Edge Of Sanity - Crimson (1996), Progressive Death Metal |
Здесь релизы с живыми прямыми ссылками на lossless
Edge Of Sanity - Crimson (1996), Progressive Death Metal |
Oct 8 2006, 21:19:22
Group: Металариец |
*Year: 1996 *Genre: Progressive Death Metal *Country: Швеция (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/Sweden.png) *Format: mp3@192 *Size: 54 Мб. Tracklist: Crimson ************************* Total playing time: 40:00 Register
This post has been edited by Borderline1991: Jan 30 2019, 17:38:41 |
May 21 2010, 00:26:57
Group: Металариец |
Ну я отчасти согласен с товарищем. По отдельности куски в этой песне практически не представляют из себя ничего особенного и довольно невнятны. Другое дело, что слушать это надо, не выбирая по кусочкам + попутно зная (или читая) текст и следя за развитием сюжета, вот тогда это вставляет просто нереально |
trac.viet |
Aug 11 2010, 05:45:49
Guests team |
FLAC + CUE: (IMG:style_emoticons/default/crazy.gif)
CODE http://ifolder.ru/18853894 http://ifolder.ru/18853895 http://ifolder.ru/18853896 |
(1) -=Lion=-, |
Mar 2 2011, 18:58:10
Group: Металариец |
Еще на аудио компакт-кассете был... Как помню ааах... БЫло сладко такие вот лаьбомы на кассетах собирать,,,было сладко и романтично..
А сейчас просто подумал а какой нибудь группе, альбоме, песне и бац - через нексолько секунд или минут альбом в цифровом виде уже на твоем винте и слушаешь... Нехорошо... Несладко, совсем не романтично |
(2) Maestrovs, NeonKnight, |
Mar 2 2011, 20:47:03
Group: Металариец |
Еще на аудио компакт-кассете был... Как помню ааах... БЫло сладко такие вот лаьбомы на кассетах собирать,,,было сладко и романтично.. А сейчас просто подумал а какой нибудь группе, альбоме, песне и бац - через нексолько секунд или минут альбом в цифровом виде уже на твоем винте и слушаешь... Нехорошо... Несладко, совсем не романтично Прогресс. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/bye.gif) или дешево надежно и практично. |
Apr 12 2011, 20:34:26
Group: Металариец |
Интересный альбом. Лучший у EOS.
Apr 13 2011, 07:17:01
Group: Металариец |
Интересный альбом. Лучший у EOS. Ну кому как,у меня любимый The Spectral Sorrows . (IMG:style_emoticons/default/20.gif) |
Jun 11 2011, 10:51:11
Group: Металариец |
Этот альбом я услышал впервые лет 6-7 назад, когда кроме метлы вообще никого не знал и не слушал. Помню одно только вступление меня проперло! Кто исполнитель я не знал и потом не смог найти этот альбом. И вот наконец-то на своем захламленном винте я отрыл этот альбом! Я счастлив! Прекрасная музыка! Дэну Свано можно смело памятник ставить, за его вклад в развитие death metal. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)
P.S. c творчеством Edge Of Sanity вообще не знаком... пока... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile3.gif) |
Jun 11 2011, 12:33:51
Group: V.I.P |
P.S. c творчеством Edge Of Sanity вообще не знаком... пока... Так знакомься! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile3.gif) Хотя, если честно, этот релиз для меня лучший в дискографии Edge Of Sanity. |
Jun 11 2011, 13:33:02
Group: Металариец |
P.S. c творчеством Edge Of Sanity вообще не знаком... пока... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile3.gif) Так знакомься быстрее, и лучше начинай с периода 93-96 (те, что с Dan Swano), затем 2003 - Crimson II "альбом" 97 года "Cryptic" можно не слушать вообще. Это типа "Свано без нас выпустил свой "Кримсон", а мы без него выпустим этот" |
Jun 11 2011, 15:48:57
Group: Металариец |
Есть флак,надо кому?
Jun 11 2011, 17:00:17
Group: Металариец |
ЦИТАТА "альбом" 97 года "Cryptic" можно не слушать вообще. Это типа "Свано без нас выпустил свой "Кримсон", а мы без него выпустим этот" Infernal отличается куда большей недоделанностью, чем Cryptic |
Jun 11 2011, 17:12:08
Group: Металариец |
я про Infernal вообще ничего не писал, если ты заметил |
Jun 11 2011, 17:51:30
Group: Металариец |
Да вы агрессивный какой-то.
