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> Las Cruces - Cosmic Tears (2022), Epic Doom Metal (D)
post Jun 2 2022, 17:29:06
Post #1

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*Artist: Las Cruces
*Album: Cosmic Tears
*Year: 2022
*Genre: Epic Doom Metal
*Country: United States (IMG:http://metalarea.org/forum/style_images/flags/United%20States.png)
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 144MB

1. Altar of the Seven Sorrows
2. Cosmic Tears
3. Stay
4. Wizard from the North
5. Reverend Trask
6. Egypt
7. Holy Hell
8. Terminal Drift
9. Relentless
10. The Wraith
Total playing time: 1:04:51

Extended info
Line - up:

George Trevino - Guitars (ex-Streetwise, ex-Mercynary, ex-Sans Sentiment)
Mando Tovar - Guitars (ex-Negative, ex-Alienation, ex-Rotting Corpse, ex-Pillcrusher)
Jimmy Bell - Bass (ex-Judge Mental, ex-Blood Engine, ex-Everblood, ex-Lokey, ex-Stompanato)
Paul DeLeon (R.I.P. 2021) - Drums (ex-Black Mariah, ex-Chozzen Phate)
Jason Kane - Vocals

Look back into the distant reaches of doom's heady primordial days of the late 90s and early 2000s, and amid the many pillars of the style whose names you know well, you might also come across one that's less familiar, though no less majestic and impactful in what they created: Las Cruces.

This Texas doom powerhouse was like a lightning storm in the desert with their singular take on sludgy, melodic doom, boasting soaring vocals and bleak, earth-shaking riff power that was impossible to match. And yet, as significant and unforgettable as their incredible "Ringmaster" album was, the band seemed to mostly disappear back into the earth. They would resurface here and there with an occasional release or announcement of a reformation, but ultimately, the promise of "Ringmaster" was never seized... until now.

"Cosmic Tears" is the long-awaited re-emergence of a band with far more greatness in them than the world had yet to hear, and this album delivers it at long last. Prepare yourself for a new doom epic!

Technical info
Input File: 02 - Cosmic Tears.mp3
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:07:47.00 = 20594700 samples = 35025 CDDA sectors
File Size : 18.7M
Bit Rate : 321k
Sample Encoding: MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)
Comments :
Title=Cosmic Tears
Artist=Las Cruces
Album=Cosmic Tears
Genre=Doom Metal


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post Jun 2 2022, 21:47:43
Post #2

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Russian Federation

Весьма неплохо. Похоже на Candlemass.

(1) Xutun,
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