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Death Metal
Lyrical Theme(s):
Politics, Death, Religion
United States of America (Chicago, Illinois) - early / Czech Republic (Uherske Hradiste, Moravia) - now
Formed In:
Current Line-Up:
Paul Speckmann - Vocals, Bass (Abomination, Death Strike, Speckmann Project, Krabathor, Martyr (Cze), War Cry, Funeral Bitch (USA), Solutions, Walpurgisnacht (USA), Assault, guest in The Architects of Hate)
Alex "93" Nejezchleba - Guitar (Shaark, Mamut (Cze), Urschullum)
Zdenek Pradlovsky - Drums (Shaark, Kreyson, Urschullum)
Live Members:
Alex Bouks - Guitars (Goreaphobia, Engorge (USA), Incantation)
Jim Roe - Drums (Incantation, Morbid Sin, WOMB, Disciples of Mockery, Engorge (USA), Speed Kill Hate, Mr. Grim, Goreaphobia)
Former/Past Member(s):
Jim Martinelli (Burnt Offering, Torment, Speckmann Project)
Paul Masvidal (Cynic (USA), Death, Portal (USA), Seaweed, Gordian Knot)
Richard Schouten (Solutions, Disembowel (Nld), Acrostichon, Crustacean, Spina Bifida (Nld), United Brains, Robot Monster))
Brian Brady (Abomination, Solutions)
Jeff Kobie
Sage Gonzales (Blessedbethyname, Factor 8)
Petr "Ronald Reagan" Krystof (Krabator, Krabathor, Evil Incarnate, Martyr (Cze))
Chris Mittleburn (Sindrome (USA), Death Strike)
Libor "Harry Truman" Lebanek (Bad Face, Krabathor, Martyr (Cze), Proscription)
James Polk
Aaron Nickeas (Abomination, Body Bag, Speckmann Project, Experiment)
Sage Johnson (Walpurgisnacht (USA), Fall of Empyrean, Exiled (USA), Eyes of Fire, Adversor)
Bill Schmidt (War Cry, Diamond Rexx, Mayhem Inc., Death Strike)
Steve Bailey
Additional Notes
Paul Speckmann started out as bass player in War Cry, where he met up with drummer Bill Schmidt who was drafted in to replace previous War Cry drummer, Joe Laccino. Together, Speckmann and Schmidt decided to form a more aggressive metal band based around Motörhead, Venom, Slayer and the whole emerging extreme metal movement. Eventually, Schmidt and Speckmann left War Cry, who (after their departure) also got rid of their heaviness. Schmidt had begun writing songs in the thrash vein as early as mid-83, and Speckmann followed suit. They named their band Master, and auditioned 26 guitarists, none of whom were suited to Master. This caused Schmidt to leave Master and join local metal act Mayhem (USA). Speckmann decided to start his own band, Death Strike, using songs originally written for Master. He was joined by guitarist Chris Mittlebrun (who had auditioned for Master a year earlier, but was still stuck in the Judas Priest mode) and together they wrote more Death Strike songs. Second guitarist, 16 year old Kirk Miller was brought in, along with drummer John Leprich, who was apparently a drunk.

After Death Strike's "Fuckin' Death" demo made an impact on the underground, Bill Schmidt, former Master drummer, begged Speckmann to join the band. As Death Strike drummer John Leprich could barely get the beats down for "Pay To Die", and was a drunk (according to Speckmann) Speckmann let Schmidt re-join. After kicking out 16 year old guitarist Kirk Miller (who was really just a session musician for Death Strike), the band was re-named Master. Guitarist Chris Mittlebrun was kept in the band, as Schimdt was highly impressed with his songwriting skills.

Anyway, Speckmann's father had recently passed away and left an inheritance to him, so Speckmann invested the money in paying for these studio recordings, with a promise from Schmidt to sign the first decent deal they received. Master headed into Seagrape Studios, where they recorded these seven tracks. Somehow, rough mixes of the tracks got out, and were traded around the underground (apparently by Shaun Glass (Sindrome, Terminal Death, Broken Hope)). Consequently, Master became a HUGE name in the underground.

So why did they never get an album out? Well, they did receive a deal from Combat Records (the same deal that Death signed), but unfortunately they met up with Kim Fowley (manager/producer of everything mainstream) who demanded changes be made to the contract. Combat simply laughed and tore the contract up. Thus, Master never got the chance to produce and release these seven tracks, and they stayed firmly in the underground.

Not to be confused with Master from New York & russian Master (or "Мастер").

Compilation appearances:
[1993] 5 Years Nuclear Blast | "Silver Spoon" 3:30

Birth dates:
Paul Speckmann (28th September 1963 Chicago, IL)

Master - Rehearsal Demo [demo] - 1985
Master - Master [full-length] - 1990
Master & Abomination - Master/Abomination [split] - 1990
Master - Demo 1991 [demo] - 1991
Master - On the Seventh Day God Created... Master [full-length] - 1991
Master - Collection of Souls [full-length] - 1993
Master - The Final Word [demo] - 1995
Master & Excision - Master/Excision [split] - 1996
Master - Faith Is in Season [full-length] - 1998
Master - Live In Mexico City [live] - 2000
Master - Follow Your Savior [ep] - 2001
Master - Let's Start a War [full-length] - 2002
Master - Pieces [compilation] - 2003
Master - Unreleased 1985 Album [full-length] - 2003
Master - The Spirit of the West [full-length] - 2004
Master - Four More Years of Terror [full-length] - 2005
Master - Slaves to Society [full-length] - 2007
Master - The Human Machine [full-length] - 2010
Master - Smile As You're Told [single] - 2011
Master - The New Elite [full-length] - 2012
Master - The Witchhunt [full-length] - 2013
Master - An Epiphany Of Hate [full-length] - 2016
Master - Mangled Dehumanization [live] - 2016
Master - Command Your Fatel: The Demo Collection [compilation] - 2017
Master & Dehuman - Decay Into Inferior Conditions [split] - 2017

Official Site:
Master Homepage
Master @ Myspace
Люди добрые, перезалейте Master - Faith Is in Season [full-length] - 1998, пожалуйста.
Даёшь новый альбом:The Human Machine(2010)!! pray.gif
ЦИТАТА(авантаж @ May 23 2010, 23:52:50) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Даёшь новый альбом:The Human Machine(2010)!! pray.gif

Есть уже: Master - The Human Machine (2010)
Кстати, забейте ссыль в диско smile1.gif
долго же чел молчал))
На Faith Is in Season [full-length] - 1998 ну никак не хочет переходить.
Обнаружена ошибка и все тут. Пробовал разными браузерами. smile2.gif



Underrated!!! Early Death Metal cult! The Unreleased 1985 Album is fvcking GREAT!!!
+1 на концерте в питере было человек 30 от силы, зато Спекман как всегда бодряком всё так же неистово драл свой бас pray.gif

одна из моих любимых групп, классика придезованного трэша - родоначальники жанра!!!
All Releases Updated

все быро качаем новый альбом от легенд! metaler.gif
Ребят, если нужен альбом Vindictive Miscreant, то качайте с этого облака. Рип собственный.
Master - Best of (2018)
Master - Live (2018)/God of Thunder (2019)
Нету случайно у кого-нибудь 2020 - Widower (EP)?
QUOTE(deathcolds @ May 9 2019, 21:13:11) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Master - Best of (2018)
Master - Live (2018)/God of Thunder (2019) Rulz.gif
Master - 40 Years And Killing [ep] (2025)
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