Atmospheric Black Metal/Ambient
Lyrical Theme(s):
Nature, Philosophy, Darkness, Patriotism
Poland (Częstochowa, Silesian)
Formed In:
Current Line-Up:
Adam Tarczewski - All Instruments, Vocals
Forgotten Deity - Call Of The Wild [full-length] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Frost [ep] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Frozen Forest [full-length] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Frozen Landscapes [ep] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Ice [ep] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Kosmos [ep] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Magic Of Winter [full-length] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Mroczny Las [ep] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - New Era [ep] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Power Of Nature [full-length] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Powrót Bogów [ep] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Return To The Silent Forest [full-length] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Silent Forest [full-length] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Snow [ep] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - The Gates Of Ice [full-length] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Wind [ep] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Winter [ep] - 2014
Forgotten Deity - Mother Europe [ep] - 2015
Forgotten Deity - Odludzie [ep] - 2015
Forgotten Deity - Sparta [ep] - 2015
Forgotten Deity - Spirit Of Antiquity [full-length] - 2015
Forgotten Deity - Wojowie [ep] - 2015
Forgotten Deity - Lechia [ep] - 2015
Forgotten Deity - Mrok [ep] - 2016

Official Site: