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post Aug 8 2009, 10:37:16
Post #1

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Собственно, все связанное с новостями в блеке, как то - выход новых альбомов, изменения в составе групп, и тому подобное, теперь постим в этой теме.
Создание отдельных тем для каждой новости не рекомендуется (только в исключительных случаях). Так что все новости - сюда!

Для новостей Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal существует отдельная тема: Новости направления MBM/Symphonic Black Metal

by Blood13

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post Jun 9 2010, 10:00:54
Post #511

Aber Bitte Mit Sahne
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Новый альбом Teratism вышел на Negativity Records:

Attached File  teratism.jpg ( 46.58k ) Number of downloads: 1217

(1) Morbvs,
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post Jun 11 2010, 06:07:00
Post #512

Paysage D'Hiver
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Новости от Summoning:

1. The label " Temple of Darnkess" has release the LP version of "Nightshade Forest" mini-cd

2. The new " Kreuzweg Ost" named "Gott mit uns" will be released on " Cold Spring Records"

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post Jun 13 2010, 01:03:50
Post #513

i was damned
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Lifelover. Кипит работа над новым альбомом. Подробности в ближайшее время.
NEWS June 12th 2010
Things might seem a little bit cold regarding Lifelover at the moment.
But nothing could be further from the truth. We are working very hard
on the new album and have currently written 13 songs, and there is more to
come. We are aiming for our longest album yet.
Songtitles, cover artwork and much more surprises regarding all our
releases will come very soon. Soon we will be back bigger and stronger
than ever, ready to deprave!


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post Jun 14 2010, 11:11:35
Post #514

Правь статус, ####!111
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На Опричь вышло переиздание в виде Digi-CD кассетного дэмо FULLMOON RISE - "The End of Life's Ages".
Диск содержит перезаписанный вариант демо '98 года (+ еще две нереализованных ранее трека) в измененном составе. Данная запись хождения не имела.


От себя добавлю, что издание очень приятно выполнено, а постер, входящий в комплект, содержит Лирику и Интервью.

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post Jun 16 2010, 12:41:14
Post #515

шесть шматов солёного з перцем
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Tribute to Conan Split ep7" Graveland/Kreuzfeuer (front cover ver.0.88)

(2) F-F, Paatddal,
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post Jun 16 2010, 12:52:21
Post #516

Paysage D'Hiver
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post Jun 16 2010, 14:30:11
Post #517

Десять Литров Тёплого Молока
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На лице Конана можно прочитать восклицание "Мля, что ж мне дома не сиделось!!11"
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post Jun 16 2010, 14:32:06
Post #518

Paysage D'Hiver
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Не. Скорее безумную отрешенность. Спокойная неумолимая смерть!
Ну вот что-то типа того
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post Jun 17 2010, 10:57:36
Post #519

Aber Bitte Mit Sahne
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Stielas Storhett signs with code666

Murmansk Black Metal band Stielas Storhett just signed a multi album deal with code666.

The One Man Band from the Artic Circle is now working on a brand new album, scheduled for this winter on code666.

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post Jun 17 2010, 17:57:57
Post #520

He who can see the grief and misery
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Итак, возрождение Lekamen Illusionen Kallet (LIK):


Официальный myspace: + PROMO 2010!

P.S.: Это настоящий рок!!111 (ццэ)

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post Jun 17 2010, 18:02:14
Post #521

Group: Металариец
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тату зачетная (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile1.gif)
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post Jun 17 2010, 18:03:19
Post #522

He who can see the grief and misery
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*ля, это почти поздний Darkthrone! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)
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post Jun 17 2010, 18:03:20
Post #523

i was damned
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Forgotten Tomb. Выход компиляции в последних днях июня/первых днях июля. Переиздание демо Obscura Arcana Mortis с доп. материалом. Готово 8 треков грядущего альбома Under Saturn Retrograde, работа над которым продолжится в конце августа.
"Vol.5: 1999/2009" update + other news
"Vol. 5: 1999/2009" is finally hitting the pressing plant and will be released in the end of June/beginning of July 2010. Besides the regular edition there will be a strongly limited edition package including a custom FT zippo lighter, a FT patch and a poster. If you miss this you're a retard! Official release date of both editions will be announced as soon as possible. The album will be out in Europe through Avantgarde Music label. A US release and a vinyl version will be announced later. Some T-Shirts for the album will be printed too.

Finally a vinyl release of our 2004's "Love's Burial Ground" album will happen through Funeral Industries label. It should be out sometime around the end of this summer, though more details will be spread as soon as we know 'em.

