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> Suffocation - Effigy Of The Forgotten (1991), Brutal Technical Death Metal
post Sep 14 2006, 13:43:43
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*Artist: Suffocation
*Album: Effigy of the Forgotten
*Year: 1991
*Genre: Brutal Technical Death Metal
*Country: USA (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/United%20States.png)
*Format: mp3@192
*Size: 51 Мб.

1. Liege of Inveracity 04:30
2. Effigy of the Forgotten 03:50
3. Infecting the Crypts 04:49
4. Seeds of the Suffering 05:52
5. Habitual Infamy 04:16
6. Reincremation 02:54
7. Mass Obliteration 04:32
8. Involuntary Slaughter 03:02
9. Jesus Wept 03:42
Total playing time: 37:27


This post has been edited by satanath: Dec 10 2011, 20:38:00

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post Sep 14 2006, 17:22:36
Post #2

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Мой любимый альбом. Как по мне, - лучшая вещь в их карьере.

(1) Aresson,
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post Feb 25 2007, 11:17:00
Post #3

Guests team

Thanks man! (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_emoticons/default/roll.gif)
Ermak, Pentium.Disel, in_black, Bloodyplayer, +Sleepless+, Blackknot, Grindbox, garretje
Total 8 thanks.
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post Apr 2 2007, 17:04:17
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Добавлена ссылка на megaupload.com by HA7tur
Формат: mp3@320
Размер архива: 84 Мб.

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post Sep 24 2008, 19:24:25
Post #5

Несуществующий скелетик
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Сей замечательный альбом, по сути, предтеча модного ныне направления "slamming brutal death". Глубокий гроулинг (не гуттурал) вокалиста и медленные раскачивающие риффы, используемые пока довольно редко... вот сравните Liege of Inveracity с Postmortal Coprophagia Devourment'а образца 1999 - быстро найдёте сходство. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile1.gif)
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post Nov 1 2008, 21:30:46
Post #6

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ЦИТАТА(liiva @ 24th September 2008 - 22:24:25) *
предтеча модного ныне направления "slamming brutal death".

не-а, тут в меру техничный и брутальный дет.
это уже потом пошла тенденция к объединению кача и BDM (этим, кстати, грешили многие земляки Душителей)...
а вот сабж как раз эту дорожку обошёл стороной.
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post Nov 2 2008, 23:59:50
Post #7

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очередная моя попытка полюбить Суффо оказалась успешной!
а ведь я этот альбом слушал тогда в 90-х, но потер кассету... оставил в дописках к Пестиленс лишь начало альбома (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile1.gif)
а теперь это классика tbdm (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)
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post Nov 3 2008, 00:56:57
Post #8

Несуществующий скелетик
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ЦИТАТА(Brutal @ 1st November 2008 - 23:30:46) *
а вот сабж как раз эту дорожку обошёл стороной.

Я же писал "предтечей". Веном как известно тоже обошли дорожку, начало которой положили. Песня Liege of Inveracity, отрывок 2:52-3:12 и 3:48-4:10 - это самый настоящий slamming brutal, разве что не guttural.
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post Nov 25 2008, 21:55:34
Post #9

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mp3 320kbps 86mb

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post May 25 2009, 23:56:24
Post #10

Четыре Литра
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Their best release.

Here a mirror:

Quality: 320kbps
Size: 89.59

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post May 26 2009, 00:34:30
Post #11

Goat Gut Gore Core
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Незнаю, как-то я недопонимаю их дебютник... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/21.gif) Фставляeт, но не слишком. Pierced From Within несравнимо круче, по всем статьям, особенно по части материала. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)

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post Jun 12 2009, 22:38:25
Post #12

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post Apr 21 2010, 22:30:21
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Thank you.
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post Nov 14 2010, 14:43:33
Post #14

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перелил с медиафайра от Federico7979, параметры те же


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post Nov 14 2010, 16:46:10
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post Jan 10 2011, 20:36:06
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Suffocation - Effigy Of The Forgotten (1991) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/crazy.gif)
320 kbps [lame3.93.1] / 87 Mb

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post Feb 19 2011, 16:04:39
Post #17

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Чумовая весчьщь! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/metaler.gif)
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post Jul 11 2012, 18:37:59
Post #18

Трезвый мастер
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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)
ЦИТАТА(Язва @ Nov 3 2008, 05:59:50) *
а теперь это классика tbdm (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)

