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Full Version: Destruction Of Orion - Decreasing Brightness (2024)
Metal Area - Extreme Music Portal > Releases Area / Релизы > Archive

*Artist: Destruction Of Orion
*Album: Decreasing Brightness
*Year: 2024
*Genre: Funeral Doom Metal
*Country: Bulgaria
*Format: mp3@CBR320kbps
*Size: 150MB

1. Intro 01:19 instrumental
2. Rigel's Fall 08:30
3. Betelgeuse's End 09:00
4. Bellatrix Shall Perish 06:58
5. Alnilam's Demise 09:09
6. Alnitak's Passing 07:40
7. Farewell to Saiph 10:27
8. Mintaka's Doom 09:51
9. Outro 01:55 instrumental
Total playing time: 1:04:49

Extended info
Tehina Spasova Everything (2023-present)

Technical info

Input File: 05 - Alnilam\'s Demise.mp3
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:09:09.00 = 24210900 samples = 41175 CDDA sectors
File Size : 22.3M
Bit Rate : 324k
Sample Encoding: MPEG audio (layer I, II or III)
Comments :
Title=Alnilam's Demise
Artist=Destruction of Orion
Album=Decreasing Brightness

[ Hidden Text ]
На первый взгляд не плохо, но точно не в коллекцию.
Добротный альбом. Неспешный и суровый. Главная фишка здесь - тревожные минорные клавиши. Они задают упокойную атмосферу.
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