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Full Version: Vástígr - The Path Of Perdition (2024)
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*Artist: Vástígr
*Album: The Path Of Perdition
*Year: 2024
*Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
*Country: Austria
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 107MB

1. Plunge 11:29
2. Chasm 11:10
3. Katharsis 07:59
4. Eternity 14:11
Total playing time: 44:49

Extended info
Line - up:
Þ. - Guitars, Vocals (Farawisa, Hāg, Ill Tidings, In Crucem Agere, Morgengrau (live), ex-Unholy Order, ex-Sors Immanis)

Bjarni Einarsson - Drums (Almyrkvi, Sinmara, Slidhr, Wormlust, ex-Finngálkn, ex-Chao, ex-Abominor, ex-Mortuus Umbra, ex-Revolter, ex-Yərûšəlem)
Jake - Lyrics on track 1 (Flowers of Rust, ex-Endless Voyage X, ex-Setekh, ex-Buzau)

Vástígr is the solo project of Þ. (Hāg, Ill Tidings and several other projects), Austrian composer, guitarist and singer. Vástígr debut, Aura Aeternitatis, was released by Avantgarde Music in 2019 and impressed all those who dared entering its realm.

A perfect blending of atmospheric black metal and dissonant, complex structures typical to the Icelandic scene, Vástígr music is one of the very rare cases in which a black metal artist is actually crafting something personal and unique.

After a five-year long silence, Vástígr is back with its sophomore album, The Path of Perdition, a cathartic journey through downfall and uprising, of accepting man’s futility and insignificance in a greater (cosmic) scheme.

As described by Þ., “the eternal cycle goes ever on and could not care less what happens to us. Eventually the wheel of time crushes us all like insects. What remains is memory, ruins, ashes, until even those fade into oblivion – and the knowledge that the cycle shall repeat itself, for better or worse”.

Technical info

Input File: 03. Katharsis.mp3
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:07:59.74 = 21156622 samples = 35980.6 CDDA sectors
File Size : 19.2M
Bit Rate : 321k
Sample Encoding: MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)
Comments :
Album=The Path Of Perdition
Genre=Atmospheric Black Metal

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