Ну для техникала там ещё рановато, а вот brutal death зарождавшийся тогда как стиль, тут чётко оформлен.
Фирменный звук здесь ещё не выработан, пока просто утяжелили и убыстрили "флориду" (из-за чего есть сходство с ранним Sinister (IMG:style_emoticons/default/hmm.gif) ), но как гарицца "Лиха беда начало!" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile3.gif)
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post Jul 11 2012, 18:48:32
Post #19

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Vatican City

Tomb Of The Mutilated каннибалов и дебютник Suffocation - это лучшее что могло произойти с бруталом!) Эти два альбома периодически прослушиваются, вот уже практически на протяжении 20 лет))

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post Oct 6 2012, 11:23:58
Post #20

Шесть Литров
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Этот альбом как магнит - который постоянно притигивает к прослушиванию.
Музыка, которой нельзя напиться... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/headcrab.png)
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post Feb 14 2013, 14:30:12
Post #21

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Каннибалы, Каркас, Напалм, Суффо - золотое время начала 90-х! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) Плюс "стокгольмщина" несравненная! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)
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post Feb 16 2013, 16:47:14
Post #22

Трезвый мастер
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Тексты песен/Lyrics

1. Liege Of Inveracity

Forced into your mind, passed down through the centuries
Cultures will collide, holy wars for what?
Holy book of God, holy book of lies

Chanting scriptures in vain
Hoping to allow to rest
Hopeful, peaceful life
Compassion all but gone
Effigy of what's to come
Hopeless, worthless dreams
Sorrow scars your brain
End the weak, all is dead

Come see, my light
Misguided fools, I shall guide
Grant thyself, all your minds
Liege of inveracity

Follow still you will
Puppets to take your lord
Only gaining faith for
An imminent demise
Reduce your wretched mind
With these false prophecies
Now I will prevail
All servants left to rot

A new race I will now create
As I end their pitiful lives
My destiny has only begun
To torture future minds

2. Effigy Of The Forgotten

Torn away from my state of being
Chosen to be forgotten
Unspeakable pain as I leave this solid structure
As the earth becomes smaller, I reach a new plane
One so distant from where I was conceived

A heaping mass of fear is what we hold dear
For our loved ones who go to heaven
Thrown away even by God
Sentenced to this celestial cell

How can life after death be more serene that life itself?
God has nothing to offer this decaying world
All he will give is eternal misery
How can life after death be more serene that life itself?

Effigy of the Forgotten

How can you cry when someone dies?
The lord will greet him
With open arms, that's what he wrote
I will never believe them
Victims of deception, forward to regression
I must defy him

3. Infecting The Crypts

Exhume the wretched body from it's timeless slumber
Thrashing the tomb to reveal what's inside
A maggot infested corpse stares dismal
Inhabited by worms chewing holes through your carcass

These ancient lands beckoned the burial of humans
The infertile soil infecting the crypts
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peace, their chances of hell

A vomit type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside

The substance erupts and it's stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

4. Seeds Of The Suffering

Lies, deceitful words of impatience
Futile words of evasion

The gods that have once spoken to me
Have abandoned me to my pre-destined state
A state in which there are no words, is no language
Only the language of the endless suffering

Suffering that brings me to appreciate my new found existence
One that spawns forth a new being
A being in which there is no appreciation for his fellow man to see
Hatred and remorse unto those who have punished me
Punishment too cold to see
I don't see, I don't see
One that I have once created
Forced to change, I don't need

The path of abomination of all things

For I am now a seed, that will one day set forth a new race
One that will cleanse my soul
Anticipation of the weak-minded fools

One that my once beloved gods will not recognize

Race which feeds off the suffering
As the mortals cry out their new found god

The race grows strong
Until the day
The day of judgement

The race grows strong
Until the day

5. Habitual Infamy

Pray in homage under shadows of ancestry
Conceptual lords above bathing in your inquiry
Memorizing thoughts through hallucinations of despair
Imminence burns within, plunge yourself to disrespect
Battered visions, desolation drips into your eyes
A feeling of oppressiveness that vastly clutters life
Deviation scarred within, placed upon you from your birth
Engage with destitution, as it rips into your mind

Morally detrimental
Incapacitated existence
Ignorant false worship

Exit all that's insincere
Rendered never to believe, never to place trust again
Deny the cross you bear
Resisting all religion, resisting infirmities
Habitual infamy
Malignant infatuation
Reduces your will to live
Illusive reality
Images shred your mind to pieces

Deception crowds you
An infection of thoughts that God is there for you
Self-inflicted betrayal provoked by others

Sink in deep depression
States of mental turmoil
Abdiction enters
Paralyzing conflicts
Fear of retribution
Catastrophic frenzies
Burn within your mind

