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Full Version: SRAM & Shitnoise Bastards - Split Tape [split] (2013)
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*Artist: SRAM & Shitnoise Bastards
*Album: Split Tape [split]
*Year: 2013
*Genre: Grindcore | Noisegrind
*Country: Russian Federation | Malaysia
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 30MB

1. Шизофреническое Слабоумие (Schizophrenic Dementia)
2. Смерть от Тысячи Шприцов (Death by a Thousand Syringes)
3. Врожденные Уродства (Inborn Deformities)
4. Murderer (Unholy Grave cover live)
Shitnoise Bastards:
5. It's Nice to See You Die
6. Vodka Grind Assault
7. We Won't Pay for the Expensive Tax Beer
8. Hardcore Dancing is Suicide
9. Arrogant Elitist Ask For Free Stuff Is Rubbish
10. Noise Torture Pt.5
11. 22 Seconds Wasted After You Listen To This
Total playing time: 10:57

Extended info
Released February 2013. 30xCDR - Malaysia, 100xTapes - Russia.

Input File: A1 - SRAM - Shizophrenicheskoje Slaboumije.mp3
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:00:56.30 = 2482918 samples = 4222.65 CDDA sectors
File Size : 2.55M
Bit Rate : 362k
Sample Encoding: MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)
Comments :
Title=Шизофреническое Слабоумие (Schizophrenic Dementia)
Album=Shitnoise Bastards/SRAM split

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