Genre(s): Thrash Metal
Lyrical Theme(s): Human condition, Phobias, Addictions
Origin: Sweden (Örebro)
Formed In: 1987
Status: Split-up
Last known line-up: Johan Bülow - Vocals, Guitars (Altar (Swe), Wolf (Swe), Chain of Hate, Dreamgod)
Matte Hedenborg - Bass
Joacim Persson - Guitar (Tyburn (Swe), Soulquake System)
Fredrik C Linden - Drums
Former/Past Member(s): Fredrik Hänhel - Vocals, Guitars (1984-1987)
Gustav Ljungström - Bass (1984-1990)
Additional notes:Not to be confused with Fallen Angels (Swe) from Falkenberg.
The band recorded a demo called "Messiah" wich never got released.
See also -
Discography:Fallen Angel - Demo 1 [demo] - 1988 Fallen Angel - Hang Over [demo] - 1989 Fallen Angel & Appendix & Nirvana 2002 & Authorize - Appendix/Nirvana 2002/Authorize/Fallen Angel [split] - 1990 Fallen Angel - Trapped In Syberia [ep] - 1990 Fallen Angel - Faith Fails [full-length] - 1992 *****
Official Site: