Thorsten Lohman - Bass
Gunter Moritz - Bass (Roots)
Sven Strьven - Guitar (R.I.P. 2008)
Peter Wittke - Guitar (R.I.P. 09.21.2000) (Roots)
Michi Reske - Guitar (Torment (Ger))
After almost 15 years away from the scene, the band got together and started recording a new album, to be called THE REBIRTH, in 2000. Unfortunately, a car accident killed guitarist Peter Wittke, putting off these plans. After this, the band release 2004 two live-albums with old live-recordings from a germany tour with King Diamond, called THE TAPES, and a limited edition album, called RUSH OF POWER.
IRON ANGEL could have become a heavy metal legend, but unfortunately they didnt get the recongnition they deserved, becoming a cult band as the years passed.
At the moment drummer Mike Matthes and vocalist Dirk Schroder still have plans to record a new album, called METAMORPHOSIS, to be hopefully released in 2006. But first, the band will relase a four-track-demo-ep with the titled "....back from Hell".
Разбился Peter Wittke. А в прошлом году умер Sven Strьven. Он на наркате сидел вроде...