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> Dark Age, Melodic Death Metal
post Jan 25 2008, 11:04:28
Post #1

Beer & Destroy
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Melodic Death Metal
Germany (Hamburg)
Formed In:
Current line-up:
Eike Freese - Vocals, Guitar (1994-) (Guest in Truth Kills)
Jцrn Schubert - Guitar (1997-) (ex-Holy Moses)
Alex Henke - Bass (2006-) (Philiae)
Andrй Schumann - Drums (1994-) (ex-Stormwarrior)
Martin Reichert - Keyboards (1995-)
Former/Past Member(s):
Oliver 'Olli' Fliegel - Bass (1994-1996)
Thorsten Eggert - Bass (1996-2006)
Finn Dierks - Guitar (1996-1997)
Hendrik Bruckner - Bass (1996)
Sonja - Violin (1996-1997, Session member)
Additional notes:
The band was formed as 'Dyer's Eve' in 1994, by Eike Freese, Andrй Schumann and Oliver Fliegel. The name was changed to 'Dark Age' in 1995. The new name was inspired by a Vader songtitle, while their older one was inspired by a Metallica songtitle.

In December 1995, keyboarder Martin Reichert and in January 1996 guitarist Finn Dierks joined the band. Oliver Fliegel left the band in 1996. After Finn Dierks moved to the US he was replaced by Jцrn Schubert.

In 2006, Thorsten Eggert left the band and Alex Henke joined.
Dark Age - Doubtful Existence [demo] - 1996
Dark Age - Doubtful Existence '97 [demo] - 1996
Dark Age - Promotion Tape Winter Ґ96 / Ґ97 [demo] - 1996
Dark Age - The Fall [full-length] - 1999
Dark Age - Insurrection [full-length] - 2000
Dark Age - The Silent Republic [full-length] - 2002
Dark Age - Remonstrations [ep] - 2003
Dark Age - Dark Age [full-length] - 2004
Dark Age - Live, So Far... [dvd] - 2006
Dark Age - Minus Exitus [full-length] - 2008
Dark Age - Acedia [full-length] - 2009

Official site:

Dark Age - The Fall [full-length] - 1999 by Cortexius
Dark Age - Insurrection [full-length] - 2000 by Mardero
Dark Age - The Silent Republic [full-length] - 2002 by gorg
Dark Age - Remonstrations [ep] - 2003 by bvbfan
Dark Age - Dark Age [full-length] - 2004 by 666death666
Dark Age - Minus Exitus [full-length] - 2008 by gorg

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post Jan 25 2008, 11:28:36
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Чёткий пацан с Ветеранов
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КРАСАВА ПРОСТО!!! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile1.gif)

Одна из моих любимейших формаций! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile1.gif) Кстати - я расслушал последний альбом - он практически гениален!!! Всё хочу написать про него...
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post Nov 15 2009, 09:00:50
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йцўкěн обыкновенный
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Dark Age - Acedia [full-length] - 2009 by Хогги
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