Death Metal/Grindcore
Lyrical Theme(s):
Death, Gore
Spain (Tarragona, Catalonia)
Formed In:
Current line-up:
Marc Cabildo - Vocals (Pozilga, briefly in Audiorrea, Brutal Noise, Ed-Gein, Noiseabundos, Ruidosis, Serrando Codos, Cannibal Motivation, Xtreem Anal Regurgitation, Pus, Virkikills, Turronizer, Clotpump)
José Bonillo - Bass (Pozilga, Gore's Romance)
Jaume - Drums
Former/Past Member(s):
Jordi Lozano
Armando Army
Additional notes:
Released a split with Intestinal Disgorge, M.D.K., & Urophagia (Sonic Arse Tapes, 2009)

Mixomatosis - Mucosas Tumefacciones [demo] - 1992
Mixomatosis - Hacia La Destrucción [demo] - 1994
Mixomatosis & Neuropathia - Splatter Goulash / La Masacre Continua [split] - 2000
Mixomatosis - Faces Only A Mother Could Love/Baile Del Canibal [split album] - 2001
Mixomatosis - A Destripar [split] - 2001
Mixomatosis - Escorxador De La Humanitat / Goat Beee... [split] - 2001
Mixomatosis & Bizarre X - Mixomatosis/Bizarre X [split album] - 2002
Mixomatosis & Mastectomia - Sang Corrupte [split] - 2002
Mixomatosis & Tu Carne - Tu Carne/Mixomatosis [split] - 2002
Mixomatosis - The Gorelection [best of/compilation] - 2003
Mixomatosis - Beinvenidas Al Mundo Del Terror [full-length] - 2003
Mixomatosis & Audiorrea - Audiorrea/Mixomatosis [split] - 2004
Mixomatosis - Venereal Disease / Mixomatosis [split] - 2004
Mixomatosis - Recuento De Cadaveres [full-length] - 2004
Mixomatosis & Demisor & Gored Face - Night Of The Living Grinders [split] - 2004
Mixomatosis - Morbosa Carnosidade Putrefacta [split] - 2005
Mixomatosis & Tu Carne & Voice Of Hate - Tu Carne/Mixomatosis/Voice Of Hate [split] - 2005
Mixomatosis - Tu Sangre, Nuestro Bien Comun [split] - 2005
Mixomatosis - Sang Corrupta [full-length] - 2005
Mixomatosis - Perturbacion Cerebral [split album] - 2005
Mixomatosis & Poisoned Skrotum & Veneral Disease - 3 Ways Split [split album] - 2006
Mixomatosis - Si Pots, Conserva El Teu Cap [best of/compilation] - 2006
Mixomatosis & R.D.B. & Freakhate & Bunder Nekromunda - 4 Ways Of Vomits & Murders [split] - 2006
Mixomatosis - Convento Infernal [ep] - 2006
Mixomatosis - Virulento Mixoma / Spermochismo [split album] - 2006
Mixomatosis - Neurofibroma Mixoide [full-length] - 2007
Mixomatosis - 2 Minuta Dreka / Mixomatosis [split album] - 2008
Mixomatosis - Mixobury Blastonmatosis [live album] - 2008
Mixomatosis - Carn Morta / Unsatisfactory Doctors Report [split] - 2008
Mixomatosis - Copro Grind Gore [split album] - 2008
Mixomatosis & Monigo & El Muermo - Copro Grind Gore 3 Way [split] - 2008
Mixomatosis & Ultimo Mondo Cannibale - Mixocannibale [split] - 2009
Mixomatosis - Mixomatosis [single] - 2009
Mixomatosis & Streptococcus Pyogenes & Anus Tumor & Intestinal Infection - From Surgical Oncology... To Anatomical Pathology... [split] - 2010
Mixomatosis & Cannibe - Mixomatosis/Cannibe [split] - 2011
Official site: