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> Deicide, Death Metal
post Mar 14 2006, 09:42:02
Post #1

Роccия-Великая Держава!
Group: Металариец
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Death Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Satanism, Anti-Christianity
United States of America (Tampa, Florida)
Formed In:
Current line-up:
Glen Benton - Vocals, Bass (1987-) (Amon (USA), Vital Remains)
Jack Owen - Guitar (2004-) (Cannibal Corpse, Beyond Death, Adrift (USA), Estuary, Grave Descent)
Steve Asheim - Drums (1987-), Guitar (2008) (Amon (USA), Council of the Fallen, Order of Ennead, Evil Amidst)
Kevin Quirion (2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2011-) (Order of Ennead, Council of the Fallen)
Former/Past Member(s):
Brian Hoffman (1987-2004) (Amon (USA))
Eric Hoffman (1987-2004) (Amon (USA))
Dave Suzuki (2004) (Vital Remains, Silent Raven Fell, Wolves Under Azurean Midnight, Faust (USA))
Ralph Santolla - Guitar (2005-2007, 2008 (Session), 2009, 2010-2011) (Obituary, Death, Millenium (USA), Iced Earth, Sebastian Bach & Friends, Hollow (USA), Eyewitness, Stare, Tardy Brothers)
Additional notes:
The band was originally called Amon (USA), and recorded two demos under this name, which were later released on CD as "Amon - Feasting The Beast." They changed the name to Deicide in late 1989, just prior to the recording of the self-titled debut. This was done at the insistence of their then-label, Roadrunner Records, because there was a song called "'Amon' Belongs to 'Them'" on the King Diamond album, "Conspiracy."

\De"i*cide\, n. [L. deicida a deicide (in sense 2); deus god + c[ae]dere to cut, kill: cf. F. d['e]icide.]
1. The act of killing a being of a divine nature; particularly, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. [R.]
Earth profaned, yet blessed, with deicide. --Prior.
2. One concerned in putting Christ to death.

In the early days of the band, and apparently to show how much he despises Christianity, Glen Benton branded an inverted cross into his forehead using nothing but a flaming coat hanger. After seven times embedding a red hot inverted cross into his skin, it has scarred into its shape.

On November 25th, 2004 Glen Benton officially stated that the Hoffman brothers would no longer be in the band due to them canceling and walking off many shows, among other personal issues. The main reason the brothers left was actually a change in the percentages of royalties between the band. Previously, there had been an even four-way split. Under the new agreement the Hoffmans were entitled to a far smaller share of the profits (with as much as 50% going to Benton). The Hoffmans have since started a new band, using Deicide's original name Amon (USA).

Jack Owen, recently out of Cannibal Corpse and Dave Suzuki, who had worked with Benton in Vital Remains came in to help Deicide on tour. Owen stayed on but Suzuki's place was taken by Ralph Santolla for the recording of "The Stench of Redemption." Glen Benton missed the entire European tour for this album, which carried on anyway with help from some eleventh hour replacements. Seth Van De Loo (who was playing drums for the support band, Severe Torture) performed vocals on the first four dates of the tour due to the last-minute nature of Benton's decision not to travel. They played these gigs with no bass player. Garbathy "Yaha" of Dissenter (Pol) was then brought in as replacement bassist/vocalist for the remaining dates. Jack Owen also performed lead vocals on some songs at these shows. This obviously controversial tour followed on from two European tours which were canceled at the last minute in the 1990s.

Ralph Santolla officially left Deicide in 2007 but performed on "Till Death Do Us Part" as a session musician. Steve Asheim also contributed to the guitar playing on this album for the first time. Kevin Quirion, who plays with Steve Asheim in Council of the Fallen/Order of Ennead, joined Deicide in 2008 as a touring replacement for Santolla. Santolla briefly returned in 2009 but soon left again and Quirion joined as a permanent member in July that year.

In 1992, while Gorefest were opening for Deicide in Stockholm, a bomb exploded outside the emergency door behind their stage (which was on the fifth floor of the building), causing extensive structural damage to the door and the wall. Some people thought that Gorefest, a politically correct band, was attacked by people involved in the black metal scene, but in reality the bomb was planted by the Animal Militia, a UK-based pro-animals group, aimed at Deicide playing later that evening. Glen Benton had received earlier death-threats over his stance on mutilating small animals, and afterward received another letter saying that "Stockholm was just a taste of what is to come."

Glen Benton has also done backing vocals on the song "Hung, Drawn and Quartered" by Cancer on the album "Death Shall Rise", for Napalm Death on the song "Unfit Earth" on their breakthrough album, "Harmony Corruption" and for Cannibal Corpse on the songs "Mangled" and "A Skull Full Of Maggots" from the album "Eaten Back To Life" and on the song "Vomit The Soul" from the album "Butchered At Birth".

In 2007, Steve Asheim was arrested and held for police questioning in Austria after presenting money to a bank teller that was covered in red ink. The police believed him to be involved in a recent bank robbery, so he was taken in. After hours of questioning, it was discovered that a red pen had leaked in his pocket, staining the money. Asheim was released without further questioning.

