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Full Version: Various Artists - Tribute To Mortician (2007)
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*Artist: Various Artists
*Album: Tribute to Mortician
*Year: 2007
*Genre: Death/Goregrind
*Country: Various
*Format: mp3@VBR
*Size: 99 Мб.

01 XXX Maniak - Hacked Up for Barbecue
02 Depression - Bloodcraving
03 Fleshbomb - Zombie Apocalypse
04 Carnavage - Slaughterhouse
05 Rigor Mortis - Dead and Buried
06 Huevo Duro - Lord of Dead Pt. II
07 Grandma - Stab
08 Veneral Disease - Cannibal Feast
09 Brutal Noise - Island of the Death
10 Sewage Sammich - Fog of Death
11 Screaming Afterbirth - Cremate
12 Cannibal Motivation - Aniquilacion
13 Sodomy Torture - Drilling for Brains
14 Serrando Codos - Massacre
15 Inbreeding Sick - Devoured Alive
16 Iron Buttler - Ripped in Half
17 Gangrena Febrosa - Barbaric Cruelties
18 Katalepsy - Rabit
19 Umblical Fetal Strangulation - Brutally Multilated
20 Monigo - Zombie Apocalypse
21 Horrisono - Mangled (Destrozame - Morticina Mi Amor)
22 Axon - Hacked Up for Barbecue
23 Necrocannibal - Driller Killer
24 3:15 AM - Final Bloodbath
25 Klysmaphiliac - Cannibalized
26 Bloodthirst - Slaughterhouse
27 Methadone Abortion Clinic - Three on Meathook
28 Atavism - Silent Night, Bloody Night
29 Funeral Rape - Decapitated
30 Rot - Silent Night, Bloody Night
31 Obscene - Bone Crusher
32 Social Shit - Massacred
33 Bestial Devastation - Voodoo Curse
34 Carnivore Mind - Silent Night, Bloody Night
35 Ancient Necropsy - Apocalyptic Devastation
36 C.A.R.N.E - Dr. Gore
37 Vomit Slit - Ripped in Half / Drowned in Blood Medley
38 Corpsefucking Art - Bloodcraving
39 Lymphatic Phlegm - Blown to Pieces
Total playing time: 74:06

The Pioneers Grinders of the Death "Grindy" Scene Have a Tribute!!!
Featuring Goregrind and Burtal Death Metal Bands from Several Places of this World Paying Tribute to Their Gods!!!

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ifolder please
Здесь самые лучшие наши группы,только они спасли этот релиз от провала ИМХО
Ну, по сути нудно получилось...

XXX Maniak - Hacked Up for Barbecue
Katalepsy - Rabit
Fleshbomb - Zombie Apocalypse

больше ничего особо не запомнилось...
How kool is this....

Many tha nks man, nice share....

Мне однозначно понравилось...

Жесть. Парни отожгли на 5+!

Akhenaton, респект...

Ааааааааааааааааааа!!!!!!!!!!!! Перезалейте пожалуйста на рапиду!!!!!!!!!!! 6.gif

помощи конешно недождешся тута 13.gif

ифолдер [ Hidden Text ]

а трибут ничетак 20.gif
на 4\5. на любителя
Can someone re up this please? Thank you!
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перезалейте плиз!)
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