Я лишь не согласился с тем, что Cryptic не заслуживает внимания. И какой это "свой "Кримсон" он успел выпустить, чтобы так ему мстили - альбомом без его участия? |
Jun 11 2011, 17:52:56
Group: Металариец |
Как я уже и говорил песня крута и очень изменчива на протяжении 40мин, но общая нить не теряется, думаю что бы это написать нужно быть как минимум ОЧЕНЬ талантливым, да и вообще ко всему творчеству Свано не докапаться, все грамотно. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/20.gif)
Jun 11 2011, 18:07:11
Group: Металариец |
Да вы агрессивный какой-то. Я лишь не согласился с тем, что Cryptic не заслуживает внимания. И какой это "свой "Кримсон" он успел выпустить, чтобы так ему мстили - альбомом без его участия? К тому времени в коллективе начались сильные разногласия и Дан Свано без помощи других музыкантов выпустил альбом (песню) Кримсон. Вслед за этим остальная группа решила записать альбом без участия Свано. Об этом написано во всех википедиях, можно и в инете поискать |
Jun 11 2011, 18:42:59
Group: Металариец |
Не знаю, что написано в википедиях, но ради интереса залез на полку и достал диск, чтобы полистать еще разок буклет. Так вот в буклете белым по черному написано, что записывалось все в полном составе, а текст писали надвоих с гитаристом.
Jun 11 2011, 19:13:11
Group: Металариец |
Не знаю, что написано в википедиях, но ради интереса залез на полку и достал диск, чтобы полистать еще разок буклет. Так вот в буклете белым по черному написано, что записывалось все в полном составе, а текст писали надвоих с гитаристом. экий хитрюга!диск имеет! |
Jun 11 2011, 20:27:22
Group: Металариец |
спасибо что напомнили,пора переслушать !
Jun 11 2011, 20:38:23
Group: Металариец |
ЦИТАТА спасибо что напомнили О_о а о нем можно забыть? |
Jun 11 2011, 20:46:02
Group: Металариец |
О_о а о нем можно забыть? эхххх...сколько направлений в метале и сколько вкусностей.....даже временами такие шедевры просто вылетают из головы (IMG:style_emoticons/default/6.gif) |
Jun 11 2011, 21:58:49
Group: Металариец |
ёпсель! всё с ног на голову перевернули!!! Это они без Свано записали Cryptyc, а он (спустя несколько лет) решил записать Crimson II без них (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif)
Infernal кстати был записан очень нестабильным составом (на каждой песне несколько отличающийся набор музыкантов), что уже свидетельствовало о разногласиях. Первый Кримсон - мегашедеврище, второй к сожалению - качественная, но поделка. Такая вариация на тему Кримсона и (тоже кстати шедеврального) Мунтауэра... но, два раза в одну воду неполучилось |
Oct 5 2011, 23:15:15
Group: Металариец |
Nov 30 2011, 18:57:51
RO till -- |
flac track 990 kbp / 285 mb
Edge_Of_Sanity-Crimson-CD-FLAC-1996-SCORN from scene Register |
Jan 3 2012, 18:08:32
Group: Металариец |
Кримсон шедеврален однозначно! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)
MP3, CBR 320 kb/s 98 MB (5% recovery) Register
(1) nbhfy, |
Jan 3 2012, 19:05:51
Group: Металариец |
Впервые слуханул на компашке с хреновой записью(высокие там плавали пипец),думал не выдержу 40 минутный композишн дослушать. Настолько втянулся в итоге,что пришлось головку на мафоне расстроить ,чтобы избавиться с концами от высоких (IMG:style_emoticons/default/14.gif)
Feb 14 2012, 17:18:32
Group: Металариец |
Register 320 |
May 4 2013, 22:02:16
Group: Moderation team |
Тексты песен/Lyrics 1. Crimson Another sky is young... Another frozen future has passed. Another breed, another cast. The rivers will run, brought to life by the sun, the circle is still unbroken. Oh, what a sight to see. Reborn life, destined for all eternity. Hail the king! For he has chosen not to drain the godsent child, a gift from the skies of life divine. Now we know. A glimpse of hope grow inside, a change of tide. Answered prayers of survival. Miracles. The offspring of the unknown gods beautifies the aura of this dying breed. So they succeed in their quest for continued time. Celebrate. The knowledge of the everlasting, never-dying. Cursed to be walking in the shadows of death for a lifetime. No more fears for what the years will bring. Rebuild the shattered dream. And now a brighter future has come, another end remains undone and an era begins, bringing life free from sins. Oh, it's a token, the circle is broken. The drop of blood from her mouth slowly fell down to the ground. The child inside dried her out. The king's beloved is no more. The chosen one felt the time had come to show the world what had grown within. This day of life, a sacred moment in time, when joy and pain collide. It takes a life to create a life. Now she's gone. Anger and hate. Fear and despair fills up his mind. In search for answers he can't find. What god would end a life so pure. She was the one worth dying for. Alone