Death/Thrash Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Death and Morbid
Sweden (Stockholm)
Formed In:
Last known line-up:
Johan (aka Sid E. Burns) - Guitar (General Surgery, Scurvy)
Tobias (aka Mary Goore) - Vocals, Guitar (Revokation (Swe))
Thomas Daun - Drums (Dismember, Insision)
Carlos Sathanas (aka Gurra) - Bass
Former/Past Member(s):
Karl Envall (Kaamos (Swe), Revokation (Swe), Asmodeus (Swe))
J.Ahonen (aka Roy Morbidson) - Bass (Insision)
Chris Piss (Cristofer Barkensji) - Drums (Kaamos (Swe), Serpent Obscene, Blackshine, Grave, Face Down)
Additional notes:
Johan Wallin owns the label Escorbuto Recordings.

Repugnant - Spawn Of Pure Malevolence [demo] - 1998
Repugnant - Hecatomb [ep] - 1999
Repugnant - Draped In Cerecloth [demo] - 2001
Repugnant & Pentacle - Dunkel Besatthet [split] - 2002
Repugnant - Premature Burial [ep] - 2004
Repugnant & Kaamos - Split [split] - 2004
Repugnant - Epitome Of Darkness [full-length] - 2006
Official site:
Repugnant - Spawn Of Pure Malevolence [demo] - 1998 by Nidhogg
Repugnant - Hecatomb [ep] - 1999 by Death Dealer
Repugnant - Draped In Cerecloth [demo] - 2001 by Nidhogg
Repugnant & Kaamos - Split [split] - 2004 by Nidhogg
Repugnant - Premature Burial [ep] - 2004 by Nidhogg
Repugnant - Epitome Of Darkness [full-length] - 2006 by bul-bul