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> Junkyard Lipstick - Trafficked & Tortured [single] (2016), Thrash/Death Metal
post Jul 20 2016, 14:25:42
Post #1

_ - = # Thrashogolic # = - _ ... а давайте поржём все вместе
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*Artist: Junkyard Lipstick
*Album: Trafficked & Tortured [single]
*Year: 2016
*Genre: Thrash/Death Metal
*Country: South Africa (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/South%20Africa.png)
*Format: mp3@CBR128kbps (IMG:http://metalarea.org/images/bit_low.gif)
*Size: 4MB

1. Trafficked & Tortured 04:17
Total playing time: 4:17

Extended info
"We are excited to release our new single,"Trafficked and Tortured".

This song is a taste of what's to come off our soon-to-be-released album "Repulsive Judgement".
This will follow up our 2014 EP "The Butcher's Delight" and our debut album "Hellbent" released in 2013.
The album will be the first for vocalist & rhythm guitarist, Jo & Robyn, as well as our new bassist.

"Trafficked & Tortured" is our most serious song in terms of lyrical content and the music projects sadness, panic & anger.
The song is about a young lady's account of being kidnapped by a human trafficking syndicate, almost like the movie "Taken" but in our song she's tortured as well.
This may seem extreme but this type of thing happens to females all over the world and most of the time, it doesn't have a happy ending.
Being an all-female band, we'd like our content to reflect that which evokes emotion in us as women.
This song empathizes with victims of violent crime against women around the world.

We welcome Katinka Janse van Rensburg to our junkyard on bass guitar.
We are very excited to be whole again. With every member change we have gone through, a fresh perspective is brought into the mix and has contributed to the evolution of Junkyard Lipstick's sound.
We are eager to start writing new material with Kat to continue the Junkyard Lipstick journey.

released January 29, 2016

early them

bandcamp tags: african metal metal thrash metal all female thrash allfemalebands heavy metal Cape Town


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