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post Sep 14 2006, 10:56:28
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Шесть Литров
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Group: V.I.P
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From: Санкт-Петербург
On Forums: 19 years 4 months
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Russian Federation

Death Metal (early), Symphonic/Operatic Metal (now)
Lyrical Theme(s):
Mythology, Occult/Pagan Religions
Sweden (Stockholm)
Formed In:
Current Line-Up:
Christofer Johnsson - Guitars, Keyboards (Vocals until 2006) (Carbonized (Swe), Messiah (Che), Procreation (Swe), Demonoid, Liers in Wait, Crematory (Swe))
Session/Touring Vocalists:
Thomas Vikstrom (Candlemass, 7days, Dark Illusion, Stormwind (Swe), Mehida)
Snowy Shaw (Notre Dame, King Diamond, Illwill, Mercyful Fate, Memento Mori, Cans, Dream Evil)
Katarina Lilja (Sobre Nocturne)
Hannah Holgersson (studio only)
Lori Lewis (touring only) (Aesma Daeva)
Former/Past Member(s):
Guitars & keyboards:
Jonas Mellberg (Unanimated)
Peter Hansson
Magnus Barthelson (Feeble Lies)
Tommy Eriksson (also live drums) (Ligament, Shadowseeds, Count Raven, Nocturnal Rites)
Kristian Niemann (Demonoid)
Erik Gustafsson (Dismember)
Jan Kazda
Fredrik Isaksson (Grave, Excruciate (Swe))
Lars Rosenberg (Entombed, ex-Monastery (Hol), Serpent, Mental Distortion, Furcas, Roachpowder, Carbonized (Swe))
Andreas Wallan Wahl (Serpent)
Johan Niemann (Afterglow (Swe)/Mind's Eye (Swe), Demonoid, Hubi Meisel, Tears of Anger)
Piotr Wawrzeniuk (also vocals) (Monev, Carbonized (Swe), Serpent)
Oskar Forss
Wolf Simon
Sami Karppinen (Ruoska)
Richard Evensand (Chimaira, Demonoid, Dog Faced Gods, Ebony Tears, Lion's Share, Soilwork (Tour), Sorcerer (Swe), Southpaw)
Petter Karlsson (Argento (Swe), Kajarr, Conspiracy)
Matti Kasrki (Carnage (Swe), Carbonized (Swe), Dismember, Murder Squad, General Surgery)
Sarah Jezebel Deva (Sarah Jane Ferridge) (Angtoria, Cradle of Filth, Covenant (Nor), Mortiis, Tulus, The Gathering)
Martina Astner (Hornbacher) (Dreams of Sanity, Alas, Korovakill/Korova)
Karin Fjellander
Mats Levin (Abstrakt Algebra, Southpaw, Krux, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, At Vance, Fatal Force, Audiovision, Sabbtail, Treat)
Kimberly Goss (Ancient (Nor), Dimmu Borgir, Sinergy, Avernus, Warmen)
Additional Notes
Therion is Greek for "wild beast."

Back in the year 1987, Christofer Johnsson formed the metal band Blitzkrieg in Upplands Väsby, a suburb of Stockholm. What genre they played is discussed, as their influences mostly were major thrash bands but they sounded more like the big extreme bands of that era. He was the bassist and vocalist. The line-up was completed with Peter Hansson on guitar and Oskar Forss on drums. This line-up however, only lasted for two gigs, and they decided to split up in early 1988. A few months later Chris started playing guitar instead, and influenced by Celtic Frost he called the band Megatherion and played death metal. Peter Hansson played guitar in the new band too. Later Oskar returned and the bassist, Erik Gustafsson joined. Erik had just left another Swedish underground death metal group, Dismember.

After a short while, the name was changed to Therion. With this line-up the two demos, the first EP and the first full-length were recorded. On Paroxysmal Holocaust Matti Kärki, later Dismember singer, did the vocals though. Beyond the Darkest Veils of Inner Wickedness was the first Therion release Chris sung. The EP, Time Shall Tell, was in deed nothing more than a demo recording that got released as a record instead of cassette. After the 1000 copies had sold, the bookstore bootlegged another 1000. Shortly after, they signed to Deaf Records where they released Of Darkness. This album consisted of songs that Chris had written in the eighties. The newer songs were saved for the forth-coming album. After this quite progressive death metal album Therion signed to Active Records. Now the bass player, Erik, had to move back to his native country, USA so Chris had to play the bass once again. The lyrical concept had changed from society issues to occultism. The record received very good reviews and the band was offered their first shows in Holland and Belgium.

