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post Aug 8 2009, 10:37:16
Post #1

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Собственно, все связанное с новостями в блеке, как то - выход новых альбомов, изменения в составе групп, и тому подобное, теперь постим в этой теме.
Создание отдельных тем для каждой новости не рекомендуется (только в исключительных случаях). Так что все новости - сюда!

Для новостей Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal существует отдельная тема: Новости направления MBM/Symphonic Black Metal

by Blood13

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post Nov 14 2009, 19:20:07
Post #151

Девять Литров
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с буклетом из толстого картона серых тонов

"Модная бумага!" (с)

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post Nov 15 2009, 14:21:14
Post #152

Правь статус, ####!111
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Новости Закона Божьего

13.11.2009 a.b.


Окончена запись третьего полноформатного альбома могущественных BAAL ZEBUTH "Necromysticism. Into The Chasm Of Hell". CD-издание увидит свет на Nomos Dei сразу же после завершения работы над его оформлением. А пока причаститесь Черной Кровью: Baal Zebuth - Black Blood.

В следующем году готовится cd-переиздание манифестации BAAL ZEBUTH "We Are Sathanas". Также, как только это будет возможно, Nomos Dei осуществит издание всей дискографии BAAL ZEBUTH на виниле.

Бразильский фронт будет усилен изданием на одном диске ранних демо-записей гениев VULTURINE "We Worship Your Death".


После ряда технических проблем с печатью наконец издан LEGIS VI KARNA / VELEHENTOR "Era Of Cold Hearts / The Asha Blaze - 7 Minutes Later" - сплит двух ведущих российских шумовых проектов. Издание включает 4 трэка из нереализованного до настоящего времени мини-альбома KARNA "Era Of Cold Hearts" и 30-минутную композицию VELEHENTOR "Из искры возгорится пламя", посвященную крупнейшей в истории россии железнодорожной катастрофе, произошедшей 4 июня 1989 года возле города аша, искалечившей и унесшей жизни многих. Атмосфера ледяного нечеловеческого ужаса от KARNA. Звуковой минимализм и строгая эстетика макровзрыва от VELEHENTOR. Специальное оформление в superjewel box, 666 копий.


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Black Metal Daemon
post Nov 17 2009, 10:14:41
Post #153

Guests team

Angst Skvadron записали новый альбом и выпустят его в январе 2010.
Он будет называться Sweet Poison
Цитата с официального майспейса:
Hail Satan, Ass-fuckers and Cock-suckers! ( (IMG:style_emoticons/default/hmm.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sirt.gif) )
We have now uploaded one more song of the upcoming album "Sweet Poison" (January 2010). The album will contain 10 tracks of progressive negative metal inspired by music from the 70's Rock and Prog Rock and 90's early Black Metal scenes and otherworldly psychedellic ambience. You can hear 4 song from this new album, divided on our 2 pages A.S Valium and A.S Holocaust.

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post Nov 17 2009, 20:23:13
Post #154

I Like It Raw
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Inquisition трек с ожидаемого опуса

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post Nov 17 2009, 22:20:29
Post #155

Девять Литров
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Hail Satan, Ass-fuckers and Cock-suckers!

Почему то вспомнилась цитата из одного издания приведённая одним местным Деятелем: "У современного BM две основные проблемы: все сосут х*й и все жрут говно". Наверно именно это они и имели в виду... Хотя... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sirt.gif)
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post Nov 17 2009, 22:53:25
Post #156

Правь статус, ####!111
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QUOTE(Carnal Malefactor @ Nov 18 2009, 00:20:29) *
"У современного BM две основные проблемы: все сосут х*й и все жрут говно".

Классика111 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif)
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post Nov 19 2009, 22:34:04
Post #157

Пять Литров
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Всплыла инфа о новом альбоме Nokturnal Mortum.

Превью "The Voice of Steel" [НЕ ФЕЙК]:

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post Nov 19 2009, 22:46:37
Post #158

Guests team

ЦИТАТА(Trollfather @ Nov 20 2009, 00:34:04) *
Всплыла инфа о новом альбоме Nokturnal Mortum.

Превью "The Voice of Steel" [НЕ ФЕЙК]:

Прошу прощения за оффтоп, но этой новости самое место в теме Новости Folk\Viking\Pagan Metal...

(1) Qliphoth,
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post Nov 19 2009, 23:09:50
Post #159

Пять Литров
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ЦИТАТА(Wolden @ Nov 20 2009, 00:46:37) *
Прошу прощения за оффтоп, но этой новости самое место в теме Новости Folk\Viking\Pagan Metal...

