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Full Version: Crepitation - Perpetual Devolution Through Narcosis [compilation] (2021)
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*Artist: Crepitation
*Album: Perpetual Devolution Through Narcosis [compilation]
*Year: 2021
*Genre: Brutal Death Metal
*Country: United Kingdom
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 150MB

1. Effervescent Oesphagus Pumps
2. Incongruous Penilectomy
3. Conceived in Mortification
4. G.E.K
5. Equine Phallic Impalement
6. Pathological Armoured Ferret Tank
7. Ophthalmic Arterial Hammerage
8. Scatman
9. Shittifying Quaffage of Hideous Smegmatic Rectal Chunder
10. Paedophilic Back Passage Ensmashment
11. Elephantitis Jimmy Hill Style Gigantic Chin Pandas
12. Pathological Armoured Ferret Tank (2010)
13. Scatman (live)
14. Effervescent Oesophagus Pumps (live)
15. Pathological Armoured Ferret Tank (live)
16. Paedophilic Back Passage Ensmashment (live)
17. Conceived in Mortification (live)
18. Velocirapist and the Slamosorearse Sex (live)
19. Shittifying Quaffage of Hideous Smegmatic Rectal Chunder (live)
20. Elephantitis Jimmy Hill Style Gigantic Chin Pandas (live)
21. Ophthalmic Arterial Hammerage (live)
22. Equine Phallic Impalement (live)
23. G.E.K (live)
24. Incongruous Penilectomy (live)
25. Indeterminate Puck of Gristle
26. Gargantuan Jiggery Pokery Brutality
Total playing time: 1:02:52

Extended info
Compilation of old material, some of which has never had a physical release with a live set from 2014 and some special speedcore remixes.
Tracks 1-5 taken from North West Slam Fest (2007).
Tracks 6, 7 taken from Promo 2007.
Tracks 8-12 taken from Glasgow Smash EP (2010).
Tracks 13-24 recorded live at Foothills Gutfest 2014.
Tracks 25 and 26 are remixes of tracks from North West Slam Fest (2007).

Line - up:
Mark Pearce - Vocals (low) (ex-Black Grave, ex-Amputated, ex-Nauseum, ex-Disfortune, ex-Goat Molestation, ex-Slob)
Joe Mortimer - Bass (tracks 8-24) (Awaken the Misogynist, Colpocleisis, ex-Cancerous Womb, ex-Neuroma, ex-Sadistic Undertorture, ex-Corrupt Moral Altar (live), ex-Exhumation (live), ex-Intravenous Contamination (live), ex-Kastrated (live), ex-Splattered (live), ex-The Gribble Report, ex-Ogun (live))
Chris Butterworth - Vocals (tracks 8-24) (Kastrated, ex-Necrotic, ex-Neuroma, ex-Scatorgy, ex-Chainsaw Castration (live))
Lyn Jeffs - Drums (tracks 1-7, 25, 26) (Ingested, ex-Dark Earth, ex-Nexus Inferis, Mal, ex-Annotations of an Autopsy, ex-Decapity, ex-Asphyxiated (live), ex-Trephined, ex-Vengeance)
Sean Hynes - Bass (tracks 1-5, 25, 26), Guitars (tracks 1-7, 25, 26) (Ingested, ex-Age of Suffering, ex-Annotations of an Autopsy, ex-Decrepit Womb)
Liam Millward - Guitars (tracks 1-7, 25, 26) (Theoktony, ex-Pulverized, ex-The Mayors of Whoreville)
Paul "The Gek" Whitehead - Vocals (high) (tracks 1-7, 25, 26)
Matt Jones - Bass (tracks 6, 7), Guitars (tracks 8-24) (Midrift Guillotine, ex-Decrepit Womb, ex-Neuroma, Castle of the Winds, ex-Omnipotent Hysteria, ex-Dr Aids)
Harry Kokelaar - Drums (tracks 8-12) (ex-Neuroma, ex-Requiem Aeternum)
Paul McGuire - Guitars (tracks 8-12) (Cerebral Bore, ex-Genepool, ex-Pathogen, ex-Intestinal Fortitude, ex-Evidence of Trauma)
Joe Mawdsley - Drums (tracks 15-24) (ex-Dismal, ex-Horrific Sexual Atrocity, Dad, DJ Shitstomper, Scousenbluten, The Newcastle upon tyne Speed Donk Experience, ex-Grunt, ex-Filial Cannibalism, ex-Anal for the Masses, ex-Auralskit, ex-Dead Raped Babies, ex-Diseased Maggotectomy, ex-Dr. Aids, ex-FxBxLxHxFxPxGxBx, ex-Intracranial Hypertension, ex-Obliterated by Wormholes, ex-Posthaste, ex-Project Mess, ex-Psuedomentsruation, ex-Skitvärld, ex-Xenophobic Misogynist)

Scousenbluten - DJ (tracks 25, 26)

Technical info

Input File: 14. Effervescent Oesophagus Pumps (live).mp3
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:02:04.00 = 5468400 samples = 9300 CDDA sectors
File Size : 4.98M
Bit Rate : 321k
Sample Encoding: MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)
Comments :
Title=Effervescent Oesophagus Pumps (live)
Album=Perpetual Devolution Through Narcosis (Compilation)
Genre=Brutal Death Metal

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