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> Fastidio - Agiten (1998), Thrash/Death Metal
post Sep 21 2009, 12:10:38
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*Artist: Fastidio
*Album: Agiten
*Year: 1998
*Genre: Thrash/Death Metal
*Country: Argentina (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/Argentina.png)
*Format: mp3@CBR256kbps
*Size: 74MB

1. Ley No Es Justicia 03:40
2. Hipocrita 04:51
3. Resistire 01:12
4. Hijo del Sufrimiento 04:50
5. Amigo Mio 03:48
6. Engañado y Muerto 04:24
7. Puercos, Fachos, Antisemitas (PFA) 03:59
8. No Mas Odio 04:23
9. Menem 01:40
10. Muerte al Dictador 05:22
Total playing time: 38:09


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post Sep 22 2009, 03:16:57
Post #2

Group: Металариец
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From: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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it's not death metal. it's a sort of pantera thrash groove, with some deja vu of сu metal in the sound. I have this disk, what a deception, I barelly listen to it twice jaja I bought it after see them live. they rock in their shows because they are pure aggression, but this disc it's prety weak.

(1) AHBAnep,
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post Dec 25 2011, 03:52:48
Post #3

_ - = # Thrashogolic # = - _ ... а давайте поржём все вместе
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ЦИТАТА(Leolomb @ 22nd September 2009 - 04:16:57) *
it's not death metal. it's a sort of pantera thrash groove, with some deja vu of сu metal in the sound. I have this disk, what a deception, I barelly listen to it twice jaja I bought it after see them live. they rock in their shows because they are pure aggression, but this disc it's prety weak.
Thanks, I'l try to seek it for.
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post Dec 29 2011, 02:49:02
Post #4

_ - = # Thrashogolic # = - _ ... а давайте поржём все вместе
Group: Металариец
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I didn't find the llink to it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif)
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