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Full Version: Tormenter - Pulse Of Terror (2010)
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*Artist: Tormenter
*Album: Pulse Of Terror
*Year: 2010
*Genre: Old School Thrash Metal
*Country: United States
*Format: mp3@CBR192kbps
*Size: 82MB

1. Gallery of Reality
2. Absolution
3. No Anesthesia
4. Pulse of Terror
5. Hunger For Violence
6. Messiah On Trial
7. Inhumanity Personified
8. A Season in the Plague
9. Severe Enforcement
10. Assault from Beyond the Grave
11. Dismantle the World
12. Pantheon of Lunacy
Total playing time: 58:29

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Очень живой трэш такой, бодрый. Вокал вполне. Также в старошкольном стиле выдержан.
Дебютник довольно интересный получился у торментер.
Скачаю и с удовольствием послушаю.
real cd rip @ 320k

Thanks! smile1.gif
Thanks Toxodeth, not Thra5h 1488.gif
В общем, ничего такого уж экстраординарного. Олдскул, конечно, но и только-то.
Yup, thanks to Toxoshit for never sharing anything. also, thanks to him transcoding the release and posting 320 like a bafoon.....As usual....

"Had this months ago" - His favorite quote, since he has all CD's in world, that nobody cares about. He think him and his plastic frisbees are immortal and will live on, well I got news for you WARKULT/Toxocock from Shitality as Skewered, those CD's will be worthless when you die and leave them behind, as will your rotting infested body, smell the reek of the cunt!

Hey "Toxodeath", why did you wait all this time to upload a "320" rip, when the 192 finally went up ?
Why didn't you do it sooner ?
are you going to say you had no idea this was wanted?
Tormenter - Pulse of Terror - 2010

Toxodeth is probably ViolentLeecher. Are we allowed multiple accounts?
очень даже неплохо валят, довольно разнообразно, хотя все в рамках олд-скула)
Because he is like the nachoboy asesino and doesn't share ^^

They just have an exclusive club (Consisting of 3 people, and a few imaginary people) who continuously say "We had this months ago", hell they had all releases before bands were even made....

The funniest was when the FAKE Wintersun Time Single leaked, and Toxodumb posted it on his blog CD Rip....Haha, it's not even Wintersun single, it's Starborn...Some people are just....Well, slow....Like the dumbkult.
QUOTE(Toxodeth @ Jan 25 2011, 10:28:07) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
real cd rip @ 320k


Oh...Wait a minute, haha....So you are telling me, only REAL CD Rip is 320? You can't rip a CD in anything lower than 320 or it will be fake, right Sir Shitkult?

Also, by the way, 320 k CD Rip in reality is 143 MB file size.....You are a transcoding dumbkult.
toxodeth thankx for the cd rip
Probably another WARKULT account.... ^^

As you are the slut's only friend = )

If you are such a good friend of his, why didn't you get this CD from him then...And also why did he wait until it leaked to make a CD Rip.....You guys are being fooled by the biggest dumbshit of them all, all this guy does is transcode everything. There is no 320 floating around yet, only 192, as this goon Toxoskunk, transcodes EVERYTHING....
Could someone check the spectrum (don't have Adobe installed at the moment) and verify it's a clean 320kbps CD-Rip please.
ЦИТАТА(zYkL0n @ Jan 25 2011, 16:22:43) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Could someone check the spectrum (don't have Adobe installed at the moment) and verify it's a clean 320kbps CD-Rip please.

I have checked it. It's a nice rip.
QUOTE(Thra5h @ Jan 25 2011, 17:18:28) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Probably another WARKULT account.... ^^

As you are the slut's only friend = )

If you are such a good friend of his, why didn't you get this CD from him then...And also why did he wait until it leaked to make a CD Rip.....You guys are being fooled by the biggest dumbshit of them all, all this guy does is transcode everything. There is no 320 floating around yet, only 192, as this goon Toxoskunk, transcodes EVERYTHING....

no 320k rips around i had this cd since october 2010 here poof guys that i do have the cd infact i have 2 copies 1 opened 1 sealed please ignore Thra5h he hates me and is very jealous of my gigantic music collection. i have no need to transcode it would take longer to transcode than to do an actual make no sense again mlotek (Thra5h) OWNED AGAIN 1488.gif

QUOTE(zYkL0n @ Jan 25 2011, 17:22:43) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Could someone check the spectrum (don't have Adobe installed at the moment) and verify it's a clean 320kbps CD-Rip please.

