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> Martyrium, Industrial/Gothic/Extreme Metal (Mlt)
post Jul 24 2017, 12:18:15
Post #1

the faceless one
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Group: S-moderation team
Posts: 9,679
Releases: 1987
On Forums: 16 years 6 months
Thanks: 125315 time(s)

Industrial/Gothic/Extreme Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Ancient Magic, Mythology, Satanic Philosophy
Malta (Luqa)
Formed In:
Current Line-Up:
Vanja Obscure - Vocals (Sandmist, Sollertia)
Pandemonia - Vocals
Sherath - Guitars
Count Mortem - Bass, Guitars
Úmarth - Keyboards
Sandmist - Bass (Sandmist, Abnoba, Arachnid, Thy Legion)
Úmarth - Keyboards
Former/Past Member(s):
Vargblod - Vocals, Guitars (Draugûl, Khaospath, X-Vandals)
Lucifuge Rofocale - Vocals (Thy Legion)
Leviathan - Vocals
Lucifuge Rofocale - Vocals (Live) (Thy Legion)
Leviathan - Vocals (Live) (Improbus Atrum)
Le Marquise De Sade - Vocals (Live)
Asmodeus - Vocals
Lisa - Backing Vocals
Le Marquise DeSade - Backing Vocals
Martyr - Bass
Moloch - Bass, Backing Vocals
Satanas Excelsior - Drums
Gothmog - Guitars
Milady Blut - Keyboards
Behelith - Drums
Ithuriel - Guitars (Angelcrypt, Blind Saviour, Arachnid, Angel Blade, Hemlock)
Sir - Bass
Martyrium - Withering In Voluptuous Embrace [full-length] - 2002
Martyrium - The Carnage Lit By Darkness [full-length] - 2005
Martyrium - Awakening The Ancient [full-length] - 2010
Martyrium - Destiny Wore A Bondage Mask [full-length] - 2016

Official Site:
Martyrium @ Homepage

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