*Artist: Forgeus
*Album: Where Dead Angels Lie... [single]
*Year: 2023
*Genre: Black Metal
*Country: Indonesia
*Format: flac
*Size: 83MB

1. Where Dead Angels Lie 06:16
Total playing time: 6:16

Extended info
Line - up:

The Hunter Moon - Vocals, Guitars, Drums, Piano (Rising the Sun)
Pale Horseman - Bass

Technical info

Input File: 01 Where Dead Angels Lie....flac
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100
Precision : 24-bit
Duration : 00:06:16.32 = 16595632 samples = 28223.9 CDDA sectors
File Size : 81.7M
Bit Rate : 1.74M
Sample Encoding: 24-bit FLAC
Comments :
Album=Where Dead Angels Lie... (Single)
Lyrics=In the dawn an angel was dancing
Surrounded by an aura of light
But in the shadows something was watching
And with patience awaiting the night
Mournful night, attractive night
Your dark beauty obsesses me
An angel bewitched by the shadows
Seduced by the whispering lies

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