*Artist: Invidium
*Album: If I Ever Wither​.​.​. [ep]
*Year: 2023
*Genre: Raw Blackened Melodic Death Metal
*Country: United States
*Format: flac
*Size: 93MB

1. Winter's Woe 05:22
2. If I Ever Wither... 05:31
3. Her Last Slumber 04:06
Total playing time: 14:59

Technical info

Input File: 01 Winter\'s Woe.flac
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:05:22.39 = 14217476 samples = 24179.4 CDDA sectors
File Size : 33.2M
Bit Rate : 824k
Sample Encoding: 16-bit FLAC
Comments :
Genre=Melodic Death Metal
Title=Winter's Woe
Album=If I Ever Whither... (EP)
Lyrics=mine heart awakens to frigid memories
foolish display of my desires past
buried within for this too shall pass
familiar fragrance, this shall be my last

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