Да я думал насчет этого, но чет какт... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/11.gif)
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post Nov 20 2009, 13:17:47
Post #160

He who can see the grief and misery
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Новости от Eisenwald: Woods Of Desolation, Kilte, Austere


Black Metal
Eisenwald, 2009

- > Mailorder customers receive a free BUTTON until stock lasts !

Simply titled "Sorh" (meaning Sorrow in Modern English) this new EP (with Desolate of Austere on vocals) features 3 tracks + intro of Raw, Atmospheric Black Metal from one of the most underrated Australian bands. A new path has been carved for Woods of Desolation, the cold void growing ever closer, unveiling the only true answer: "Misery will await, alike the seasons and the tide, So Shall Death await"
Woods of Desolation is a band that doesn't stray far from the beaten path, but they apply the formula better than most bands on the list of the so called depressive/atmospheric black metal. This is truly a moving work, one that will be remembered for its sheer emotion and deep atmosphere ! This MCD comes with a deluxe full colour digisleeve package with a printed inner-pocket !

1. Intro
2. The Leaden Sky Torn
3. Enshrouded By Solitude
4. Within The Crimson Tide



Black Metal
Eisenwald, 2009

- > Mailorder customers receive a free BUTTON until stock lasts !

Kilte from Belgium stand for great mix of melancholic and depressive doom/black metal with gloomy atmospheres. This conceptual piece of art features a ten minute opus, and two re-recorded demo tracks, with a cleansed line-up and an improved sound. In 25 minutes, "Absence" takes you into three different dimensions of complete melancholic and misanthropic emptiness. A devestating sound with one message: "The world's true beauty lies within the darkness of our absence." During failures with the initial CD publishing the real master never saw the light of day, so now the real material is finaly available in the way it was supposed to be + 2 bonus demo tracks which show clearly how the band has evolved over time !

1. The True Beauty of our Absence
2. Haar Laatste Traan
3. Eindeloos Verval
4. Haar Laatste Traan (demo)
5. Eindeloos Verval (demo)



Black Metal
Eisenwald, 2009

- > Mailorder customers receive a free BUTTON until stock lasts !

Austere present here 2 long tracks which have been taken from the split release with UK's Lyrinx and were recorded in October - 2007. The sound here is of a bleak angle and showing the band in its most tourtured state. With a progression in sound and musical formula from their first public album "Withering Illusions and Desolation" although the recording was still taken care of by Desolate, the band has managed to achieve a reflection from deep within. The effect of these two songs was dragging along in this range rarely so intensively, so authentically. Mood driven music with an evident feeling of despair, This is the rising of the grey dawn! Feel the chords of melancholia sink in like the crimson through thy veins... This re-issue comes with a carefully designed and deluxe digisleeve package with a printed inner-pocket !

1. Towards the Great Unknown
2. Only the Wind Remembers
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post Nov 20 2009, 13:29:27
Post #161

любитель шведской buzzzzy'ны
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Woods Of Desolation точно возьму, ну вот Kilte ещё можно подумать, хоть там и всего 2 бонуса, а вот Austere - не вариант, мне достаточно сплита с Lyrinx
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post Nov 22 2009, 10:06:21
Post #162

He who can see the grief and misery
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Еще одна новая статья от В. Викернеса: >Click!< (IMG:style_emoticons/default/poke_g.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/crazy.gif)
И да111, >Click!<

P.S. : Че-то я напрягся, когда обдумал название новой статьи и ее содержание... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/headcrab.png)

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post Nov 22 2009, 10:24:07
Post #163

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"Возможно, я на самом деле считаю, что одеваться и выглядеть как ###### – нормально" (с) Варг Виккернес (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)

(1) Qliphoth,
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post Nov 22 2009, 14:55:11
Post #164

Шесть Литров
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Sixx - Sister Devil Demo by Goat (VON) available to order via NWN!


