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Full Version: Necroblood - Collapse Of The Human Race (2017)
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*Artist: Necroblood
*Album: Collapse Of The Human Race
*Year: 2017
*Genre: Black/Death Metal
*Country: France
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 109MB

01. Intro 02:08
02. Through Limitless Abysses 04:57
03. Evil Against Evil 04:02
04. Sons of Genocide 04:44
05. Glorification Through Destruction 04:16
06. Essential Collaspe 03:01
07. Baptised by Devil's Cum 03:45
08. Sadistik Hunt 05:33
09. Operation Gomorrah 04:56
10. The Omen 07:23
Total playing time: 44:45

Extended info
Equally anchored by the foundations of VON and Beherit as they are by early Immolation and Convulse, NECROBLOOD's slimy, oozing pulse positively overwhelms, covering the listener in sewage - both spiritual and psychic - that simply cannot be washed off. And yet, for all this gibbering insanity, the quintet harness its powers with an almost martial elan, doling out the blackgrind with patient 'n' judicious ease and lacing their lacerations with strategic leads and deep, dark plummets into total doom. And with a runtime of 45 minutes, the 10 tracks comprising Collapse of the Human Race all create a landscape of lecherousness and righteous corruption, perpetual peaks and valleys of uncleanliness and wrongness. Drink of NECROBLOOD!

TerrorReign - Bass, Vocals (2010-present) See also: Impure Ziggurat, ex-Evynkar
Rimmon - Drums (2010-present) See also: ex-Seigneur Voland, ex-Infect, ex-Kristallnacht
Bastial Desekrator - Guitars (2010-present) See also: ex-Evynkar
Exekvtion - Guitars, Vocals (2010-present) See also: ex-Evynkar, ex-Osculum Infame

Technical info

Input File: 02 Through Limitless Abysses.mp3
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:04:57.83 = 13134127 samples = 22337 CDDA sectors
File Size : 12.6M
Bit Rate : 339k
Sample Encoding: MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)
Comments :
Title=Through Limitless Abysses
Album=Collapse of the Human Race
Genre=Black Metal

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Кстати довольно неплохо.
Я бы сказал: Очень даже хорошо true_black.gif
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Валят конечно сверхмощно, в стиле Burial Hordes. Забираю.
Oh absolutely great! What a massacre!

pray.gif pray.gif pray.gif
По прошлым работам очень хорошо было, а тут еще лучше и полноценно на 45 минут. Люблю такой формат, хоть он и не нов и ничего нового в нем не услышишь
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FLAC tracks
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A very good and noteworthy release. 9.gif
320 - 104MB
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