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> Area51 - Ankh (2005), Power Metal
post Jun 18 2008, 16:42:07
Post #1
RO till


*Artist: Area51
*Album: Ankh
*Year: 2005
*Genre: Power Metal
*Country: Japan
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 112MB

1. Invitation 01:38
2. Chaotic Phase 05:28
3. Extend Wings 03:25
4. Domain 02:54
5. Fate 05:19
6. Sky Above Clouds 05:40
7. Alea Jacta Est 04:04
8. Ankh 02:49
9. The Last 05:47
Area51 - CLOSE TO... -you and me- / crimson (2007)-single
1. CLOSE TO... -you and me- 04:59
2. crimson 06:09
Total playing time: 48:12


Kate - vocals
Yoichiro Ishino - guitar
Takeshi Ochi - keyboard
Kensuke Imai - drums (Wizards' Hymn)

The album has a clear melodic power metal sound that you’d have to be deaf not to notice. Even so, there are great guitar solos and riffs as well as good drumming. The length isn’t horrible as well, although some songs are inconsistent. This band has a female singer with a very beautiful voice (and self) and a good vocal range. Sometimes, though, I almost think I mistake her low pitches for a male’s vocals, but I quickly erase that from my mind. On occasion, there’s a bit of voice-alteration, such as voice warping and echoing. Simply put, her vocals are the high point of the album even though the songs aren’t bad in any way. There’s also quite a lot of classical instrumentation, such as violins and cellos, which are beautifully done, as well as keyboards and occasional keyboard solos. I found myself forgetting the drums even existed, even though I was clearly tapping my foot to the bass beat.


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post Jun 18 2008, 17:28:21
Post #2

Волк без яблока
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Russian Federation

Бьюсь об заклад, что здесь такие же 320, как и во втором альбоме. Качать два файла с рапиды сейчас не могу, поэтому проверю позже...
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post Jun 18 2008, 17:31:44
Post #3
RO till

EP TOŽE BRT 320 KBP/S . 2 IN 1 LINK . EP - 26 MB / 320 KBP/S, 2005-86 MB / 320 KBP/S
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post Jun 18 2008, 17:49:57
Post #4

Волк без яблока
Group: Металариец
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From: Санкт-Петербург
On Forums: 18 years 5 months
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Russian Federation

Well, as I know the version we had in the net was transcoded from vbr. So... I don't know, what is this one. If it's your own rip, then I have no complaint (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile1.gif)
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post Jun 18 2008, 18:05:51
Post #5
RO till

no vbr. - its new link - all 320 kbp/s . very good sound .
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post Jun 18 2008, 19:36:13    Сейчас играет: Iron Maiden
Post #6

Guests team

А что за группа такая? Впервые слышу.
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post Jun 19 2008, 06:23:28
Post #7

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Thank you...
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post Jun 19 2008, 07:26:40
Post #8

Волк без яблока
Group: Металариец
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From: Санкт-Петербург
On Forums: 18 years 5 months
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Russian Federation

Oh, then I'm sorry for being so suspicious, and saying many thanks for the upload of the album of such an interesting band (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile1.gif)
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post May 8 2009, 21:08:36
Post #9

God Hand
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Russian Federation

очень добротный павер! может немного смутить вокал, но это, наверно, мелочь (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile4.gif)
всё сыграно красиво, очень интересны и мелодичны соло гитариста и дополняющие их клавишные!!
и похоже MeatWolf прав: по двум ссылкам с рапиды очень похоже на перекод, уж больно подозрительно обрезаны частоты где-то на 18 kHz (IMG:style_emoticons/default/13.gif)
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post May 11 2009, 17:07:24
Post #10

тебе 34, а ты все реверсами балуешься
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Russian Federation

требуется айфолдер пжлст
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