Someone could re-up this advance-tape, please??
As this old user called
Severe Abomination wrote 8 years ago:
"The "Seven Churches" doesn't exist, it just the advance tape of the whole album sent around to tapetraders to spread the name (the album was produced and financed by Combat records) just after it was recorded, is true there is a preproduction demo, it features 3 song but never was spread around, it just was a sound check for the Combat heads (if they were pleased with the sound), lately somebody was selling it on e bays auction, I don't know if it's true, I just talked to Jeff when he visited Chile late 2007, and told the only official demo is "Death Metal", and it was released on a very low quantity, mainly for friends and some fanzines and magazines, not sold around. Also I was tape trader since 1987 and never found a single trader with the infamous pre production demo, a shame!!! cheers "