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Full Version: Borislav Mitic - The Absolute (2009)
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*Artist: Borislav Mitic
*Album: The Absolute
*Year: 2009
*Genre: Neoclassical Power Metal/Shred
*Country: Serbia
*Format: mp3@CBR193kbps
*Size: 70MB

1. The Absolute 06:16
2. Secret Of Life 06:21
3. Hidden 04:40
4. Within All Existence 04:40
5. Promises 06:30
6. The Prize Of Eternity 04:39
7. For The Chosen 04:46
8. Fighter Of Glory 04:37
9. Walking The Path 05:41
10. To One Truth 01:10
Total playing time: 49:20

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Country: Serbia/Canada
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Size: 68 mb
Genre: Neoclassical Power Metal/Shred
Release date: 04.12.2009

01.- The absolute
02.- Secret of life
03.- Hidden
04.- Within all existence
05.- Promises
06.- The prize of eternity
07.- For the chosen
08.- Figter of glory
09.- Walking the path
10.- To one truth

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that's my rip from yesterday, Borislav is my friend and he send me cd
QUOTE(vladavina @ Nov 13 2009, 17:35:11) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
that's my rip from yesterday, Borislav is my friend and he send me cd

why is it not a 320Kbps then? 21.gif
ЦИТАТА(Rodriga @ Nov 14 2009, 07:25:35) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
why is it not a 320Kbps then? 21.gif

точно-точно! 13.gif
ask Borislav not me
QUOTE(vladavina @ Nov 14 2009, 08:24:20) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ask Borislav not me

I suppose he is sending out low quality rips to make people admire his astonishing performance? 1488.gif
QUOTE(Rodriga @ Nov 15 2009, 15:58:13) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I suppose he is sending out low quality rips to make people admire his astonishing performance? 1488.gif

touché 1488.gif
QUOTE(vladavina @ Nov 13 2009, 23:35:11) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
that's my rip from yesterday, Borislav is my friend and he send me cd

Hey Vladavina!

Borislav told me, YOU ARE NOT HIS FRIEND!

U are lying scumbag and U should be beaten down to a pulp.

STOP pirating his music!
QUOTE(vladavina @ Nov 13 2009, 23:35:11) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
that's my rip from yesterday, Borislav is my friend and he send me cd


My internet friends,

I would like to send a message for all those who intend to dowload my album for free :

Here are a few words on a very important subject to me - illegal Internet file sharing download! This is also known as - MURDER OF MUSIC! Since I have a new album coming out on December 4th now would be the right time to get into this matter of life and death.
You see,... it is very hard to master an instrument. It takes a lot of years of practice, discipline, study and dedication (like going to a university and more) to reach the level of playing that I and similar musicians are at.

It is really very hard work to compose quality music and create something special for you listeners out there. It is very hard to make records too because the studio time is very expensive (making your own project studio is a big cost too and not many can't afford it or even know how operate it). It is also very hard to find a Record label to publish your music these days,... and even harder to arrange real retail music store distribution to circulate the music on the market and make it available everywhere.

But musicians go through all these pains because they love and believe in music and they believe in fair and just financial reward return for hard work of producing beauty of music they offer to the world. Don't you agree that musicians should be paid for their work?

When people illegaly post or download free MP3 files on Internet of the music that musician made so many sacrifices to create - it is the sign of ULTIMATE DISRESPECT! This means literally taking the bread off the musician's table and spitting in their face!

The music business works like this... (if you don't know).
Musicians who make the music give the album to the label under certain conditions. Then label sells it through its distribution channels and shares the percentage of return income with the musician. Stores and distributors also get their cut for the retail sale service to you - the customer. So the bottom line percentage per a CD that goes back to the musician is quite small in the end. Also don't forget that musician invested money in studio time so this has to be covered before musician makes any real profit money!

To make a living from music this way a lot of CDs have to be sold. That CD money also gets re-invested in touring, new albums, promotion, etc.
Everybody in the chain of music industry is living from this system of sale... magazines, concert promoters, labels, music stores. Every single CD sold counts and especially today for smaller artists like myself who do not have a big budget at their disposal to promote themself in mainstream media, TV, Magazines, etc (yes, all that actually has to be paid for and costs quite a lot).

I know,... CDs in stores cost money (16$ a piece?), the world is in economic crises and it's easier to get a free download so that you can put that money into buying your pants and cookies, right? Hey, you can make a cool free collection of thousands of albums with no money invested at all! Woohhho, viva la internet!! How cool is this!? Well,... NOT COOL AT ALL !

