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post Aug 8 2009, 10:37:16
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Собственно, все связанное с новостями в блеке, как то - выход новых альбомов, изменения в составе групп, и тому подобное, теперь постим в этой теме.
Создание отдельных тем для каждой новости не рекомендуется (только в исключительных случаях). Так что все новости - сюда!

Для новостей Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal существует отдельная тема: Новости направления MBM/Symphonic Black Metal

by Blood13

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post Jul 30 2014, 03:29:08
Post #6061

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Preview song from the upcoming GOATMOON album, "VOITTO TAI VALHALLA". Available in August 2014 on Werewolf Records.

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post Jul 30 2014, 19:40:49
Post #6062

Все люди - черви.
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North Korea

Christicide is dead.

No big words here... After many times of doubts, uncertainty, it cames obvious that doing Christicide has been a burden and that the motivation and energy are not the same anymore.

So instead of doing a third album without consistance, without soul and progression, I've decided to stop the band and let it where it is now for the resepct of our supporters, our occasional listeners and of course ourselves.

THOUGH, even if we stop our activities, we have a few things to achieve before we left.

The first thing is a split 10" or 12" with a band we respect a lot since many many many years but yet to be revealed. That split will feature our last song.

The second thing is an upcomming participation to a tribute album, we will tell more when needed.

The third thing is of course the Wolf throne festival. We've confirmed and announced our participation since a while now, and we will do that last gig with a pernicious grin on our faces.

I would like to thank, and also apologize, my band mates: The unknown, Prime S, and Ardraos for those years of Darkness... Perhaps that's not the end you wanted.... All the best for your future activities.

My old band members M.S.T & Blackblood too, that was a very inspiring journey. Waste can fuck off, as always.

And the fans, the headbangers, the Satanists, the lunatics, the blood drench crowd, the bone powder addicts... To share that wave of Blackness with you was an honour. Hope to see most of you at the Wolf throne festival for a last Sabbath !

Thank you also to Säath Nokr and his honourable Of Crawling Shadows Records for all the support, patience, trust, artistic investment and fucking honesty through the years. The other labels we worked with are not forgotten. Those opposed Records, The Gehinnon Front and Dead seed productions... Hails !

And the countless zine editors, compilation tapes, gig organizers, band we've played with, that inpired us...

Oh and yes, there will probably be some compilation and live materials in the future.

Ad Majorem Satanae Gloriam

Scars, on behalf of Christicide 30th of July 2014 A.B


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post Jul 30 2014, 23:27:42
Post #6063

путєн лox, наївся блох
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Darkestrah покинула вокалистка Kriegtalith, ее место занял некий Merkith. Такие дела.
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post Jul 31 2014, 15:18:15
Post #6064

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After a period of 6 years in the wilderness, Norway's exponents of groove-laden black metal are back with a new album, 'Til Endes' set for release on 29th September (30th September US) on Peaceville Records.
'Til Endes', undoubtedly the band's strongest work to date explores the dark foreboding corners of the metal spectrum with eerie riffs, grim vocals courtesy of mysterious frontman Gard, and catchy hooks which are so often ignored in the genre.

Recording information:
"Til Endes" was recorded at Studio Fredman (Amon Amarth, At the Gates, Opeth) in Sweden in June 2014.
"Dommens Arme" is a cover of "Troops of Doom" by Sepultura.

Attached File  Cover.jpg ( 72.37k ) Number of downloads: 1788

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post Aug 8 2014, 20:32:20
Post #6065

Время Мары
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Новая песня 1349

(1) Paatddal,
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post Aug 9 2014, 12:58:27
Post #6066

Время Мары
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post Aug 13 2014, 16:21:51
Post #6067

Total Death
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Ominous Resurrection's (feat. Negative Plane member) debut album shall be released in Autum/Winter this year, via Funeral Industries.

Tracking list:
- ...And the Black Sun Shines...
- Seven Trumpets of Doom
- The Omen of the Banshee
- Lifting of the Veil
- Astral Nightmare
- Ominous Resurrection
- Coronation of the Serpent

Unholy Black Metal influenced by Necromantia, Mortuary Drape, and Beherit's Drawing Down the Moon, done with an original approach.

