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> Reactor, Melodic Speed Metal
post Apr 10 2009, 19:22:57
Post #1

Nail in my coffee.
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Group: V.I.P
Posts: 6,918
Releases: 77
From: Київ
On Forums: 18 years 6 months
Thanks: 10809 time(s)

Melodic Speed Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Germany (Augsburg, Bavaria)
Formed In:
Last known line-up:
Robert Käfferlein - Vocals, formerly Bass (Monterey)
Hans Reichelt - Guitars (Trace Faire)
Markus Baier - Guitars (Cheyenne)
Daniel Unzner - Bass (Profanity (Ger))
Markus Sturz - Drums (Trace Faire)
Former/Past Member(s):
S.L. Coe - Vocals(Angel Dust (Ger), Scanner, C.O.E.)
Jerry Bryant - Vocals (on first two albums)
Thorsten Schwalm - Guitars ((Monterey) (up to "Farewell to Reality"))
Muck Langmair - Drums (Veto)
Reactor - Rather Dead Than Dishonoured [full-length] - 1991
Reactor - Revelation [full-length] - 1993
Reactor - Farewell To Reality [full-length] - 1995
Reactor - Raw Meat [ep] - 1998
Reactor - A Short Fairy Tale [full-length] - 1998
Reactor - Augschburg [single] - 2000
Reactor - Clean Tales [demo] - 2001
Reactor - No Rest Yet [full-length] - 2004

Official site:

Reactor - Rather Dead Than Dishonoured [full-length] - 1991 by GaNDaLF
Reactor - Revelation [full-length] - 1993 by GaNDaLF
Reactor - Farewell To Reality [full-length] - 1995 by GaNDaLF
Reactor - A Short Fairy Tale [full-length] - 1998 by GaNDaLF
Reactor - No Rest Yet [full-length] - 2004 by emeticus tabes

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post Apr 11 2009, 10:49:23
Post #2

hearer & reader
Group: Металариец
Posts: 11,152
Releases: 235
From: Moscow
On Forums: 17 years 6 months
Thanks: 13957 time(s)
Russian Federation

Ещё бы кто раздавал альбомы 90-х..
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