Sifting through delusions
Comatose with anguish
Tribulation drowns all hope
To live on

Purge your soul in hate
You're realizing you can't afford
Brace yourself til all resistance ends
Cut yourself and release the blood

6. Reincremation

Cremate the human race
The population has been reduced
A world condemned to horrid death
And the blood of others heads their saviour
An artificial homicide
The strong and feeble, all will die
Nothing left to say
Warmongers have to pay


Bodies rise from the ground
Twice as twisted as before
Turning the life that we know now
To the one with knowledge but no laws
Legal butchery will destroy this so called structure
We want the ones with life
Let's begin the mass cremation

Genetic bonds are broken
Flesh ripped and torn
Look what's become of you
Will you ever meet your maker?
No, you'll suffer til demise
To the ones with knowledge
Primitive actions will suffice
Tied down to the altar, we begin the sacrifice

Rancid death completes self-immolation
Your organs re-designed
Your brain's been under siege since you died
False life has taken over

7. Mass Obliteration

Warfare, a promise to eliminate mankind
The planet as we know it, taken by demented minds
Warheads produced to exterminate the earth
This sacrifice will lead us to our death, no rebirth

No one has the power to declare this world to die
Voting and electing the right to crucify
Times of turmoil have decided what to do
No need for common knowledge, we're through

World explosion
Mass obliteration
...of a race

Forced to live here day by day through day by day
We dread the fear of living in the afterworld spirits of the dead
Thoughts of nuclear holocaust that drive our world insane
Woman and children forced and left to kill

Through daily hibernation, manage to survive
Sifting through, they must be found, extinction we provide

Purify – the unholy land
Extinction – the so called master race
Crucify – the preachers of this hate
Liquify – the minds of those they create

8. Involuntary Slaughter

Nocturnal demon of hate
Searching for his next prey
Predator with no remorse
Cannibalistic killing machine

Attacking with demise, something to realize
Stripped of your life, you'll see, that it's too late
To save your fate, trembling of what's to come
He'll testify, then crucify, as you die in vain

Eyes torn from their sockets
Talons piercing the flesh
Epidermic layers torn from my chest
Fear logged in your larynx
Screams of torment trapped inside
As you are left, left to die

Bodies lie on the ground
Victims of his killing spree

Left here to die, to signify his wrath of abolishment
Corpses that lie, intensify the way that you die
Rotting flesh prevails, blood begins to hail from the sky above
Masses of remains left here to lay before his alter

9. Jesus Wept

Your entire life, your religion is embedded in your mind
Words spoken from a book, tell you never to change
After death you a taught, your soul will cleansed
But even reduced to ashes, the misery still prevails

The day has finally come for you to be put to rest
As your body enters the furnace
Searing fire begins it's bath
As your entity begins it's path

There will be no rebirth of your soul
Emptiness that clouds your depression
Forced in to see the light, knowing Jesus wept

Only one thing clinging to your mind
The prayers to the feeble god whom you once believed in

Looking at the mortals from your cauldron of pain
Weeping as you know nothing will make this end
But now an even greater pain engulfs you
Reincremation did you no good, return to inflict others

Your credulous family somehow hears your pitiful cries
They take the urn which contains what is left of your mortal life
It's taken back to the crematory to attempt once again
The brutal burning of your soul, thought to cleanse

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post May 11 2013, 20:26:39
Post #23

Join my religion, or die
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post Nov 5 2013, 16:26:22
Post #24

Действующий металлист
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MP3 CBR 320 kbps (Lame-3.93.1)

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post Jun 29 2014, 12:53:38
Post #25

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2003 remaster

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post Mar 2 2016, 14:05:26
Post #26

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ИМХО: Это лучший альбом у Suffocation. Первые 2 года слушал часто, прожил на кассете года до 1994 или 1995

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post Apr 12 2016, 12:41:16
Post #27

Правь статус, ####!111
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Всё таки мой Саффо - это 1995, 2006, 2009, 2013.
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post Apr 12 2016, 13:22:16
Post #28

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ЦИТАТА(vosmidesijatye @ 12th April 2016 - 23:41:16) *
2006, 2009, 2013.

Не самые удачные примеры.

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post Apr 12 2016, 22:32:28
Post #29

Going home. Flying high.
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да не, всё нормуль, кмк) надо же делать скидку на возраст, так сказать!
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post Apr 12 2016, 22:59:14
Post #30

Ёлд ХеллоВяйне
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А на обложке распоясавшийся Валли (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif)
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