"Lifting of the Veil"


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post Aug 15 2014, 11:43:06
Post #6068

Paysage D'Hiver
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ЦИТАТА(vasilisk @ Aug 8 2014, 23:32:20) *
Новая песня 1349

А еще кавер Войвуда
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post Aug 15 2014, 12:38:36
Post #6069

Три Литра
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Serpentrance have joined the ranks at Vault Of Dried Bones and their baleful four song EP will be unleashed on cassette in the next few months. More information will unfold as the new material is recorded and as we are permitted to share it. Support their page and spread the pestilence!

No Clean Singing.com speaks: "Back in April I stumbled across a mysterious entity known as Serpentrance and a song that had appeared on Bandcamp by the name of “Obeisance To the Antiquity of Sin”. I frothed at the mouth over it (here), and have been waiting in dreadful anticipation for something more. Today it came. The new song is named “The Aphotic Temples”. It moves between galloping, meat-grinding decimation and an offal-drenched crawl, the entire horrific affair radiating distortion and an aura of damnation and despair. The vocalist is believably abominable and gargantuan, and the drumwork is riveting. I still know nothing about the people behind this primeval death entity. I will now resume my trembling wait for more of their aural horrors".

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post Aug 15 2014, 14:50:47
Post #6070

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Еще больше исландского блэка: ABOMINOR

(1) aosoth,
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post Aug 18 2014, 15:43:19
Post #6071

Три Литра
Group: Завсегдатай
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From: г. Бор, Нижегородская обл.
On Forums: 14 years 7 months
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Russian Federation


2013 marked the tenth anniversary of Pestilential Shadows, one of Australian black metal’s longest-running and most revered forces in the underground. After a decade of darkness, Seance Records now unleashes their fifth full-length album, Ephemeral, set for international release on October 31st. Ephemeral retains Pestilential Shadows’ signature poetic heaviness and melody but twists the dagger deeper into the soul. It is gritty and raw, driven by heart-wrenching emotion and fathomless despair. It quickens the blood with bitter poison and, like its namesake, reminds us that life is fleeting – merely a transitory state between birth, death, and nothingness. So, as surely as the scythe falls indiscriminately on young and old, rich and poor, know that death touches us all. We are Ephemeral. Cover and tracklisting are as follows.

Tracklisting for Pestilential Shadows’ Ephemeral

1. Throes
2. Mill of Discord
3. Fragments
4. Sorrow of Tongues
5. Hymn of Isolation & Suicide
6. Emphemeral
7. Expire
October 31st, 2014 – that day of the year when the veil between the world of the living and the dead lifts – marks the official worldwide release of this stunning album from one of Australia’s finest black metal acts. Somber & melodic traditional black metal for fans of Leviathan, Lurker of Chalice, Dawn, Lord Belial, Klage, Kvist & Weakling.

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post Aug 18 2014, 16:37:13
Post #6072

Правь статус, ####!111
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В дополнение к предыдущему посту

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post Aug 18 2014, 23:01:57
Post #6073

Время Мары
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FALLS OF RAUROS собирается выпустить новый альбом. Опус будет называеться "In No Coming Shore".
Точная дата релиза до сих пор не подтверждена, но обложка уже есть и известно что альбом выпустят на CD и LP в этом году.

(1) suseka,
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post Aug 19 2014, 14:10:01
Post #6074

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Mysticum - Planet Satan (27th October, 2014) (Peaceville Records)

Attached File  planet_satan_art.jpg ( 111.14k ) Number of downloads: 926

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post Aug 20 2014, 14:32:34
Post #6075

While Waiting the Worms
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новые опусы от чилийского шведа HETROERTZEN

релиз альбома, получившего наименование "Ain Soph Aur", намечен на декабрь силами LAMECH RECORDS, AMOR FATI и TERRATVR POSSESSIONS.

странный по составу сплит Acherontas / Puissance / Arditi / Shibalba вышел и доступен для онлайн прослушивания.


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post Aug 20 2014, 15:01:45
Post #6076

Guests team

ЦИТАТА(Sangrail @ Aug 20 2014, 17:32:34) *
странный по составу сплит Acherontas / Puissance / Arditi / Shibalba вышел и доступен для онлайн прослушивания.

ну это дань нс-прошлому Ахеронтас. По-крайней мере мифической оккультной стороне этого дела.
Ещё сплит с Хорной должен выйти
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post Aug 20 2014, 17:50:14
Post #6077

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ЦИТАТА(inatas_eva_89 @ Aug 20 2014, 20:01:45) *
ну это дань нс-прошлому Ахеронтас. По-крайней мере мифической оккультной стороне этого дела.

