Unholy Archangel - Obsessed By War (2010), Black Metal |
Unholy Archangel - Obsessed By War (2010), Black Metal |
Jan 27 2010, 01:19:04
Group: Металариец |
*Year: 2010 *Genre: Black Metal *Country: Greece (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/Greece.png) *Format: mp3@CBR320kbps *Size: 100MB Tracklist: 1. Hymn to Ares 2. Spartan's March 3. Titanbattle Pt. I 4. Behold the Nuclear Thunder of the almighty Lord Zeus 5. King War 6. Obsessed by War 7. Titanbattle Pt. II 8. Destruction by Hyphaistos Hammer 9. The Prehistoric Invasion of Hellenes in India under Dionysous Command 10. εκ δωδώνης μεμάντευται 11. Απειρωτάν 12. Stench of judeochristianism ****************************** Total playing time: 30:36 (IMG:http://metalarea.org/images/myspace.png) Register |
(40) Ainar, artscald, banik1922ostrava, blackwraith, bombdisneyland, Brennuvargr, cadaveric666, ddarkthrone, desekrator, DOKTORBLACK88, Forrrrest, garretje, HA7tur, igore2911, johnbutoff, kauyumari, kim666, MMMMM, nsmetalhead, Orgasmik, Planewalker, Poison666, ptlm, Radek, rammmirez, RUSP73, Saretth, satanas189, satanist666, Shaithan, skylakos, smysl, ssturm88, the_cleanser, Unknown, varg-38ru, vasiljev_sergej, Wolftribes, Абигор, Лед, |
Jan 27 2010, 03:03:16
Group: Металариец |
"Ужасы и ад на греческий манер" или "Blasphemy и греческая мифология" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)
С меня зеркала, певас komhs'у и товарищу, который мне буквально на днях советовал их повтыкать (IMG:style_emoticons/default/9.gif) |
Jan 27 2010, 10:37:00
Group: Металариец |
как по мне сырое ** (IMG:style_emoticons/default/12.gif) ** ..Что не слышите как они сбиваются ?
Jan 28 2010, 15:35:43
Group: Металариец |
как по мне сырое ** (IMG:style_emoticons/default/12.gif) ** ..Что не слышите как они сбиваются ? Ты не шаришь. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/25.gif) |
Mar 9 2012, 22:06:39
Group: Завсегдатай |
Could you re-upload this one again PLEASE? I did some trades with Agisilaos in past... We almost released a Split... but we had problems with a ripoff label.. stay ugly.
Jun 20 2016, 04:17:28
Group: Металариец |
320 + Scans
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