with princess angel-sent. Her eyes so blue, my hate relents. Her destiny is in my hands. She was born to rule these desert lands. A sacrifice. A life arises, when one love has come, another dies. I let her go and I do not know where to find her soul so alone. Oh, does she hold the power, is she a blessing from the skies? Is this the answer to where the secret lies. And in her eyes I see a light is shining through. I feel that there is hope for a world so brave and new. Many seasons have changed and the king is old and weak. The princess has come of age, but still the gift of life they seek. In the chambers of crimson sleep. In this vault of souls to reap. The future lies in the hands of the shrewd or the earth will die in solitude. The darkest night the enchanted skies were united in a storm. Unholiness and all that's unblessed appeared in another form. Like a raging plague all across the land all women gave birth to man. Raped by the wind and forced to bring life to the hundred bastard sons. The unholy ones will give strength for all evil to live and the fires of death burn high. The time has come for the king to die A whole world is mourning the loss of their king. In sorrow a new day dawning. Now the princess is their everything. A procession to the chambers where they kiss their fathers ring. Can you hear the angel of sadness sing... with broken wings. And with death came disorder, who were they now to obey? No leader, no followers. No trust, no faith. The princess is too young to tame a land, a new king must be chosen. In search for such a man of trust there will be contradictions. Coming forth on desert ground, the incarnation of a king in sleep profound. Another self-proclaimed king, set to rule in the new empire. On a mission to save the forsaken ones and to re-light the dying fire. The crowd was confused and divided in two, a battle was about to begin. Another man with a will as strong declared a war to win. His army of believers was faithful, mighty and brave. Set to capture the liar, to forever enslave. His troops were marching on to the battlefield to set this world on fire. His forces are never giving yield. War! They fought for what would be a blood-stained crown. Utter chaos supreme. The sand absords the color of dawn. Nevermore shall they dream, nevermore. The years went by under a blood-red sky, the king still suppress the rebellian lie. He is the one, the self-chosen son, master of the throne he rules upon. The sacred child awakened from her crystal sleep. And the earth was shaking, and the people prayed for their souls to keep. The light of day is flowing into her virgin eyes. Oh, the sun is stolen. A dark formation in the skies. Unites the powers in her eyes. Her soul's inhaling all the living light. Bringing on the dark, eternal night. Gathering evil in all its might. Seven years. Purity. Innocence. Dignity. Hail, hail the queen ! Ruling supreme. She is queen alone in the human zone, dethroned the king unpure. The masses were assured, she fought without a sword. She regained their hope and faith. Draining the liar in the crimson water. To bring him eternal pain. His soul is slaughtered. Eternalizing bane. Scream in silence, none shall hear his cries encaged. The unroyal king, surrended to the child of life divine. A hundred fortnights passed but still no signs of aging. Her endless youth... amazed, the world was raging. A shattered race in this broken land this child came to restore, like an order from the gods. The queen and all the children gathered around the chambers where the elder ones are joined in sleep profound. In wrath she crush the tanks of crystal glass. The crimson water gushed on to the ground in the unholy macecration. Their souls no longer cried. Die! Their gift are denied. She drinks the life-blood from the feebled man. Empty bodies, soul-drained by the virgin queen. Finally given the pleasure to die. She aligns the hate inside their hearts. Her chosen knights will make sure all life departs. Soon comes the end of all, she watched a chamber fall. She heard her master call. "Live my words, oh, sacred child. You're soon to leave this world defiled." "Then what awaits me my lord?" "Trust me my child, your wishes shall not be ignored" And then he spoke his mind, now his will is hers. "The earth shall fall. The eternal curse is cast on the sands they walk. Now you must use your power. Show the human race you are the one. Use their trust forever and then deceive their weakened minds. Fool them to destroy themselves in hopelessness. Belie their seeds, belie their dreams. Hope has ceased to be." The people worshiped their queen. Such beauty before her time was unseen. Their were fooled by her presence and disguise. Faithfully they listened and swallowed