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Black/Thrash Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Hell, Death, War, Rape
Sweden (Uddevalla)
Formed In:
Current line-up:
Fredrik Andersson - Bass (Axis Powers)
Peter Haglund - Guitar (Axis Powers)
Thomas Hedgren - Drums (Psychomantum)
Emil Johansson - Guitar (Ill-Natured, ex-Azeazeron)
Mathias "Rrooaarr" Johansson - Vocals (Axis Powers, bass in The Protectors)
Former/Past Member(s):
Martin Hogebrandt - Drums (Conspiracy (Swe))
Andreas Ström - Guitar (Conspiracy (Swe), Chtonium)

Suicidal Winds - The Road To... [demo] - 1994
Suicidal Winds - Massacre [demo] - 1996
Suicidal Winds - Aggression [demo] - 1997
Suicidal Winds - Definitely War [demo] - 1998
Suicidal Winds - Winds Of Death [full-length] - 1999
Suicidal Winds & Bestial Mockery - Nuclear Goat/Joyful Dying [split] - 2000
Suicidal Winds - Live [live] - 2000
Suicidal Winds - Misanthropic Anger [ep] - 2001
Suicidal Winds - Victims In Blood [full-length] - 2001
Suicidal Winds - Crush Us With Fire [ep] - 2003
Suicidal Winds - Rarities [best of/compilation] - 2004
Suicidal Winds - Wrath Of God [full-length] - 2004
Suicidal Winds & Gravewürm - From Conflict To Conquest [split] - 2006
Suicidal Winds - Total Death 'n Live [live] - 2006
Suicidal Winds - Chaos Rising [full-length] - 2008
Suicidal Winds - Discography 98-07 [best of/compilation] - 2008

Official site:
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