во времена Stutthof Ахеронтас имел некоторые НС-воззрения. но сейчас его заботят совсем другие вещи, абсолютно противоположные НС.
это даже по названиям его трэков видно.
Шевират - это понятие из лурианской каббалы, этакая мистическая иудейская космогония.
одно из значений Даат также соотносится с каббалистическим сотворением.

короче, неправильное у тебя представление о НС (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif)

а вот оформление как раз в духе прочих работ Puissance / Arditi, что ещё больше запутывает ситуацию...
странный по составу сплит

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post Aug 20 2014, 18:05:50
Post #6078

Все люди - черви.
Group: Металариец
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North Korea

ЦИТАТА(Sangrail @ Aug 20 2014, 17:32:34) *
Acherontas / Puissance / Arditi / Shibalba вышел и доступен для онлайн прослушивания.

Говно сплит. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/22.gif) Ахеронтас в очередной раз разочаровывают. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/normal_Homerdisgust3.png)
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post Aug 20 2014, 19:27:44
Post #6079

Guests team

ЦИТАТА(Eichmann @ Aug 20 2014, 20:50:14) *
короче, неправильное у тебя представление о НС (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif)
а вот оформление как раз в духе прочих работ Puissance / Arditi, что ещё больше запутывает ситуацию...

ох, ну это плевок в мою сторону, придётся отвечать!
Между политическим нс и оккультизмом, связанным с нс, существует огромная разница, такая же как между отчётами Sonderkommando H и писаниной профанов из Ariosophische Kulturzeutrale.
И ради хохмы вот такую штуку загугли (это насчёт Каббалы):

Кстати, Puissance это апокалиптический индастриал, они футуристы и мизантропы (а кто нет? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1488.gif) ) , и как и Arditi к наци относятся как бюрократам и одному их пережитков германского прошлого. В этом никакого несоответствия с воззрениями Ахеронтас нет. Кстати у Arditi как всегда самые крутые треки
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post Aug 21 2014, 12:58:57
Post #6080

Crush! Kill! Destroy!
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Kings of mesopotamian black/thrash metal, MELECHESH, are currently in Athens, Greece recording their 6th full length album to be released worldwide via Nuclear Blast on a as of yet undisclosed date.

The band had spent one month in their rehearsal room in Germany tweaking all the details and will spend the next six weeks in Athens recording the new album, tentatively entitled »Enki«.

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post Aug 21 2014, 16:58:06
Post #6081

Crush! Kill! Destroy!
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Russian Federation

Memoria Vetusta часть III не за горами! Все в BANю!

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post Aug 21 2014, 21:28:10
Post #6082

Все люди - черви.
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North Korea

Новости от Bèlkètre.


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post Aug 21 2014, 21:31:18
Post #6083

Правь статус, ####!111
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Russian Federation

Вот уж никак не ожидал, что осколок ЛЛН оживёт в новом тысячелетии пробирающем пламенем.
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post Aug 21 2014, 21:46:29
Post #6084

Guests team

ЦИТАТА(Oath19 @ Aug 21 2014, 21:28:10) *
Новости от Bèlkètre.

Слава Люциферу!Героям Слава! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pray.gif)
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post Aug 22 2014, 13:41:33
Post #6085

Group: Металариец
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Russian Federation

The Stone - Nekroza (October 1st, 2014) (Folter Records)

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(1) Nemez,
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post Aug 22 2014, 14:00:49
Post #6086

Guests team

ЦИТАТА(Oath19 @ Aug 22 2014, 00:28:10) *
Новости от Bèlkètre.

К вопросу о переизданиях:

Aurora Australis переиздаёт классику 1997 года на MCD
Sámain - The Revenge of the Natural
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post Aug 22 2014, 16:24:17
Post #6087

I hate you all
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After 10 Years the Drape will cloak the Earth in Darkness once more!
LP/CD out in autumn through Iron Tyrant

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post Aug 22 2014, 16:58:00
Post #6088

I hate you all
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Новая композиция от Hermóðr

(1) tiptoer,
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post Aug 23 2014, 21:28:25
Post #6089

Время Мары
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Семпл новой композиции BLUT AUS NORD
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post Aug 24 2014, 00:43:20
Post #6090

Guests team

Для тех, кому не терпится: Peste Noire "Dans ma Nuit" official download link (WAV)

(1) SancheZZ,
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