Do you eat? Yes...? Me too! (inspite of legends you might have heard even we musicians need to eat). To get food I have to go to the grocery store and pay money for it like you. The same goes for clothes and other products. If you would try to take (or "download") food or clothes from the grocery or clothing store the people dressed in blue outfits called THE POLICE would try to stop you since this is considered a crime of stealing. What if everybody starts stealing food unpunished? How will the grocery store employees survive? What about their family? How would the farmers producing food survive if we take it from them for free? They would not.

Do you catch my drift? Just because you CAN download music for free today on the Internet doesn't mean you SHOULD. You CAN also beat up an old lady on the street and steal her pension from her wallet ... but somebody CAN beat you up too and do the same to you. Would you like this? Or would you perhaps like to go to work 9h-17h for free? Would you like musicians to visit your home and take some of your property for free? Why not? They can use it... the same way you can use illegaly downloaded music without paying for it.

This all would be called robbery of course and is illegal and if we would apply this pattern of behaviour to the society in general as a rule of life we would very soon have a society of filthy, wild savages!

My point is - if there is no money coming back to us musicians for the ultra hard work we invest we will all eventually give up and stop making music. If the unchecked Internet theft goes on much longer very soon there will be no more new albums from the artists you like and cherish so much on your illegal free MP3 collections!

This will be THE END OF TIMES FOR MUSIC! After we musician give up the labels will fold, the music stores will turn into ... shoe shops for example (you can't download those through internet can you now?)...
Soon after that the whole music industry, concerts, fun time, guitars,... will be dead and gone - thanks to Internet and illegal global piratery system! Game over!

So if anyone of you wants to continue supporting - KILLING MUSIC (that you are supposed to love) go and join the Internet gang of music hijackers for free through torrents and file sharing sites! The blood will be on your hands...
But If you want the music to SURVIVE please treat it like you would like to be treated yourself and do the right thing by paying for it. I always paid for the music I wanted and I don't see why each of you can't - there's really no excuse!

SPREAD THE WORD! SAVE THE MUSIC YOU LOVE! Or let it bleed and die... It's all in your hands - the choice is yours to make. I vote for life but if it's death of music - so be it! We can also live in a world without real music but then don't complain in the future to come how the music in the media around you is bad and lame and "where have all the good times gone".
You have been warned!
QUOTE(Mars @ Nov 17 2009, 23:52:51) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
SPREAD THE WORD! SAVE THE MUSIC YOU LOVE! Or let it bleed and die...

Little-known artists are more likely to die cause of lack of PR.

so call it "the principle of the lesser evil". I'm afraid that's the only way for e.g. "non-Nuclear Blast" bands to gain some recognition. and moreover, that's the best way. since that's the only way for ppl from other coutries to get acquainted with one's music. and probably - order the original CD (if it's worth ordering)

+ merely one song from this album on myspace. wtf? that's not fair towards yr potential customers. so no need for moral admonition with such an attitude towards PR actions.

“blind-buying” is for millionaires and morons. esp. if speaking about some underground never_heard_of_band.

I never buy CDs before listening to mp3 variant. and I have more than 650 cds (not that much, but still). same with almost all the ppl I know

think about that.
QUOTE(DrakarD @ Nov 20 2009, 07:41:05) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Little-known artists are more likely to die cause of lack of PR.

so call it "the principle of the lesser evil". I'm afraid that's the only way for e.g. "non-Nuclear Blast" bands to gain some recognition. and moreover, that's the best way. since that's the only way for ppl from other coutries to get acquainted with one's music. and probably - order the original CD (if it's worth ordering)

+ merely one song from this album on myspace. wtf? that's not fair towards yr potential customers. so no need for moral admonition with such an attitude towards PR actions.

“blind-buying” is for millionaires and morons. esp. if speaking about some underground never_heard_of_band.

I never buy CDs before listening to mp3 variant. and I have more than 650 cds (not that much, but still). same with almost all the ppl I know

think about that.


Oh yeah? No need for "moral addmonition"? Moral!!? Oh I think there's great need! You seem to be a Mr.PR Expert here? Well, when you record your own albums and invest some money into studio time and get published by a label then go and put your work out for free download on internet and try making a living from it... and then come back here and tell me how it worked out. OK?
Since you seem to be falling from Jupiter let me inform you about a few facts.

- The songs written by artists are their property. It is called COPYRIGHTY. It is also called - LAW. Nobody has the right to offer copyright infrigement of other peoples property for free download since it is breaking of the law. So it's a crime. It is not up to you to decide at all if it should or should not be free... you do not own it! If you don't like it - don't buy it BUT you have no right of posting it and offering something that does not belong to you (intelectual property) to masses of people on Internet. Is this hard for you to understand?

