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> Rocky's Pride & Joy - All The Colours Of Darkness (2023), Psychedelic Stoner/Doom Metal
post Sep 29 2023, 17:31:37
Post #1

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*Artist: Rocky's Pride & Joy
*Album: All The Colours Of Darkness
*Year: 2023
*Genre: Psychedelic Stoner/Doom Metal
*Country: Australia (IMG:https://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/Australia.png)
*Format: flac
*Size: 273MB

1. Red Altar 05:39
2. Revenge 05:28
3. So Said the Roach 04:37
4. Crawl 04:12
5. Tunnel Vision 06:03
6. Lucifer's Lullaby 02:32
7. Your Hell 05:03
8. Pure Evil 06:08
Total playing time: 39:42

Extended info
Line - up:

Dom - Bass
Jessi - Drums
Brenton - Vocals, Guitars

Rocky’s Pride & Joy began in a cursed railway cottage in the western suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia in mid 2020. Unexplained appearances of handprints, falling candles, disquieting sounds in the night, and vivid dreams of a tortured previous tenant haunted the residence for 12 months while the band wrote their first collection of songs including “Crawl” and “Time’s Up”. With a friendship formed between vocalist/guitarist Brenton Wilson, drummer Jessi Tilbrook and bassist Dominic Ventra at Jessi’s rock n roll club night, the trio’s unbridled love for doom and fuzz led them to explore their collective vision and bring their first live performance to life at the end of 2020.

Now in 2023, after a slew of live shows, the release of ‘Time’s Up’ and ‘Future Self’ and months of writing and recording, the band have signed their debut album ‘All The Colours Of Darkness’ to International label, Electric Valley Records, set for release in late 2023. Recorded at Adelaide’s Twin Earth Studio, the band have continued their exploration of the dark side of life on this 8 track LP. Occult rituals, parasites, paranormal encounters and cold hard revenge are just a few themes covered on the album. Through nasty fuzz saturated riffs, heavy pounding drums and window rattling bass, Rocky’s Pride & Joy are putting their stamp on doom.

Technical info
Input File: 05 - Tunnel Vision.flac
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:06:02.91 = 16004184 samples = 27218 CDDA sectors
File Size : 41.0M
Bit Rate : 905k
Sample Encoding: 16-bit FLAC
Comments :
Album Artist=Rocky's Pride & Joy
Genre=Psychedelic Stoner | Doom Metal
Artist=Rocky's Pride & Joy
Album=All the Colours of Darkness
Title=Tunnel Vision


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post Oct 19 2023, 20:32:06
Post #2

Правь статус, ####!111
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Russian Federation

Охрененной крутости стоунер дум - сочные риффы, правильная атмосфера, тянуче-надрывный вокал - всё как надо.

При всей каноничности сабж не звучит эпигонством/калькой с/банальщиной/скушнотищей. Монолитный релиз, где ни одной не то что проходной, даже средней композиции - для нонешних времен застоя стоунер дума как жанра это исключение.

Ребята просто валят отменный жирный музон.

И отдельный респектос за название альбома, которое являеца и названием культового джалло с бесподобной Эдвиж Фенек.

Новая группа и одно из самых мощных открытий в думе за 2023.

В топ года.
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post Oct 20 2023, 06:03:13
Post #3

Group: Металариец
Posts: 1,668
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From: Isla de Margarita, Venezuela
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Very good album (IMG:style_emoticons/default/20.gif)
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post Oct 20 2023, 17:17:33
Post #4

Правь статус, ####!111
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Не шарю в стонере, да и в думе не очень. Альбом - приятный фон, не более. Прослушал 2 раза - вспомнить нечего. И психоделики тоже не услышал.
Вот что я понимаю под хорошим психоделическим стонером:

Как тебе такое, vosmidesijatye?
Кстати, тоже из Австралии (может, австралийский буш на них так влияет?)
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post Oct 21 2023, 17:55:31
Post #5

Правь статус, ####!111
Group: Металариец
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Russian Federation

ЦИТАТА(metaljosue @ Oct 20 2023, 08:03:13) *

No, just stoner doom (IMG:style_emoticons/default/bye.gif)
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