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post Mar 18 2013, 04:09:53
Post #1

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Group: S-moderation team
Posts: 8,210
Releases: 19
From: Петропавловск-Камчатский
On Forums: 15 years 8 months
Thanks: 8637 time(s)
Russian Federation

Symphonic Gothic Metal with Folk Influences
Lyrical Theme(s):
Love, Vampires, Beauty
Japan (Kanagawa Prefecture)
Formed In:
Current line-up:
Hiroki - Drums (2003-) (ex-Aioria, ex-Michiru Project, ex-Overtaker, ex-S to M)
Ruiza - Guitars (lead) (2003-) (Ruiza, ex-Distray, ex-Laybial, ex-Syndrome)
Hide-Zou - Guitars (rhythm) (2003-) (ex-As'Real, ex-Clair de Lune, ex-Lapis, ex-S to M)
Asagi - Vocals (lead) (2003-) (Asagi, ex-Balsamic, ex-Je*Reviens, ex-Syndrome)
Tsunehito - Bass (2005-) (ex-Givuss, ex-Relude, ex-Scissor)
Former/Past Member(s):
レナ - Bass (2003-2005)
Sin - Guitars (2003) (ex-Syndrome)
Tetsu - Guitar (live) (2003)
Additional notes:
D are one of the leading bands in the Visual Kei movement in Japan.
God Child Records are D's own label under which most of their discography is released, their music is distributed by Avex Trax.
Additional Discography:
- "D Tour 2011 Vampire Saga ~Path of the Rose~ European Tour and A-Kon Documentary DVD"
D - New Blood [ep] - 2003
D - Alice [single] - 2003
D - Paradox [ep] - 2004
D - 夢なりし空中庭園 [single] - 2004
D - 繭月の棺 [single] - 2004
D - 真昼の声 ~Synchronicity~ [single] - 2005
D - 白い夜 [single] - 2005
D - 闇より暗い慟哭のアカペラと薔薇より赤い情熱のアリア [single] - 2005
D - The Name Of The Rose [full-length] - 2005
D - 夢なりし空中庭園 [ep] - 2006
D - 太陽を葬る日 [single] - 2006
D - Tafel Anatomie [full-length] - 2006
D - Tafel Anatomie Tour 2006 ~12.06 Tour Final 渋谷公会堂~ [dvd] - 2006
D - Dearest You [single] - 2007
D - Schwarzschild [single] - 2007
D - 桜花咲きそめにけり [single] - 2007
D - Neo Culture ~Beyond The World~ [full-length] - 2007
D - Birth [single] - 2008
D - Last Indies Tour 2008 Follow Me~05.05Final赤坂 Blitz~ [dvd] - 2008
D - 闇の国のアリス / 波紋 [single] - 2008
D - Snow White [single] - 2009
D - Genetic World [full-length] - 2009
D - Live DVD「Alice in Dark edge Final(渋谷C.C Lemonホール公演)」 [dvd] - 2009
D - Tightrope [single] - 2009
D - Day by Day [single] - 2009
D - 風がめくる頁 [single] - 2010
D - 7th Rose [full-length] - 2010
D 1st Video Clips [dvd] - 2010
D - 赤き羊による晩餐会 [single] - 2010
D - In the Name of Justice [single] - 2010
D - 皇帝 ~闇に生まれた報い~ [full-length] - 2011
D - 鳥籠御殿 ~L'Oiseau Bleu~ [single] - 2011
D - 皇帝 ~闇に生まれた報い~ [ep] - 2011
D - Vampire Saga [full-length] - 2011
D - Tour 2010 In the Name of Justice Final DVD [dvd] - 2011
D - Nyanto-Shippo ''De''!? [single] - 2012
D - Ultimate Lover [single] - 2012
D - Dying Message [single] - 2012
D - 断罪の銃士 [single] - 2012
D - 名もなき森の夢語り [ep] - 2012

Official site:
D @ Homepage

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