Drone/Doom Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Mostly Instrumental, Sci-Fi
United States (Olympia, Washington)
Formed In:
Current line-up:
Bill Herzog - Bass (Citizens' Utilities, Ensemble Pearl, Joel R. L. Phelps & The Downer Trio, Sunn O))), Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter)
Dylan Carlson - Guitars (Drcarlsonalbion, Asva)
Adrienne Davies - Drums
Former/Past Member(s):
Don McGreevy - Bass
Jonas Haskins - Guitars
Michael Deming - Organ
Steve "Stebmo" Moore - Trombone, Wurlitzer
Dave Harwell - Bass
Slim Moon - Guitars, Vocals
Joe Preston - Percussion, Bass (Last Empire, Thrones, The Whip, C Average, High on Fire, Sunn O))), Melvins)
Greg Babior - Vocals
Ian Dickson - Guitars, Bass
Michael McDaniel - Drums
Sean McElligot - Guitars
Karl Blau - Bass
Lori Goldston - Cello
Additional notes:
Earth are considered pioneers of drone doom and were a major influence on Sunn O))). They broke up in 1997 and re-united in 2003. Their musical style ranges from abrasive drone metal (Earth 2), to stoner rock (Pentastar) and lately, more minimalist, meditative doom with gospel and country influences.
Earth - Demo 1990 [demo] - 1990
Earth - Methadrine [single] - 1991
Earth - Ouroboros [single] - 1991
Earth - Extra-Capsular Extraction [vhs] - 1991
Earth - Extra-Capsular Extraction [ep] - 1991
Earth - Earth 2 - Special Low Frequency Version [full-length] - 1993
Earth - Phase 3: Thrones And Dominions [full-length] - 1995
Earth - Sunn Amps And Smashed Guitars Live [live] - 1995
Earth - Pentastar: In The Style Of Demons [full-length] - 1996
Earth - 10 1990 [best of/compilation] - 2000
Earth - 070796LIVE [live] - 2001
Earth - Divine And Bright [single] - 2003
Earth & K.K. Null - Earth/K.K. Null [split] - 2003
Earth - Living In The Gleam Of An Unsheathed Sword [live] - 2005
Earth - Legacy Of Dissolution [best of/compilation] - 2005
Earth - HEX; Or Printing In The Infernal Method [full-length] - 2005
Earth - Live Hex; In A Large City On The North American Continent [live] - 2006
Earth & Sunn O))) - Angel Coma [split] - 2006
Earth - Live Europe 2006 [live] - 2007
Earth - Hibernaculum [ep] - 2007
Earth & Tribes Of Neurot - Earth/Tribes Of Neurot [split] - 2007
Earth - Radio Earth [live] - 2008
Earth & Sir Richard Bishop - Earth/Sir Richard Bishop [split] - 2008
Earth - The Bees Made Honey In The Lion's Skull [full-length] - 2008
Earth - A Beaurocratic Desire For Extra-Capsular Extraction [best of/compilation] - 2010
Earth - Angels Of Darkness, Demons Of Light I [full-length] - 2011
Earth - Angels Of Darkness, Demons Of Light II [full-length] - 2012
Earth - Primitive And Deadly [full-length] - 2014
Earth & The Bug - Boa/Cold [collaboration] - 2014
Official site:
Encyclopedia Metallum