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Full Version: The Wandering Ascetic - Crimson (2019)
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*Artist: The Wandering Ascetic
*Album: Crimson
*Year: 2019
*Genre: Black/Death/Thrash Metal
*Country: Singapore
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 98MB

01. Eva Braun
02. I Sing The Body Electric
03. The Exorcism Of Mrs. Doe
04. The Gods Bleed!
05. Beast Of Burden
06. The Will To Live
07. To Hell, Back And To Hell Again
08. Here For The Good Things
09. Assassins
10. Orang Laut
Total playing time: 42:07

Extended info
All in all, this is fascinating black/thrash metal that draws its influences from the Hellenic black metal scene as well as from RUDRA and is a fresh take on a style that has largely been stagnating until now.

Jayakumar - Bass
Kannan K - Drums
Kathir - Vocals (RUDRA, Abyssal Vortex, ex-Narasimha, ex-Zushakon)
Vinod - Lead & Rhythm Guitars (RUDRA, Predatory, ex-Narasimha, ex-$uicide $olution, ex-Chaos Aftermath)

Technical info

Input File: 06 The Will To Live.mp3
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:03:15.07 = 8602587 samples = 14630.2 CDDA sectors
File Size : 8.55M
Bit Rate : 351k
Sample Encoding: MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)
Comments :
Title=The Will To Live
Artist=The Wandering Ascetic
Genre=Black/Thrash Metal

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RUDRA members create some more exemplary black/thrash metal music, this time without the Indian classical instruments but retaining the trademark spiritual fervour. THE WANDERING ASCETIC has dissonant, nay, hypnotic riffing which is rare in the style. It is underpinned by some crushing grooves which elevates the entire art form to different level. All in all, this is fascinating black/thrash metal that draws its influences from the Hellenic black metal scene as well as from RUDRA and is a fresh take on a style that has largely been stagnating until now. 'Crimson' is easily the band's finest and its life-transforming concept is expressed impeccably through the unmistakable artwork of Mark Riddick and layout by Turkka Rantanen (DEMILICH, DEMIGOD)..

[ Hidden Text ]

RUDRA plays Hellenic dark/black metal, interesting!
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