By now, Von’s impact on the development of black metal is undisputed, and their work is universally praised. Shortly after the release of Von’s “Satanic Blood” demo, the members of Von shifted their focus to another project that would come to be known as Sixx. The obscure “Sister Devil” demo, the only recording produced under the Sixx moniker, represents a distinctly different approach to music, but retains, nonetheless, many of the same elements that characterize the style of Von. Like two poisons that attack the body in different yet equally lethal ways, Von and Sixx produce similar effects on the listener while pursuing two divergent paths of execution. Sixx do not play black metal, but the atmosphere cultivated on “Sister Devil” is every bit as nihilistic and void of light as on “Satanic Blood.” Sixx instead play a style of music most closely resembling the genre known as death-rock. And while traces of Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Samhain, and Joy Division can be heard in Sixx’s music, “Sister Devil” conveys a decidedly more satanic approach than any of the aforementioned bands’ work. Also, in much the same way that Von utilized trance-inducing repetition as one of its primary tools, Sixx also rely on the same technique with similar results. The instruments and vocals are recorded clean and the focus is on the melodic character of the songs. The melodies employed, however, are pure in their bleakness. Lyrically, Sixx revel in themes that could have been equally applicable in a black metal context, and the listener will notice that “Sister Devil” also features spoken word interludes like those heard in the recordings of Von. Moreover, while the performance of the instruments may be clean, the lo-fidelity recording quality demonstrates the same stark simplicity of the Von recordings. When Sixx recorded “Sister Devil” they were a band without an audience. These were not the highly regarded forefathers of black metal that they are perceived as today, but rather, young musicians struggling to find a voice in an era in which no other band’s approach to music adequately represented their vision. For black metal purists, “Sister Devil” may only be a curiosity to examine for its historical relevance. Even for this purpose it is valuable. Hearing Sixx certainly elucidates many of the influences that coalesced in the sound of Von. For those listeners who place value in genres of music related to, but still outside the sphere of metal, this demo is of even greater importance. It stands up to the recordings of other bands within the death-rock genre of music, but still demonstrates an appreciation for the aesthetics that were influencing black metal at that time. Indeed, Sixx’s music would stand on its own even if it were not related to Von. Whatever purpose one may have for stepping into the suicidal and empty universe measured out by their music, the effect of Sixx’s “Sister Devil” demo is profound. After having been completely abandoned and forgotten for 18 years, NWN!, with the cooperation of Goat and Kill from Von, has unearthed this legendary demo which is as potent today as it would have been when it was originally recorded. Remastered by James Plotkin and accompanied by new artwork created by Jake K., “Sister Devil” at last will receive the presentation and distribution it rightfully deserves. Both the black vinyl and picture LP versions come with reverseboard printed jacket, A2 poster and 12″x12″ insert. Die hard double 12″ 45 RPM version with case wrapped jacket will be back in two to three weeks. All versions will also be available at the NWN fest in November.

(1) HA7tur,
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post Nov 22 2009, 15:57:09
Post #165

I Like It Raw
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ЦИТАТА(Mikhail1944 @ Nov 22 2009, 12:06:21) *
Еще одна новая статья от В. Викернеса: >Click!< (IMG:style_emoticons/default/poke_g.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/crazy.gif)

Ну варг совсем жалко выглядит. Один абзац идет со смыслом "я, я, я и мое эго", следующий "люди простите меня за мои слова - больше не буду", потом снова "я, я, мое эго". (IMG:style_emoticons/default/21.gif)
Интересно, почему до него еще никто не добрался
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post Nov 22 2009, 16:02:49
Post #166

Guests team

ЦИТАТА(brth @ Nov 22 2009, 20:57:09) *
Интересно, почему до него еще никто не добрался

Кому на хрен нужен этот СНГ-шный "культ".

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post Nov 23 2009, 18:19:48
Post #167

Group: Металариец
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Гитарист CRADLE OF FILTH Paul Allender рассказал о процессе сочинения материала для нового альбома группы. "Я уже сочинил половину материала для новой пластинки. Альбом получается более жёстким и быстрым, чем "Godspeed"", - поделился Paul.

Подоробности последуют.

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post Nov 23 2009, 18:22:23
Post #168

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Sigh выложили новую песню, L'art de Mourir, на своей майспейс странице. http://www.myspace.com/sighjapan
А по ссылке http://www.theomegaorder.com/SIGH-Scenes-F...34Pa38Ta38Ma3j0 , можно послушать одноминутное превью, всех песен с грядущего альбома. В гостях, на альбоме, отметился David Tibet (Current 93).
Hellbent for Cooking, книга, в котрой музыканты разных метал групп делятся рецептами, выходит завтра, 24 ноября. В блоге у Фенриза http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseact...logId=518194284 можно почитать подробнее и картинки посмотреть.
Ну и биография Дарктрон, от Фенриза http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseact...logId=519327311 .
Ах да, в конце этой самой биографии написано "And with our new album CIRCLE THE WAGONS (release February 2010), the new decade starts with our own brand of HEAVY METAL/SPEED METAL-PUNK.".
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post Nov 25 2009, 07:46:31
Post #169

Guests team

The Ajna Offensive unveils a manifold collaboration in sound and image, presenting all original songs and artworks, crafted with the exclusive aim of evoking the Powers of the Sphinx: To Know, To Will, To Dare, To Keep Silent.

