Disarmonia Mundi - Nebularium [full-length] - 2002 by antananarivo Disarmonia Mundi - Fragments Of D-generation [full-length] - 2004 by antananarivo Disarmonia Mundi - Mind Tricks [full-length] - 2006 by KAPKAC Disarmonia Mundi - The Restless Memoirs [ep] - 2009 by Johnix
we have tons of new material at the moment, way too much for a single album actually, so 2018 will see the release of a new album for sure... Stay tuned for more death metal coming your way soon enough
новый альбом Disarmonia Mundi, всё-таки, будет, вчера выложили второй сингл, "Adrift Among Insignificant Strangers": [attachment=10427:a0771996921_10.jpg]
если кто-то, как и я, пропустил первый, "Oathbreaker": [attachment=10428:a2837942111_10.jpg]
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