Birth dates:
Glen Benton (21st September 1967)
Steve Asheim (17th January 1970)
Ralph Santolla (8th December 1970)
Brian Hoffman (16th January 1970)
Jack Owen (December 1967)
Dave Suzuki (8th February 1972 Suzuki Deibu)

Deicide - Deicide [full-length] - 1990
Deicide - Legion [full-length] - 1992
Deicide - Amon: Feasting The Beast [best of/compilation] - 1993
Deicide - Once Upon The Cross [full-length] - 1995
Deicide - Serpents Of The Light [full-length] - 1997
Deicide - When Satan Lives [live] - 1998
Deicide - Insineratehymn [full-length] - 2000
Deicide - In Torment In Hell [full-length] - 2001
Deicide - The Best Of Deicide [best of/compilation] - 2003
Deicide - Scars Of The Crucifix [full-length] - 2004
Deicide - The Stench Of Redemption (666) [single] - 2006
Deicide - The Stench Of Redemption [full-length] - 2006
Deicide - Doomsday L.A. [ep] - 2007
Deicide - Till Death Do Us Part [full-length] - 2008
Deicide - To Hell With God [full-length] - 2011
Deicide - In The Minds Of Evil [full-length] - 2013
Deicide - Overtures Of Blasphemy [full-length] - 2018

Official site:

This post has been edited by DarkHorde: Sep 13 2018, 12:55:12

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post Mar 4 2007, 01:28:58
Post #2

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nikto ne mojet perezalit In torment in Hell, Amon i Deicide v 320?
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post Mar 11 2007, 15:28:38
Post #3

Guests team

Thanks man! (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_emoticons/default/roll.gif)
d.devil, Murmur
Total 2 thanks.

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post Mar 16 2007, 18:59:59
Post #4

Group: Подсевший
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Russian Federation

Deicide discography!!!

This post has been edited by IronMan: Mar 16 2007, 19:14:21
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post Feb 22 2008, 18:53:44
Post #5

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post Jul 7 2008, 15:06:35
Post #6

Семь Литров
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Слава и почёт сией бэнду!!! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)
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post Jun 21 2009, 23:04:21
Post #7

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Gracias por los discos de DEICIDE (IMG:style_emoticons/default/9.gif)
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post Dec 9 2010, 11:30:37
Post #8

Guests team

Deicide отличный дэт играют смею заметить (IMG:style_emoticons/default/metaler.gif)
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post Feb 2 2011, 15:30:48
Post #9

Guests team

Deicide - To Hell With God (2011)

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post Nov 17 2011, 08:19:42
Post #10

Group: Металариец
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Russian Federation

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post Nov 17 2011, 19:02:38
Post #11

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нужно обновить картинки!

10 обложей
Deicide - Deicide (1990)

Deicide - Once Upon The Cross (1995)

Deicide - Serpents Of The Light (1997)

Deicide - When Satan Lives [live] (1998)

Deicide - Insineratehymn (2000)

Deicide - In Torment In Hell (2001)

Deicide - Scars Of The Crucifix (2004)

Deicide - The Stench Of Redemption (666) [single] (2006)

Deicide - The Stench Of Redemption (2006)

Deicide - Till Death Do Us Part (2008)

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post Dec 23 2011, 15:47:40
Post #12

Group: Металариец
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хрюс Ralph Santolla ушел из Deicide.

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post Dec 23 2011, 18:33:49
Post #13

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все картинки обновлены (pictures are updated)

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post Dec 23 2011, 18:37:04
Post #14
Banned till
Jan 16 2295, 13:19:39

А где облога последнего их альбома 2011 года?
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post Dec 23 2011, 18:44:40
Post #15

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вот здесь (IMG:style_emoticons/default/bye.gif)

Deicide - To Hell With God (2011)

а в моём сообщении выше - только дохлые )
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post Dec 23 2011, 18:47:02
Post #16
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Jan 16 2295, 13:19:39

Да у меня диск есть,думал ты забыл выложить в тех фотках.Еще можно фотки их DVD выложить,для полноты коллекции.
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post Dec 24 2011, 08:39:51
Post #17

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ну я только по облогам из дискографий ответственен, в видеорелизах не заседаю... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile1.gif)

а просто так фотки DVD можно было бы залить, но у меня работы - непочатый край (IMG:style_emoticons/default/hmm.gif)
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post Dec 24 2011, 09:19:57
Post #18
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Jan 16 2295, 13:19:39

Да никто не гонит.Будет время добей в этой теме фотки облоги 2011 года и облог DVD.Это будет до конца выполненая работа,раз начал.Это чисто мой совет,хочешь слушай ,хочешь нет.

(1) satanath,
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post Dec 24 2011, 14:03:44
Post #19

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ок. сделаю, если будет минутка (IMG:style_emoticons/default/28.gif)
хотя тут столько народу, что мог бы и ещё кто-нибудь этим заняться! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile3.gif)
пока только один Hroedmar мне помогает... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/9.gif) а так, моя основная цель - облоги релизов

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post Dec 26 2011, 11:10:50
Post #20

Group: Металариец
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новый состав
Jack Owen
Steve Asheim
Glen Benton
Kevin Quirion
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post Dec 26 2011, 11:29:31
Post #21

Serpent Doom
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ЦИТАТА(mardak666 @ Dec 26 2011, 14:10:50) *
новый состав

Jack Owen
Steve Asheim
Glen Benton
Kevin Quirion

2 волосача и 2 бритых - нормальная тема (IMG:style_emoticons/default/banana.gif)
Теперь на сцене будет симметрично (IMG:style_emoticons/default/crazy.gif)
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post Dec 26 2011, 11:52:58
Post #22

Group: Металариец
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дада, я тоже подумал, лысые захватывают сцену, хоффманы-то были с хаером. ))
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