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post Aug 8 2009, 10:37:16
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Собственно, все связанное с новостями в блеке, как то - выход новых альбомов, изменения в составе групп, и тому подобное, теперь постим в этой теме.
Создание отдельных тем для каждой новости не рекомендуется (только в исключительных случаях). Так что все новости - сюда!

Для новостей Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal существует отдельная тема: Новости направления MBM/Symphonic Black Metal

by Blood13

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post Mar 3 2014, 22:16:09
Post #5821

Шесть Литров
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еще больше рыгла...

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post Mar 3 2014, 22:51:48
Post #5822

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ЦИТАТА(unhuman @ Mar 4 2014, 02:16:09) *
еще больше рыгла...

Не в[мат->бан]уйся

(1) suseka,
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post Mar 4 2014, 04:36:19
Post #5823

Guests team

ЦИТАТА(unhuman @ 4th March 2014 - 01:16:09) *
еще больше рыгла...

опять горелым пуканом завоняло.
к тебе пожарные не за**лись ездить?

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post Mar 4 2014, 10:41:40
Post #5824

I hate you all
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Новости от Финнов Hautakammio
(de)compositions of the new album are now done, we will enter the moldy krypt of Patologian Laboratorio in the end of March!

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post Mar 4 2014, 11:15:44
Post #5825

Четыре Литра
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Слышно когда MARDUK новый ?
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post Mar 5 2014, 04:49:53
Post #5826

I hate you all
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Новости от Kalmankantaja


(1) DarkHorde,
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post Mar 5 2014, 13:39:31
Post #5827

Crush! Kill! Destroy!
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Новый Sargeist выходит 31 марта на W.T.C.

Attached File  403961.jpg ( 42.08k ) Number of downloads: 1430

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post Mar 5 2014, 15:12:22
Post #5828

Правь статус, ####!111
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Sargeist - это очень круто, главное, чтобы обложка соответствовала содержанию, а то последний уж больно мягкотелый получился какой то.

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post Mar 5 2014, 16:05:45
Post #5829

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Taken from the forthcoming album 'Ancient Lies And Battle Cries' to be released April 9.

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post Mar 5 2014, 16:08:10
Post #5830

Пять Литров
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'Ancient Lies And Battle Cries', the band's fourteenth full-length, features ten tracks of uncompromising METAL, blending first wave Black Metal and traditional Heavy Metal in a way only COUNTESS can. The result of almost three years of writing and recording, 'Ancient Lies' will surely satisfy all those who long for the days when Black Metal was still METAL.


The album's full track list:

1. Battle Sky
2. Call Of The Ancient Pantheon
3. By Hammer And Blood
4. Vengeance Of The Slain
5. Beneath The Eye Of Wisdom
6. Confessions Of A Polytheist
7. Pray For The Cult
8. Cursed Seed Of Aten
9. Burn The Throne
10. The Last Temple

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post Mar 5 2014, 17:50:17
Post #5831

I hate you all
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SARGEIST новый альбом " Feeding The Crawling Shadows " 2014 выход 31 марта



трек лист

01 ”Feeding The Crawling Shadows”
02 ”In Charnel Dreams”
03 ”Unto The Undead Temple”
04 ”Snares Of Impurity”
05 ”Return Of The Rats”
06 ”The Unspoken Ones”
07 ”The Shunned Angel”
08 ”Inside The Demon’s Maze”
09 ”Kingdom Below”
10 ”Funerary Descent”


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post Mar 5 2014, 23:48:54
Post #5832

Три Литра
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ЦИТАТА(unhuman @ 2nd March 2014 - 01:22:46) *
скоко же подобного рыгалова бесполезного? всю дорогу - елозят на кривых аккордах и шабаш...

Ипишка у них была хорошая. Этот трек что-то да, никакой. Впрочем, по сути интро же.
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post Mar 6 2014, 08:41:58
Post #5833

Время Мары
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IMPALED NAZARENE опубликовали обложку нового альбома "Vigorous And Liberating Death"

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post Mar 6 2014, 09:03:37
Post #5834

I hate you all
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Новости от Beastcraft

Upcoming release:

- the fourth black metal mass of beast craft -

...In Thy Glory
(lyrics: Sorath / music: Alastor)
For He is the God of Man and Beast
(lyrics: Sorath / music: Alastor)
Demonic Perversion
(lyrics: Sorath / music: Alastor)
- untitled I-
(lyrics: Sorath / music: Alastor
)- untitled II-
(lyrics: Sorath / music: Alastor)
- untitled III-
(lyrics: Sorath / music: Alastor)
Blackwinged Messiah
(lyrics: Sorath / music: Alastor / vocals: Sorath)
Celebration of Christ's Death
(lyrics: Alastor / music: Alastor / vocals: Alastor)
Resurrection through Desecration and Churchfire
(lyrics: Sorath / music: Alastor / vocals: Sorath)
Satanic Blood (Von cover)
(lyrics and music: Von/ / vocals: Sorath)

Live at Under the Black Sun Festival 2008
Live at Bunker Festival 2012
Interview 2014
Promo video 2005
Rehearsal 2005

Compilation of the 7"s, rare and unreleased tracks

- the third 7" -

(lyrics: Sorath)
Her Highness of Hell
(lyrics: Sorath / music: Diabolus)
Unholy Black Metal
(lyrics/music: Darkthrone)

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post Mar 6 2014, 09:50:11
Post #5835

Правь статус, ####!111
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Russian Federation

Отличные новости. Бисткрафт от 2007 года был ох как хорош!
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post Mar 6 2014, 09:59:18
Post #5836

Ash and coal
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Split-up же.
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post Mar 6 2014, 10:02:58
Post #5837

Правь статус, ####!111
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Chasm АНрелизт из прошлого же.
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post Mar 6 2014, 11:43:10
Post #5838

Мракомыслъ Рiпѣыискiй
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ЦИТАТА(vosmidesijatye @ Mar 6 2014, 09:02:58) *
Chasm АНрелизт из прошлого же.
Ага, щас ещё 5 лет будут собирать студийные остатки, ошмётки, попукивание и похрюкивание. Особо ценный материал.

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post Mar 6 2014, 15:34:51
Post #5839

Crush! Kill! Destroy!
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Есть мнение, что Zemial пишет новый альбом:

Following the release of NYKTA on the 31st of October, I have been in the studio composing new music, much of which is written for the next Zemial release tentatively titled "Lurking".

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post Mar 7 2014, 06:19:43
Post #5840

Crush! Kill! Destroy!
Group: Металариец
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Из интервью с Enslaved:

Ivar Bjørnson - Yes, there are a bunch coming up actually. This year is going to be my big new project year. We have a new Enslaved album which will be made. We have some side projects that we are working on. Trinacria will be resurrected this year. I am going to try, if there is enough time, to do things on my own. There is just a wide spread of styles, that is why we are coming out with a couple of different projects instead of just one big one.


И да - не буду пихать это в паган / прогрессив. Оставлю тут.

Вкратце по нашей мове: новый альбом будет записан, равно как и работа с Trinacria. По мере возможности Ивар замутит свой материал также.

(1) Tular,
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post Mar 7 2014, 14:53:32
Post #5841

Правь статус, ####!111
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Patria "Individualism" 21 апреля 2014



1. Individualism
2. Blood Storm Prophecy
3. Uncrowned God Of Light
4. Outrage
5. Orphan Of Emptiness
6. Far Beyond The Scorn
7. Catharsis
8. Epiphany
9. Your Rotten Heart Dies Now
10. God's Entombment
11. Requiem For The Ego

(2) Nerevar, ShmiT,
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post Mar 8 2014, 07:50:20
Post #5842

Два Литра
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FUNEREAL PRESENCE "The Archer takes Aim" LP/CD available from the 13th Day of March, Sepulchral Voice Rex / Ajna Offensive, 2014.


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post Mar 8 2014, 08:26:51
Post #5843

Guests team

Old Wainds "Nordraum" (Negative Existence)

March 7, 2014 – OLD WAINDS (RUS) have recorded a new album to be released early 2014. The full length entitled ”Nordraum” will be issued on CD and LP by Negative Existence. ”Nordraum” contains eight new tracks of DARK NORDIC METAL comparable to early Scandinavian Black Metal with an added touch of old school Death. OLD WAINDS’ work has earned them the notoriety of one of the best Black Metal formations in Russia and ”Nordraum” maintains the same underground integrity of their previous albums. A sample from ”Nordraum” can be found at the following link http://youtu.be/yXDoRAY4ORE

OLD WAINDS recorded their new album at Witchcraft Studio / The End Studio and was mastered by Jack Control at Enormous Door (Darkthrone, Brainbombs, Poison Idea etc…). The album was mixed with vintage analog equipment on 1/4 inch tape and captures the warmth and rawness missing from much of modern day music. The cover art provided by ATH (Arma Diaboli) depicts a frozen desolate landscape with ruins and remains which perfectly accompanies the music contained within.


1 Ascension
2 Insane stellar race
3 Not the sun nor the moon
4 Inquiring of secrecies
5 As spilled blood they sprout
6 Nordraum
7 Refracting the light
8 Stoneweaver

The CD and LP will be available from http://www.negative-existence.com as well as from many other fine distributors. For updates regarding the release please visit http://www.negative-existence.com or on facebook and follow Old Wainds at

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post Mar 9 2014, 21:27:13
Post #5844

I hate you all
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Новости от Absu



Release date: TBA!

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post Mar 10 2014, 13:03:04
Post #5845

Group: Металариец
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частично новость. вещает Feigur:

Totally retiring from the ridiculously childish Black Metal scene. I'll finish what I have begun with my related projects and will concentrate on experimental/post-punk/electronic/noise/crust and radical music. Always been hating metal, hating it more than ever. Feigur is not Black Metal, Feigur will continue.
The more I advanced in my musical directions, the more I figured out that nobody would understand those directions, more precisely within this really close minded BM scene, where you have to wear-BM, think-BM, eat-BM & play-BM. You have to be genuine to an ideal that I've never had. Music has to come from the very central point of your mind, and has to be taken as it is, not as it should be. More recently I have tried my best to stay apart the very cliched racialist/simplist/uneducated BM principles and references. As expected, it didn't collect any positive feedback.

The day I played the "II, Desolation" demo to Noktu for the first time at the Drakkar office, his immediate words were "Wow, this album is strongly anti-metal". It was exactly in this spirit that "II, Desolation" was done, so you don't have to worry about the future if you enjoyed it

"Я полностью ушёл из смешной детской black metal сцены. Я закончу то, что начал со своими смежными проектами и буду сосредотачиваться на experimental/post-punk/electronic/noise/crust и радикальной музыке. Я всегда ненавидел метал, а теперь ненавижу его ещё больше, чем когда-либо. Feigur - это не black metal, Feigur будет продолжаться.

Чем больше я развиваюсь в своих музыкальных направлениях, тем больше я осознаю, что их никто не понимает. Особенно те, что ближе к black metal, где тебе нужно наряжаться в БМ, думать по БМ, есть БМ и играть БМ. Вы должны быть подлинны к идеалу, которого я никогда не имел. Музыка должна идти из глубины вашего сознания и быть такой, какой она есть, а не такой, какой «нужно». В последнее время я из-за всех сил старался оставаться равнодушным к таким шаблонным, расистским, примитивным и необразованным принципам и эталонам black metal. Как я и ожидал, всё это не собирает никакой позитивной ответной реакции.

День спустя я выпустил демо "II, Desolation" с помощью товарища Noktu впервые в здании Drakkar Productions. Его непосредственными словами были «Вау, да этот альбом настоящий анти-металл!». Именно в таком духе был сделан и "II, Desolation". Так что если эти релизы вам понравились, то можете не беспокоиться о будущем проекта".

перевод из вк
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post Mar 10 2014, 22:24:49
Post #5846

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первая мысль, опять какой-то дол**еб

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post Mar 11 2014, 13:49:52
Post #5847

Guests team

HORNA in conspiracy with World Terror Committee presents:


Celebrating 20 years of desecration and devotion, this magnum opus of rare invocations compiles 45 songs presented on a set of 6 LP's closing in at four hours of profane madness.
Together with an extensive booklet including never before seen photos from the past two decades as well as memoirs from each release written by Shatraug, this is history in the making.
"Liber Omnes" has been re-mastered to guarantee the audial evil it's rightful presentation and for the first time ever the original "Varjoissa" demo is included in this chronological compilation. Not much has laid in the past without being part of one release or another yet some entirely unreleased evocations are included.
Release date & artworks to be announced!!

Такие дела (IMG:http://s019.radikal.ru/i618/1403/b3/1cf78eafd841.gif)

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post Mar 12 2014, 10:25:16
Post #5848

Шесть Литров
Group: Металариец
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Russian Federation

Новые релизы от Thou Shalt Kill! Records/ УБИЙ!

ДО СКОНУ "Великое Пробуждение Среди Великого Сна". Дигибук, 333 шт.


SS-18 "Nuklearpteryx". Формат без предварительного анонса, 418 шт.


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post Mar 12 2014, 10:51:41
Post #5849

Мракомыслъ Рiпѣыискiй
Group: Металариец
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From: http://gjoell.org/
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ЦИТАТА(Haunting @ Mar 11 2014, 12:49:52) *
HORNA in conspiracy with World Terror Committee presents:


Celebrating 20 years of desecration and devotion, this magnum opus of rare invocations compiles 45 songs presented on a set of 6 LP's closing in at four hours of profane madness.
Together with an extensive booklet including never before seen photos from the past two decades as well as memoirs from each release written by Shatraug, this is history in the making.
"Liber Omnes" has been re-mastered to guarantee the audial evil it's rightful presentation and for the first time ever the original "Varjoissa" demo is included in this chronological compilation. Not much has laid in the past without being part of one release or another yet some entirely unreleased evocations are included.
Release date & artworks to be announced!!

Такие дела http://s019.radikal.ru/i618/1403/b3/1cf78eafd841.gif
У каждой уважающей себя банды по нынешним временам должен быть бокс-сет, хех
Хорна, со Шатраугом во главе себя в количестве релизов не ограничивают, всё идет в дело, что не на альбомы, то на семёрки да компиляции. И даже несмотря на это набралось нереализованного материала аж на 6 пластов. Как бы не было это совсем бренчаловом и хрипеловом. Опасаюсь.

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post Mar 12 2014, 13:03:59
Post #5850

Шесть Литров
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ЦИТАТА(Vakhanal @ Mar 12 2014, 13:25:16) *
Новые релизы от Thou Shalt Kill! Records/ УБИЙ!

Тогда уж в полном объёме, если в новости:
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