*Artist: Disinterested Handjob
*Album: Sifting Through Faeces [compilation]
*Year: 2021
*Genre: Grindcore
*Country: Australia

*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 138MB
01. When You Start Doing Covers And Remixes You Know You've Run Out Of Ideas 00:01
02. Very Angry (Euro Club Ibiiza Mix) 01:43
03. Carmina Tum Melius, Cum Cantu In Lingua Mortua (Remix) 03:10
04. Abyss Meat (Remix) 01:25
05. The Unfortunate Result Of Mixing Shit With Semen (The Remix) 00:17
06. Barbarism Begins (Remix) 01:50
07. A Gentleman's Guide To Amputation (Alternate Vocal) 00:25
08. All Those People In The 90's Complaining About How Shit Society Was Back Then Must Be Really Pissed Off Now (Remix) 01:20
09. Blissfully Awareness Free (Remix) 00:29
10. And Suddenly You Think You Are Human Again (Alternate Vocal) 00:20
11. Bush Meat Made From Poacher's Flesh (Alternate Vocal) 00:24
12. Cunctator (Alt Version) 00:56
13. Begging For A Pegging (Unfinished Intro From The Seduction ) 03:15
14. Carmina Tum Melius, Cum Cantu In Lingua Mortua (Remix) 03:10
15. Ejaculating Into Your Chest Wound (First Version) 00:22
16. Impure Thoughts About Your Mother, Dog, And Sister (But Mostly About Your Sister) (Fan Edit) 01:30
17. Decant//Bowel//Dreams 03:25
18. Eat Shit - A Trillion Flies Can't Be Wrong (Mystery Strings Version) 01:24
19. The Unfortunate Result Of Mixing Shit With Semen (The Remix) 00:17
20. Feeding Corpses Into The Maw Of Modernity (Remix) 01:15
21. There Are Only So Many Old Napalm Death Songs You Can Name Your Band After (Original Version) 00:51
22. First World Grindocide (Remix) 00:58
23. Name A Film That Reminds You Of Your Last Bowel Movement (Bowelhacker Remix) 00:47
24. Embryonic Cannibalism (Remix) 01:30
25. From Tetanus To Disembowelment (Remix) 00:43
26. Gruesome Playground Injuries (Alternate Vocal) 01:08
27. What If It's A Human Abattoir (Alt Version) 01:06
28. Human Vivisection Uber Alles (Remix) 01:57
29. My First Armin Miewes Fan Club Newsletter Came With A Bonus Marinated Human Penis (Alternate Vocal) 01:44
30. People Are Stupid And Deserve To Die (Version 2) 00:24
31. Streetwalker Amputee (Remix) 00:46
32. Naked Pictures Of Ariel Winter (Alt Version) 00:16
33. People Shaped Things (Normal Version Alt Vocals) 01:16
34. Sodomised With A Banana (Version 2) 00:22
35. No One Is Coming For You (Version 2) 00:36
36. Not As Hardcore As You Think (Alt Version) 00:51
37. For The Want Of A Chainsaw (Version 2) 00:06
38. Suicide By Idiot (Idioten Remix) 00:31
39. Tears + Vomit (Remix) 00:34
40. Fuck Your New Paradigm (Alternate Vocal) 00:17
41. The Graves Of Children Are Great Places For A Birthday Party (Remix) 00:16
42. How To Win Friends By Engaging In A Drive By (Full Version) 01:02
43. The Great Ignorance (Remix) 01:31
44. They Won't Find Your Body In A Dumpster Because I Will Have Eaten It (Alt Version) 00:23
45. To Live And Die In East Brighton (Remix) 00:51
46. Degradation On An Industrial Scale (Alt Vocal) 00:17
47. Toilet Camera (Remix) 00:17
48. Wiping Away The Herpes (Remix) 01:29
49. Cretin's Table (Remix) 01:15
50. Such A Relentless Consumer (Zombies At The Mall Remix) 01:52
51. Always Be My Baby (Mariah Carey) Short Version 00:02
52. Doctor Dan's Doggerel Theme 00:12
53. The Skin Has Sloughed Off And The Maggots Are Taking Care Of The Dead Flesh (Alternate Version) 02:26
54. Gods In Skin (वैकल्पिक संस्करण) 01:27
Total playing time: 57:01

Technical info

Input File: Disinterested Handjob - Sifting Through Faeces - 02 Very Angry (Euro Club Ibiiza mix).mp3
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:01:43.45 = 4562145 samples = 7758.75 CDDA sectors
File Size : 4.22M
Bit Rate : 327k
Sample Encoding: MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)
Comments :
Title=Very Angry (Euro Club Ibiiza mix)
Artist=Disinterested Handjob
Album=Sifting Through Faeces
[ Hidden Text ]