So i'm really into these Organ (Keyboard?) tunes like in Abysmal Grief (
But i'm mostly into Black Metal, and i couldn't find a band that uses these sort of Organ or Keyboard Tunes in their Black Metal music. Can someone recommend stuf? When i look at the Coverart of De Mysterii Dom Sathanas for example i imagine Organ tunes like in Abysmal Grief, but Mayhem obviously never used that kind of tunes. So what i'm looking for is like Mayhem with Abysmal Grief Organ Tunes.
I know of Lychgate but they are too much Progressive for my taste. Also i know of several "Symphonic" Black Metal Bands, but they use Keyboards not the way i'm looking for. I'm looking really for dark horror like church organ pipe tunes, not some happy Dimmu shit. And Carach Angren is also not what i'm looking for.
Do you know good Bands that fit my description?