Oskar, now awaiting his second child, took the choice to leave the band. Also Peter did step back, in his case due to health and musical reasons though. A new line-up with Piotr Wawrzeniuk (from Chris' other band, Carbonized) on drums, Andreas Wahl on bass and Magnus Barthelsson on guitar was formed. This new line-up was the start of a new era. While Beyond Sanctorum was experimental, it was without any doubt death metal. Chris wanted to experiment more, go much further. And the result was Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas. This was a wild move in the old school, traditionalistic death metal scene back in the days. Experimenting with jazz, industrial music, gothic chanting, 80s heavy metal and so on. Needless to say, this caused disorder.

Now Therion was transferred from Active Records to the owners' new label, Megarock Records. Therion did a tour supporting Grave and Massacra, as well as a couple headlining shows in Germany. At this time there was nothing but work, work and work for Therion. The income being neglectable. So Magnus and Andreas gave up Therion. Fredrik Isaksson became the new bass player and Therion was once again a trio. Chris went off to record an album with the Swiss band Messiah, and when he came back Nuclear Blast wanted to sign Therion. However, there was still a contract on one album with Megarock. But the relation between Megarock and Therion was so good, that Therion was released without any financial claims.

The result was the 1995 album, Lepaca Kliffoth, yet more experimental featuring soprano and bass-baritone vocals, more keyboards, more Persian influences, more melodies, Chris singing a new way, a more hardcore way. The final bounds to death metal had by now been cut off. They toured with Annihilator in Germany and went on a small headline voyage into South America with Tommy Ericsson on second guitar. Fredrik's personal problems prevented him from touring, so Lars Rosenberg was hired as a session bassist. Now Piotr declared that he had problems with Fredrik, so Fredrik was fired. Then Lars was fired from Entombed and became the permanent bass player in Therion. Still, as they didn't sell too well they didn't have the budget they needed. So, Chris called up the Nuclear Blast director Markus Steiger and explained the situation to him. "No more album based on my vocals and I need two choirs, a better recording studio, two producers and more time in the studio - if not I rather give up the band and stay happy with what I achieved so far". Luckily, Steiger approved. Ex Unanimated guitarist Jonas Mellberg was brought in and Therion recorded their most important album ever.

Therion doubted that Theli would sell. Chris spoke to Piotr about it and said that this would be the final record, as it would be a flop just as every other Therion release. Piotr didn't want this to be the last record, but did accept the situation and started studying history instead. Dan Swanö did some vocals on Theli as well as Chris, the two choirs and Piotr. Jonas and Lars both had alcohol problems and during the recording of an Iron Maiden tribute song, Jonas left the studio without a word. He would never come back to the band.The sales doubled compared to Lepaca Kliffoth's just in a month. They were offered touring with Amorphis. Theli was the success, the break-through. The start of unimaginable stress. The album had costed Nuclear Blast around 28.000 Euro to record, which was by far the highest in the history of Nuclear Blast, so Chris couldn't ask them for paying the tour. He asked his friends to help him out. Tommy played the drums this time, as Piotr was occupied with his studies and Chris got in touch with some amateur singers to perform the songs live. Tobias Sidegård from Necrophobic got free beer on the tour to play guitar and Kimberley Goss was hired to play the keyboards and do some backing vocals. During the tour, Lars' drinking problems got worse and the soprano and the tenor started taking drugs. At the end of the tour they were all fired and not welcome back.The sales had increased so much that they were booked for a second tour. This time with Piotr and two professional sopranos. Andreas Wahl did the bass on this tour. Even so, the fans did hunger to see the band. A third European tour was announced with Lake of Tears and Crematory and Therion headlining the tours outside Germany. And this was all in one year! The same year, A'arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming was released. It was a strange album, consisting of a couple Theli songs, covers and a soundtrack Chris did for an art film called The Golden Embrace. A new record-deal, big budgets, fans buying their albums there was now only one problem. There was no one but Chris in the band. He recorded Vovin with hired professional studio musicians (Wolf Simons and Jan Kazda). This was more a solo album of Chris' than a Therion album. Vovin marked the change into the later, more melodic Therion. Once again the sales doubled compared to them of the last album. The underground band that had struggled for its survival was now the best selling band on Nuclear Blast. Sami Karppinen did the drums on the tours and was offered a permanent seat in the band. Parts of a planned mini-CD (Crowning of Atlantis) were recorded, but Nuclear Blast wanted to make it a full-length and so a couple of live songs were added and the album was released in 1999. Sami had good contact among high-skilled musicians in Sweden and so Kristian Niemann joined the band as guitarist. Later his brother, Johan joined as bass player. While this was a full line-up, a completely new band, Chris had already written Deggial, the follow-up. The new band members didn't have much time or chance to contribute to the music. Now Therion recorded their first concept album, Secret of the Runes, inspired by the Viking alphabets and mythology. The budget was mostly spent on building Therion's very own recording studio � Modern Art. Secret of the Runes was yet again a more complex album, a more melodic album and the reviews varied. After the tour, Sami left the band to work full time as sound tech in the studio. Richard Evensand was the new drummer. A few of the concerts during the tour ended up on Therion's first live album, Live in Midgard which was released in 2002, the 15th year of Therion's.Now Therion had put a lot of songs on the shelf and wanted to get rid of them. They had material for 3 albums and decided to release two of them at once, Lemuria and Sirius B. This was yet again a change. The albums are more bombastic than ever, a word that Nuclear Blast ever since Therion's break-through try to associate every band with. The budget was higher than ever and more money than ever was spent. In total 171 musicians and singers were involved in making the albums. The albums were released as a 2CD digibook for the price of one album, and followed by a massive Europe and South America tour. Also, the Niemann brothers had been busy writing more extreme songs, and so the Demonoid project was launched. After the Sirius B and Lemuria albums plans for a 6-disc DVD box (2 CDs), containing live shows and a historical section were spread to the public. It was to be released in the spring of 2006. In the meantime, Atlantis Lucid Dreaming, a collection of B-side material was released. In March 2006 Christofer Johnsson stated that he'd step down from the vocalist position, not singing anymore at gigs. The 2006 ProgPower Festival in England is supposed to be the last gig with him singing.

Because of Therion's affiliation with Thomas Karlsson, who started to write Therion lyrics together with Christofer Johnsson in 1993, and who since 1998 writes all of them, there are a few books out related to Therion and the mythos Therion lyrics are made of. Mörk Magi written by Tommy Eriksson is only released in Swedish and discusses philosphy and aforisms of Dark Magic. It advocates that one should see the positive sides of dark magic, turning the force it has into creativity instead of destruction. Eriksson lists relax practices and invocations in order to introduce the dark magic, kabbala and tantrism to the beginner.

Uthark was written by Thomas Karlsson and deals with runosophy and rune magic. It discusses the Uthark theory, widely launched by professor Sigurd Agrell in the 1930's. The base is that runes have more than their literal meaning. There's a dark, hidden, secret, magic side that only runemasters know of. The book is available in English and German, and a German limited edition with the Secret of the Runes album.

Christofer Johnsson decided to stop singing in 2006. Former King Diamond drummer Snowy Shaw was announced as an additional session vocalist later that year.

In 2008 the entire permanent band line-up parted ways with Christofer Johnsson due to differences in opinion on the future direction of the Therion's music.

It was announced on July 7th 2010 that Snowy Shaw left the band. Therion will continue on as usual, and Thomas Vikström will handle Snowy's vocal parts too. However, it was announced on August 25th of the same year that Snowy Shaw rejoined the band.

Therion appears on:
"Tribute to Accept" album, playing the song "The King"
"A Tribute To The Priest" album, playing the song "The Green Manalishi (with the Two-Pronged Crown)"

Not to be confused with:

Therion (GB) - Thrash/Death Metal from Norfolk, Norwich, England, United Kingdom
Therion (DE) - Heavy Metal from Bergheim, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Therion - Paroxysmal Holocaust [demo] - 1989
Therion - Beyond The Darkest Veils Of Inner Wickedness [demo] - 1989
Therion - Time Shall Tell (Promotape) [demo] - 1989
Therion - Rehearsal [demo] - 1990
Therion - Time Shall Tell [ep] - 1990
Therion - Of Darkness... [full-length] - 1991
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum [full-length] - 1992
Therion - Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas [full-length] - 1993
Therion - The Beauty In Black [single] - 1995
Therion - Lepaca Kliffoth [full-length] - 1995
Therion - Siren Of The Woods [single] - 1996
Therion - Theli [full-length] - 1996
Therion - A'arab Zaraq - Lucid Dreaming [best of/compilation] - 1997
Therion - Eye Of Shiva [single] - 1998
Therion - Vovin [full-length] - 1998
Therion - Crowning Of Atlantis [ep] - 1999
Therion - The Early Chapters Of Revelation [boxed set] - 2000
Therion - Deggial [full-length] - 2000
Therion - Secret Of The Runes [full-length] - 2001
Therion - Bells Of Doom [best of/compilation] - 2001
Therion - Live In Midgard [live] - 2002
Therion - Lemuria/Sirius B [ep] - 2004
Therion - Sirius B [full-length] - 2004
Therion - Lemuria [full-length] - 2004
Therion - Atlantis Lucid Dreaming [best of/compilation] - 2005
Therion - Celebrators Of Becoming - Live In Mexico [live] - 2006
Therion - Wand Of Abaris [single] - 2006
Therion & Sirenia & Mnemic & Echoes Of Eternity - Passenger Sampler [split] - 2006
Therion - The Wand of Abaris/Path to Arcady [single] - 2007
Therion - Gothic Kabbalah [full-length] - 2007
Therion - Live Gothic [live] - 2008
Therion - The Miskolc Experience [live] - 2009
Therion - Sitra Ahra [full-lenght] - 2010
Therion - Les Fleurs Du Mal [full-length] - 2012
Therion - Les Épaves [ep] - 2016
Therion - Theme Of Antichrist [single] - 2018
Therion - Beloved Antichrist [full-length] - 2018
Therion - Leviathan [full-length] - 2021

Official Site:
Therion Homepage
Therion @ Myspace
Therion @ Youtube

Therion @ Twitter

This post has been edited by Emm Human: Feb 26 2021, 19:08:13

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post Nov 4 2023, 20:14:32
Post #31

Ёлд ХеллоВяйне
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Надо признать, довольно неплохая песня. ДохнУло Деггиалом, Рунами и Лемурией Бэ.
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post Nov 4 2023, 21:23:23
Post #32

Group: Металариец
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ЦИТАТА(Old Vyaine @ 4th November 2023 - 22:14:32) *
ДохнУло Деггиалом, Рунами и Лемурией Бэ.

То есть, ничем хорошим не дохнуло.
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post Nov 4 2023, 22:27:54
Post #33

Ёлд ХеллоВяйне
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QUOTE(6666666 @ 4th November 2023 - 23:23:23) *
То есть, ничем хорошим не дохнуло.

Нет же.


QUOTE(Old Vyaine @ 4th November 2023 - 22:14:32) *
Деггиалом, Рунами и Лемурией Бэ

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post Nov 4 2023, 23:43:23
Post #34

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Главное, чтобы не "Каббалой".
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post Nov 5 2023, 00:49:32
Post #35

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ЦИТАТА(6666666 @ 4th November 2023 - 23:43:23) *

Так это вообще будет - счастья полные штаны!
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post Nov 5 2023, 11:07:40
Post #36

Group: Металариец
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ЦИТАТА(NeonKnight @ 5th November 2023 - 02:49:32) *
Так это вообще будет - счастья полные штаны!

Мечта говноеда, согласен.
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post Nov 5 2023, 11:16:48
Post #37

Group: Металариец
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ЦИТАТА(Old Vyaine @ Nov 4 2023, 21:14:32) *
Надо признать, довольно неплохая песня. ДохнУло Деггиалом, Рунами и Лемурией Бэ.

женское соло не дохнуло, только когда вжвж и мужики хором тянут
в целом норм, на фоне всего, что было выпущено после Лемурии Б
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post Nov 5 2023, 11:46:30
Post #38

Group: Металариец
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ЦИТАТА(6666666 @ 5th November 2023 - 11:07:40) *
Мечта говноеда, согласен.

А вы это на кого, батенька, намекаете? Уж не на моего ли лепшего друга? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/mad_ani.gif)
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post Nov 5 2023, 22:04:26
Post #39

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ЦИТАТА(6666666 @ 5th November 2023 - 15:07:40) *
Мечта говноеда, согласен.

Это когда говорят:
ЦИТАТА(6666666 @ 5th November 2023 - 03:43:23) *
Главное, чтобы не "Каббалой"
? Тогда я тоже соглашусь, пожалуй.
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post Nov 6 2023, 00:51:41
Post #40

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ЦИТАТА(NeonKnight @ 5th November 2023 - 13:46:30) *
Уж не на моего ли лепшего друга?

На любого, кому нравится "Каббала".
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post Nov 15 2023, 19:02:07
Post #41

Group: Металариец
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Свежий клип Ayahuasca

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post Nov 15 2023, 21:25:06
Post #42

Ёлд ХеллоВяйне
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QUOTE(TDM @ 15th November 2023 - 21:02:07) *
Свежий клип Ayahuasca

Раз в 16 длинней, чем необходимо.
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post Feb 27 2024, 06:47:18
Post #43

Дежурный по межполовым вопросам
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We have started to talk with promoters about dates for a Russian tour. But it seems like it's not as easy as we thought, because many of us are citizens in countries of unfriendly states (Sweden, Finland , USA, Germany). Promoters have restrictions of who they can write contracts with. So let me know if someone happens to know someone associated with the Department of Culture or something, who can vouch for us being 100% unpolitical artists with pure intentions of entertaining our fans in Russia, it could help with invitation and clearance from higher up in the hierarchy. It would be quite sad if the only band I know of who both cares more about their fans than being politically correct and also have the spine to ignore the complaining vultures on internet wasn't allowed to play.

Ну и в целом - Великая победа уже близка, и все западные артисты будут в очередь стоять за право и честь выступить в нашей стране!

(1) BoomBox,
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post Feb 27 2024, 21:00:22
Post #44

Ёлд ХеллоВяйне
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QUOTE(Faust_Vulkan_16 @ 27th February 2024 - 08:47:18) *
Великая победа уже близка

Великая победа была, есть и будет только одна. Та, о которой ты говоришь, просто неизбежна.
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post Feb 27 2024, 21:02:41
Post #45

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ЦИТАТА(Faust_Vulkan_16 @ 27th February 2024 - 08:47:18) *
Ну и в целом - Великая победа уже близка, и все западные артисты будут в очередь стоять за право и честь выступить в нашей стране!

А Фрост как жрал говно, так и будет жрать его в дальнейшем. Как и все псевдопатриоты.
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post Feb 27 2024, 21:04:20
Post #46

Ёлд ХеллоВяйне
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QUOTE(6666666 @ 27th February 2024 - 23:02:41) *
А Фрост как жрал говно, так и будет жрать его в дальнейшем.

Тут всякое возможно, но ты-то и не прекращал никогда.

(1) Izverg,
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post Feb 27 2024, 21:04:46
Post #47

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ЦИТАТА(Old Vyaine @ 27th February 2024 - 23:04:20) *
но ты-то и не прекращал никогда.

Но я не начинал.
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post Feb 29 2024, 19:51:56
Post #48

Group: Металариец
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ЦИТАТА(Faust_Vulkan_16 @ 27th February 2024 - 10:47:18) *
все западные артисты будут в очередь стоять за право и честь выступить в нашей стране!

Это вряд ли.
Да и на кой мы им нужны, музыкальное гетто.

А Крис порадовал благоразумием, но там и с оплатой гонорара технически мало кто захочет заморочиться.
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post Feb 29 2024, 20:18:10
Post #49

Дежурный по межполовым вопросам
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QUOTE(BoomBox @ Feb 29 2024, 23:51:56) *
Это вряд ли.
Да и на кой мы им нужны, музыкальное гетто.
Можно поднять кучу бабла.
QUOTE(BoomBox @ Feb 29 2024, 23:51:56) *
А Крис порадовал благоразумием, но там и с оплатой гонорара технически мало кто захочет заморочиться.
спортсменам же платят как то (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile1.gif)
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post Mar 1 2024, 10:09:49
Post #50

путєн лox, наївся блох
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ЦИТАТА(Faust_Vulkan_16 @ Feb 27 2024, 07:47:18) *
Ну и в целом - Великая победа уже близка, и все западные артисты будут в очередь стоять за право и честь выступить в нашей стране!
О, спасибо что проинформировал, насколько Кристофер дoлбоеб. Потому что в фсбшных соцсетях я не сижу (в человеческих источниках этот принципиальный приверженец своей фан базы почему-то постеснялся опубликовать это сообщение), а в ваш зоопарк иногда из любопытства нет-нет, да и заглядиваю. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile3.gif)
ЦИТАТА(Old Vataniayaine @ Feb 27 2024, 22:00:22) *
Та, о которой ты говоришь, просто неизбежна.
Ой, а мамочкина сахарная ватка уже не хочет "чтобы все просто поскорей закончилось"? А че так?
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post Mar 1 2024, 12:06:34
Post #51

Ёлд ХеллоВяйне
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QUOTE(Black Cat @ 1st March 2024 - 12:09:49) *
в человеческих источниках

А ты всё ещё смешной.

(1) BoomBox,
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post Mar 1 2024, 17:16:38
Post #52

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ЦИТАТА(Faust_Vulkan_16 @ 27th February 2024 - 10:47:18) *
за право и честь

ЦИТАТА(Faust_Vulkan_16 @ 1st March 2024 - 00:18:10) *
поднять кучу бабла

А, точно, не придал этому значения.
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post Mar 2 2024, 08:05:12
Post #53

Шесть Литров
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Я - то только начал гонять заново их всю дискографию... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/20.gif)
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