A CD re-release of "Obscura Arcana Mortis: The Demo Years" will be available most probably around August/September 2010 through Herr Morbid' Southern Apocalypse Records. This new edition will include improved graphix, unreleased pictures and unreleased extra audio-material. A vinyl release of the album might be printed shortly after too.

New exclusive merchandise from the band will be available from July 2010. New T-Shirt designs will appear on the website as soon as they're available. The new merch will be available also at the band's live shows starting from August.

Last but not least, the band is currently signing a new deal for the upcoming "Under Saturn Retrograde" album. The band finished the songwriting and it's currently rehearsing 8 new songs. Plans are to enter the studio in the end of August 2010. The label will be announced within days.

In the meantime the band will be playing some summer festivals and other gigs around Europe, so stay tuned and check this space for constant updates.



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post Jun 17 2010, 18:03:24
Post #524

Три Литра
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А может этот швед еще и вспомнит про Armagedda?... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/fear.gif)
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post Jun 17 2010, 18:39:12
Post #525

Guests team

ЦИТАТА(Mikhail1944 @ Jun 17 2010, 20:57:57) *
Итак, возрождение Lekamen Illusionen Kallet (LIK):
(IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/banana.gif)
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post Jun 17 2010, 22:24:11
Post #526

The game has begun
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ЦИТАТА(Mikhail1944 @ Jun 18 2010, 03:57:57) *
Итак, возрождение Lekamen Illusionen Kallet (LIK)
О да!  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)
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post Jun 18 2010, 17:19:41
Post #527

Group: Металариец
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ЦИТАТА(Mikhail1944 @ Jun 17 2010, 19:57:57) *
Итак, возрождение Lekamen Illusionen Kallet (LIK):

P.S.: Это настоящий рок!!111 (ццэ)

Допился мужик до "роковости" как и темностул в своё время (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif)
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post Jun 18 2010, 19:43:03
Post #528

любитель шведской buzzzzy'ны
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Немного всяких (старых и не очень) вестей от HH:

"Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult"


и новый

"Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm"

"Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult"

re-issue of their hard-to-find 1998 debut album. Mastered for the very FIRST time,
this deluxe Digipak CD & double LP boasts a much better sound quality,
all new cover artwork painted by Antichrist Kramer and one of the most
notable deluxe packaging/layouts
in the history of the label & bands' discography.

The band is currently recording for Hells Headbangers & No Colours their 5th
full-length album entitled Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm.
Watch for CD & LP pressings from both labels Summer 2010.
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Drünken Bastards
"Horns of the Wasted"


Baptized in speed and blood, the toxic oil of the 1980's is pumping in the veins of DRUNKEN BASTARDS! With their second album Horns of the Wasted, these hungover Hungarian's blitz the senses with galloping hardcore punk and evil blackthrashing metal, taking all the vilest aspects of the '80s underground and warping 'em into diabolical anthems. Too metal for punk and too punk for metal, DRUNKEN BASTARDS are posercrushing road warriors existing in a no-man's land... and they don't give a fuck as long as they're on the Horns of the Wasted! Expect NO sweetie melodies and NO gushy lyrics, just pure metal exekution straight from fuckin' hell.
FOR DIE HARDS OF: Barbatos, Venom, Driller Killer, old Sodom, Broken Bones, Abigail, and early Kreator.

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Nocturnal Blood

CD & 12" Gatefold LP OUT AUGUST 2010 on HHR.

Morbid Death Metal influenced by: Beherit-Lord Diabolus-Goat Vulva, Blasphemy, Von, Demoncy, Impurity, Hellhammer, Belial

Unrelentingly Morbid Black Death Metal, the ancient returns with his highly anticipated full-length debut
"Devastated Graves - The Morbid Celebration". Deflowering the goat vulva, dripping viscous black blood,
NOCTURNAL BLOOD pries open the very maw of hell itself and peers deeply into its sweltering
depths: essentially, this is the sound of Devastated Graves.
Pulsing, pummeling, awe-inspiring primal power... partake in The Morbid Celebration!
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Prosanctus Inferi


"Pandemonic Ululations of Vesperic Palpitation"

CD / 12" Gatefold LP (first 100 copies on colored vinyl w/ patch) Summer 2010 on HHR

PROSANCTUS INFERI make their highly anticipated full-length debut with Pandemonic Ululations of Vesperic Palpitation. A bewitching epitaph to fallen warrior / drummer Antichristus, Pandemonic Ululations... retains their blackened barbarity of old but moves away from their earlier Profanatica worship toward a sound that's inscrutably, idiosyncratically unique. Primitive and pounding and yet laced with labyrinthine, serpentine structures that challenge the mind while bruising the body, PROSANCTUS INFERI invoke the occult through utterly twisted, wholly gnarled violence.