The allegory of the Sphinx points to Man. Both are composed of the four Elements, but in Man they exist in different proportions and are unbalanced, while in the Sphinx the Elements are harmonious and synergistic. The Sphinx represents the perfected Man, the Magus. The Four Powers of the Sphinx are "the four words of the Magus," the "four indispensable conditions" which bring Man to the state of perfection and balance.

The Aural journey is taken forth in logical sequence by Saturnalia Temple, Nightbringer, Nihil Nocturne & Aluk Todolo, each of whom heralds their respective Power with commensurate gnosis.

"To learn how to will is to learn how to exercise dominion. But to be able to exert will power you must first know; for will power applied to folly is madness, death, and hell." (Lévi)

To Know- Saturnalia Temple (Sweden)
To Will- Nightbringer (United States)
To Dare- Nihil Nocturne (Germany)
To Keep Silent- Aluk Todolo (France)

First issued as an LP- limited to 500 copies with 12 page booklet, full 6 color printing and silver vinyl.
Later to be issued as a very affordable CD.

The AJNA Offensive. Winter Solstice, 2009.

(1) Morbvs,
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post Nov 25 2009, 11:49:14
Post #170

Восемь Литров
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Зацените true satanic black - ИКТЕНАР

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post Nov 27 2009, 07:05:49
Post #171

Guests team

QUOTE(Galactus @ Nov 25 2009, 02:49:14) *
Зацените true satanic black - ИКТЕНАР


What the f***? What does this have anything to do with "True Satanic Black"?

Unless you're (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif)
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post Nov 27 2009, 13:08:33
Post #172

Paysage D'Hiver
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ЦИТАТА(Galactus @ Nov 25 2009, 13:49:14) *
Зацените true satanic black - ИКТЕНАР


На кол!

(1) Qliphoth,
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post Nov 27 2009, 18:44:31
Post #173

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ЦИТАТА(Ainar @ Oct 1 2009, 00:50:11) *
Куплю все во всех вариантах111

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/25.gif) "The Aeon Of The Angelslaying Darkness" will come in three different versions :
- 2xCD in a 12"x12" DIGIBOOK
- 2x12" LP in a 12"x12" DIGIBOOK
- 2xCD + 2x12" LP in a 12"x12" DIGIBOOK w/ SLIPCASE
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post Nov 27 2009, 20:59:37
Post #174

He who can see the grief and misery
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Даже как-то неприлично, но тем не менее:


Swedish Extreme Metallers SHINING have completed work on their seventh album and have today revealed details and cover art (see photo below). Scheduled for release on Indie Recordings in March/April 2010, the 6-track album will have the title ”SHINING VII - FODD FORLORARE” (Born Loser). Track listing as follows:

1. Fortvivlan, Min Arvedel
2. Tiden Laker Inga Sar
3. Manniska O'Avskyvarda Manniska
4. Tillsammans Ar Vi Allt
5. I Nattens Timma
6. FFF

According to founder and front man NIKLAS KVARFORTH (SKITLIV), with ”Fodd Forlorare” SHINING will ”take a deep dive into the darkest of all musical genres you could imagine”. Making guest appearances on the album are ERIK DANIELSSON (WATAIN), PETER BJARGO (ARCANA) and NORDMAN.

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post Nov 27 2009, 21:01:51
Post #175

любитель шведской buzzzzy'ны
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Уже здесь обсуждается:

Shining - VII: Född Förlorare
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post Nov 27 2009, 21:02:48
Post #176

He who can see the grief and misery
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Ну хз, эта тема под новости бм все же.
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post Nov 27 2009, 21:12:56
Post #177

любитель шведской buzzzzy'ны
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Mikhail1944, ну дык всё правильно, тут новости, а там - обсуждение (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile4.gif)
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post Nov 27 2009, 22:01:59
Post #178

i was damned
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как они так быстро альбомы пишут?
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Black Metal Daemon
post Nov 27 2009, 22:12:31    Сейчас играет: Cosmic Church - Torni (Osa II)
Post #179

Guests team

ЦИТАТА(Blood13 @ Nov 28 2009, 00:01:59) *
как они так быстро альбомы пишут?

Просто они их выпускают через длительное время после завершения, и когда один наконец выходит - второй уже подходит к завершению.
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post Nov 29 2009, 10:35:28
Post #180

He who can see the grief and misery
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Svarti Loghin записали новый альбом под рабочим названием DTTV и готовятся к записи EP.

На можно послушать два новых трека с альбома.

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