Tormenter - Pulse of Terror - 2010 [post #1037328]
Do not say that I did not warn
блин, понапихали в говнообменники, ну чооо это за дело
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Ну вроде неплохой олдскул
Такой трэшняк мне нравится 20.gif
Хороший дебютник!)
классный трешак в классике жанра. Нынче таких немного осталось групп. 9.gif 9.gif 9.gif 9.gif 9.gif 9.gif
В таком же ключе сейчас лупят Lazarus A.D., Fueled by Fire, Suicidal Angels.
this is a really good thrash album smile1.gif
Альбом оставил о себе хорошее впечатление.
now do u people see why i didnt waste my time uploading this?!?!
this album fuckin blows!!! i personally know this band and they were better back in the backyard days.... now theyre just lame!!! and so is 98% of the new thrash releases
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QUOTE(asesino_brujeria @ Feb 1 2011, 02:33:18) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
now do u people see why i didnt waste my time uploading this?!?!
this album fuckin blows!!! i personally know this band and they were better back in the backyard days.... now theyre just lame!!! and so is 98% of the new thrash releases

no, the drums are too loud , only complaint.

IF this band was better before, how can we believe you? Did you upload some demos/rehearsals/live tapes ?
so much for knowing "the band"...

dude, you're the typical highschool "rock'on" from the 80s...
Agreed, him and Toxodeth, dumbest two on the planet. ^
Нормально в общем.
Не слишком агрессивно; спокойствием не веет, конечно, но драйва явно маловато.
Басс звучит пусть и просто, но здорово - хотя определённо теряется в звучании остального инструментала.
Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
Size: 137MB

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flac track 990 kbp / 425 mb
Tormenter-Pulse_Of_Terror-CD-FLAC-2010-DeVOiD from scene
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хороший олдскульный трэш! pray.gif
Постный музон. Неинтересно, ребята smile3.gif
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ЦИТАТА(vosmidesijatye @ 30th June 2013 - 09:40:29) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Постный музон. Неинтересно, ребята

Запишите этот момент - восьмидесятый оказался прав. Разрешаю по этому поводу принять на грудь 250 мл зелёного чаю. 15.gif
ЦИТАТА(DarkHorde @ Oct 21 2016, 15:39:51) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Запишите этот момент - восьмидесятый оказался прав. Разрешаю по этому поводу принять на грудь 250 мл зелёного чаю. 15.gif

Или 400 капель валерьянки (с)
ЦИТАТА(avkruchinin @ 22nd October 2016 - 01:06:08) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Или 400 капель валерьянки

Вымоченных в полулитре огненной воды.
ЦИТАТА(DarkHorde @ Oct 21 2016, 15:39:51) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Запишите этот момент - восьмидесятый оказался прав. Разрешаю по этому поводу принять на грудь 250 мл зелёного чаю. 15.gif

Да этот пост в гранит закатать надо.Отправлю куда надо наверно.
ЦИТАТА(AlexStorm @ Oct 21 2016, 16:11:13) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Отправлю куда надо наверно.

В ООН Покемону или в спортлото?
ЦИТАТА(DarkHorde @ Oct 21 2016, 16:39:51) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Запишите этот момент - восьмидесятый оказался прав. Разрешаю по этому поводу принять на грудь 250 мл зелёного чаю. 15.gif

Не вижу ничего удивительного или смешного. Я ОЧЕНЬ часто оказываюсь прав, как и Сэр и только ваши гордыни, стереотипности и ст ы/а дности инстинкты и нежелание видеть очевидное приводят к затмению портала и активации досужести и скуки в кубе жлобства.
ЦИТАТА(vosmidesijatye @ Oct 21 2016, 16:27:45) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Не вижу ничего удивительного или смешного.

Мой друг, отправлено в цитаты не из того что ты говоришь что то смешное - нет конечно.Лично я твои рецензии внимательно читаю,здесь вопрос в том что DarkHorde согласился с твоими выводами - я думаю это уже интересно.А там как Администрация решит.
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128 mb/320 kbps
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