архивы говорят, что он уже 2 года, как существует...
и ссылки даже уже не осталось.. думаю,можно закрывать тему.
Feb 23 2025, 23:48:35
Wraith of The Ropes - Demonic Influence pre-mixed and instrumental version
The second album of Wraith of the Ropes is known as "Demonic Influence", and should have been released in February 8th 2008 with 11 tracks of "Horror Metal" by Firebox Music (currently defunct)
BUT, this album never been finished and released because problems between band members, and luckly, I could get this premixed album in 2006/2007 through Soulseek. This promo-CD is entirelly instrumental with samplers (without vocals) and the fourth track "Ada: Part II" is missing
Thus, for those still want listen something from this unreleased album, I uploaded the promo CD in Youtube and you can listen here:
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