*Artist: Avec Tristesse
*Album: Ravishing Beauty
*Year: 2002
*Genre: Dark Metal
*Country: Brazil
*Format: mp3@320
*Size: 70 Мб.
1.Ravishing Beauty Pt.1 03:40
2.She, The Lust 05:15
3.Ravishing Beauty Pt.2 01:49
4.The Crown Of Uncreation 06:56
5.De Sombre Amour Et Souffrances (Of Dark Love And Suffering) 01:57
6.In Vain I Cry 05:44
7.Paean 06:11
Total playing time: 31:32
He who desires, suffers; he who lives, desires; thus, life is pain..." (A.Shoppenhauer)
Честный, незамутненный всякими соплями, альбом 8))
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