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Grave Desecrator
Brazil's Blackest Metal Massacre is back and this time on HHR! Old school Black/Death Metal in the old South American tradition! This blackened piece entitled "Primordial and Repulsive", features an exclusive GRAVE DESECRATOR track plus cover versions of cult acts MORTUARY DRAPE and REPULSION! First 100 copies on Red Vinyl only sold through HHR mailorder.

*Coming soon to HHR mailorder, GRAVE DESECRATOR / CATACUMBA "Tombs on Fire" split 7" Gatefold EP on Red Vinyl. Limited hand-numbered pressing featuring exclusive tracks from each band.

*Also planned on HHR, a split 7" with U.S. deathmongers MARTYRVORE. More news about it later.

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post Jun 22 2010, 19:07:56
Post #529

Group: Металариец
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Upcoming album
Our upcoming 2nd album "Apocalypse in your Heart" is scheduled to be recorded in summer and to be released in autumn by Osmose Productions, most likely in october 2010.

The cover is once again done by Sperber Illustartionen, this time exclusively custom-made for TotalSelfHatred.



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post Jun 24 2010, 09:23:28
Post #530

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and to be released in autumn

доолго (IMG:style_emoticons/default/6.gif)
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post Jun 24 2010, 11:47:35
Post #531

Aber Bitte Mit Sahne
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Новый альбом Nocturnal Depression будет выпущен 4 сентября на Avantgarde Music:

Attached File  nd.jpg ( 54.2k ) Number of downloads: 382

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post Jun 25 2010, 00:21:48
Post #532

i was damned
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Новый альбом Nocturnal Depression

должно быть круто. Гитарист у них - рукастый парень…
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post Jun 25 2010, 07:09:50
Post #533

Group: Металариец
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Новый альбом Nocturnal Depression

должно быть круто. Гитарист у них - рукастый парень…

эммм.. случаем ни с кем не попутал? есть тонны ДБМ, более "рукастого" и в плане техники игры, и атмосферы
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post Jun 25 2010, 07:18:35
Post #534

Три Литра
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LoveTarja, он ничего не перепутал. Ты посмотри на руки вокалиста ND, лайв клип для этого тебе в помощь...тогда поймешь в чем дело. Ну и всю ночь спать не будешь, будет краб сниться (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif)
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post Jun 25 2010, 09:36:43
Post #535

Group: Металариец
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post Jun 25 2010, 09:53:38
Post #536

шесть шматов солёного з перцем
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жесть какая (IMG:style_emoticons/default/crazy.gif)
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post Jun 25 2010, 09:57:52
Post #537

Aber Bitte Mit Sahne
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ЦИТАТА(LoveTarja @ Jun 25 2010, 10:09:50) *
эммм.. случаем ни с кем не попутал? есть тонны ДБМ, более "рукастого" и в плане техники игры, и атмосферы

А что за тонны техничного и атмосферного ДБМ? Тонны шлака, это да...
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post Jun 25 2010, 10:30:25
Post #538

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Новости от Nordvis Produktion.

Из мэйл-рассылки (диск уже вышел):


First two tracks are from the "Hagkomster fran Nordliga Nejder" EP, released for the first time on CD.
This material was previously only released with the first 100 copies of the "Falen fran Norr" LP and is
a logical anticipation of this masterpiece album since they were recorded shortly beforehand.
The "Norrskenritual" EP was never released to this day.

The CD comes in a limited handmade digipack with embossed parts.

С сайта:

We're right now working with our next release which will be no less then a ARMAGEDDA MCD/DVD package.

Armagedda did only a very small amount of live appearances but with this DVD we can offer you their performance in Nurnberg, Germany 2002. The mini album will contain a lost recording from the period between 2001 and 2002. Don't worry, this is not a badly done rehearshal tape.

These 4 tracks possesses a very intense soundscape, delivering a cold, dark and obscure essence ! Imagine a back catalogue blend of The Final War Approaching and Only True Believers.

1. Den Skrivna Eskatologin
2. De Vanhelgade
3. I Am (Only performed live in the past)
4. Cold Eon
This release is for all those who followed these two individuals in the past.

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post Jun 25 2010, 17:37:24
Post #539

Шесть Литров
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Nocturnal Depression на Авангарде О_о
Ну чего ж, Lifelover они не за хер собачий взяли с Darkspace. Ждем.
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post Jun 26 2010, 06:20:02
Post #540

He who can see the grief and misery
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ЦИТАТА(Spyart @ 25th June 2010 - 20:37:24) *
Lifelover они не за хер собачий взяли
Они уже на Osmose, по ходу. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/bye.gif)
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