- I am not talking only about death of small artists only but bigger ones as well! For example top of the line famous guitar players CD sales has dropped 80% compared to what they were selling just 7-8 years ago. Do you know this? These are people that everybody knows and they have even been droped from their major labels! Even they have issues scheduling touring now. How do you like this Mr. freeloader PR?

- Independent guitar oriented labels are on the edge of considering shutting down! Their sales have droped more then 10 fold! And still the majority of sale they make is through physical outlets and not even nternet itunes. Were you aware of this? I don't think so...

- A lot of major music store CD oulets in US closed down in the last 10 years. Same thing happened in Canada too. This means loss of physical distribution and further drop of CD sale and drop of profit. There is no buissiness for them because 'PR Geniusis" worldwide think it's all for free on the Internet.

- Where do you think the money for major PR and touring is comming from? From our mama? From UN humanitarian organisations? WRONG! It is coming out of our pockets and through label investment! This PR money is based on expected CD sale! If the majority of Music store outlets are shutting down the remaining ones will pick up less of the non corporate CDs (because they know these CDs are now hardly promoted now) meaning that we can not expect a lot of sales anymore to be able to gamble with touring investments! And there's no need to explain further what illegal download does to this issue...

- Mainstream media promotion. Do you have any clue how much this costs? Just a half page add in a Guitar magazine few times a year costs in tens of thousands $$. Who do you think pays for this? Santa-claus? NO! The labels do. If their CD sale is droping due to global piratery they will not be able to promote their artists which ends in further drop of sales and will die off soon. This means that when many 18 year old happy trigger internet fredownloaders decide to start their own music careere in a couple of years they will find that there are no more labels for them, no venues to play, no CD stores to distribute them! Game over! Happy? And NO,... the internet only careere "idea fix" does not and wil not work.

Btw, I have offered THREE songs for preview over the last few months and not ONE as you suggest - so even in that departement you are not well informed.

I can't stop internet robbery and I can't stop stupidity but I am here to let everybody know that the music is dying because of it! So take it as you will!
QUOTE(DrakarD @ Nov 20 2009, 07:41:05) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Little-known artists are more likely to die cause of lack of PR.

so call it "the principle of the lesser evil". I'm afraid that's the only way for e.g. "non-Nuclear Blast" bands to gain some recognition. and moreover, that's the best way. since that's the only way for ppl from other coutries to get acquainted with one's music. and probably - order the original CD (if it's worth ordering)

+ merely one song from this album on myspace. wtf? that's not fair towards yr potential customers. so no need for moral admonition with such an attitude towards PR actions.

“blind-buying” is for millionaires and morons. esp. if speaking about some underground never_heard_of_band.

I never buy CDs before listening to mp3 variant. and I have more than 650 cds (not that much, but still). same with almost all the ppl I know

think about that.

Here is what Jordan Rudess of Dream Theater has to say about music industry situation today, internet and new artists:

On music industry:
"The music business is really in a weird state right now, and it has been for some time. It's getting harder and harder for new bands to do anything, because record companies are just not picking up new bands like they used to. And there's nowhere for these new bands to play either, with music venues either closing down or restricting access to up and coming bands. You kind of heard about these things, and initially, it kind of comes across as being pessimistic for the most part. On the one hand, you brush it off as simply being one point of view, and rationalize with yourself that things really can't be that bad. But after a while, you realize that things really have changed. I really feel like it's in a messed up state right now. We really do have more bands today than ever before. I used to think that the Internet was great, because it provided all these avenues for the bands. Bands would figure it out and get their music out there to a whole new people of potential fans, all the while finding new and creative ways in using the Internet to get their music out there. But as time goes on, I think a lot of bands are finding out that it's a whole lot harder than it used to be. They're finding that their competing against a whole lot of other bands out there that are trying to get their music across in the same way. I don't know. I'm sure the industry will find a way to figure and straighten things out, and become a little clearer for people out there. But I guess for us in DREAM THEATER, we have this world of our own. Perhaps it's because we've been around so long, and we have this nice, solid and strong foundation that is there to support us in everything that we do. I think in general, DREAM THEATER is on their own planet in terms of the business side of things, because things are pretty good."
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ексель моксель, он еще верит в безоблачное будущее сиди и винила в магазинах? smile4.gif
продавал бы тогда мерч что-ли, его то спиратить посложнее smile1.gif
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