all her lies. "The times are changing, re-arranging he pattern of our lives. So let your heart stop beating beneath this twisted sky." They were embraced by sadness, but not afraid to die. "So pass this sacred dagger and let yourself fly free. So pretend you're dreaming and rise above this world of you and me." Liar! All those who died with you by their side were denied access to the higer ground. Betrayal. Eternal detest from the ones left unblessed, so possessed. Their last caress was your knife in their hearts. Fed from her deed, watching them bleed. In her own conceit, a world to delete, lies at her feet. Her demon inside do no longer hide. Showing its face of hate and disgrace leaving their savior unpraised. The ones who didn't follow. Now sharing this moment of grief. The end of their own existence? In death they had no belief. Despite all the faith in their queen they couldn't believe what they had seen. What was the reason for this sacrifice. Nothing is gained from this great demise. After the ordeal we know she has the powers to deceive us all. But their dream of sons and daughters has made them standing tall. For the king had showed them it could be done when his woman gave birth to the sacred one. But is she of man, made of flesh and blood, or is she the offspring of the unholy God? A leader was chosen to unveil the hidden truth. The brave ones were gathered, the strongest were sent to the queen. Her reason to be must be known. After many moons the troops reach the temple of their majesty. Guarded by a hundred faithful knights. There is no escape, there's no entry to her sacred halls. Is our vision true or false? They tied to find the answer but they were led astray into a maze of slumper far from the light of day. The riddle remained unanswered. The queen could read ones mind, make sure that noone will find the reason for her mission here. The highness writhe in anger, her trust had been betrayed. The queen was filled with langour, her decision has been made. She would unleash her hate. Destined to devastate. She heard her demons roar, marching into war. The spirit of their beloved king ho spoke unto his men, he came to bring a message of great importance and trust. "The gift from the gods has come to cover the world in dust. Her forces are closing in to your sanctuary. So use your imagination to end her reign. Remember these words, and be strong!" The chosen few were sacrificed for the others life. They were the bait, they would seal the soldiers fate. A massive grave, to break the soldiers spell. The forces fell into the abyss, never to rise again. Towards the queen the last of the brave ones wandered, to terminate this creature non-divine. The loss of troops forced her powers to release the magic uncontrolled that had wasted a thousand soul. The palace controlled by demons is the heart of all evil possessed by the queen and her unholy servants. "If we destroy it, the earth will be ours and it will bring us eternal existance. We'll pray for the gift of breeding. This is a game we can't concede, it is worth all the blood we may bleed. We must close the gate so she can't return. We'll seal her fate, watch her temple burn and we'll capture her soul in the chambers of crimson sleep. And there she will suffer eternally for what she has done to man. We fought our way into her dwelling-place, we searched the corridors of this infernal maze, to seek our enemy the one to slay. We are the ones, we will not obey. A disillusioned servant with great knowledge in her secrets, we found him walking aimlessly trying to find his peace. He said: "Cover her eyes, they are the root of her inhuman forces. Then she's just the child you thought she, disconnect all her sources.'" They found a way to blind her and it could cost some lives. But they must seal the entry from where all evil derives. Two of the brave ones were sent to distract her while the others made their way to behind her throne. She saw her enemies for the last time as their leader covered her eyes. We saw the return of innocence, the symbol of purity we once knew. We carried her to the chambers to forever lock-up her soul. And now the reborn earth, blessed with the gift of birth can see her in this cage that eternally preserves her rage. They captured all her soldiers and forever encaged their cries. They had found a new leader to worship. A king with her clear-blue eyes. |
May 5 2013, 17:27:21
Group: Moderation team |
Первое из EoS, что появилось когда-то в фонотеке. На первых 2-3 прослушивания сложно осилить все сорок минут, потом как-то втягивает и уже нормально - идёт без затруднений до самого конца.
До сих пор слушаю его чаще всего. |
Oct 15 2013, 20:46:14
Group: Металариец |
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