and WINTERFYLLETH, entitled ‘Thousands of Moons Ago / The Gates’. The four-track release will include cover songs recorded by both bands, paying tribute to their early influences.

The split brings together two of Europe's leading black metal bands for the first time on one LP and represents two genre challenging bands drawing on their own influences and re-imagining songs that are important to them. Ukrainian poets DRUDKH continue to pay homage to old, talented, but forgotten Slavic bands after 2010’s ‘Slavonic Chronicles’, their previous cover EP.

Those of you who don’t own a record player will still be able to listen to those songs, since the EP will also be released digitally. As for the CD format, a new compilation will also hit the stores on January 17th/21st. Entitled ‘Eastern Frontier in Flames’, it will include all DRUDKH’s tracks from ‘Thousands of Moons Ago’, as well as the ‘Anti-Urban’ and ‘Slavonic Chronicles’ EPs, which have never been available separately on CD so far.


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post Oct 23 2013, 16:43:01
Post #5520

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Сплит ВИХРЬ & ВСПОЛОХ "У камней замшелых..."
Дата издания - 31 октября 2013 (Der Schwarze Tod & Purity Through Fire)

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